You are in high school

>you are in high school
>user! We've been told by your teachers that you have been acting disrespectful to women and girls at school.
>As of today, you've lost your privilege to wear pants, and will be wearing these shorts to school starting tomorrow, so everyone can see your spank marks
>While we're at it, go shave your legs too, naughty young boys should have bare, smooth legs
>And don't you dare talk back to a woman again, or you'll be wearing bright red lipstick too.

What would you do if this happened to you in school?
Also, all your teachers would be in on it and make sure you don't wipe your lipstick off or change your clothes

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go to a different school, i guess.

my gf wears shorts like that as pajamas

you shouldnt be here norman

File a lawsuit for
>Discrimination and Other Civil Rights Violations
>Child abuse or Failure to Protect a Child from Abuse
>Sexual Misconduct and Harassment
>Failure to Return Personal Property

get a shitton of cash and move in with gf

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>put on shorts
>get so hard I give myself a wedgie
I'd gladly shave my legs desu but lipstick sucks

>Intentional infliction of emotional distress
>Invasion of privacy
>Slander and or Defamation
while I'm at it

in burgerland you could also attempt to slip a first amendment violation or something like that

Those shorts are hot. I'm pretty sure ive had a stiffy at every track meet I went to because every other girl decides to wear these things.

>1st Amendment Violations
>4th Amendment Violations
>6th Amendment Violations
>8th Amendment Violations
might aswell fuck the entire school up, if not the state

Now now, Jennifer, you will take your discipline like the naughty young boy you are! Go sit in the corner and put your lipstick on.

Kiss my freedom-loving ass, Ms Fuck. I'll see you in court.

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I'm a 100% straight cis man I wear those all the time when I go running. Please stop appropriating my culture to fit your fetishes you mentally deranged mutilated freaks of nature.


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Come to school dressed normally. They can only force you to go home and I'll stay there.

O-ok, do I look cute at least?

But your parents are also in on it, and they'll just send you back dressed in those shorts and lipstick.

Run away from home.
Call authorities.

Sue the school district get everyone involved fired and walk away with a few million dollars.

There is nothing gay about wearing short shorts

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>authorities force you to put your shorts and lipstick back on AND join a kpop girl group

I'm currently wearing ones! :3

>take my self out of this anarchic nomad nightmare known as life by biting tongue

>AND join a kpop girl group
>being forced to join a glorified prostitute group as a crossdressing school kid
Time for the exit bag. Only escape from this dystopia

cringe rrrrrrrrr

I apologise but being molested was not a dream of mine when I was a kid

spoke my mind

You clearly had a very boring childhood then