Are there any femanons here that were NOT abused by their parents

Are there any femanons here that were NOT abused by their parents

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every egirl i hooked up with was raped by her dad or stepdad

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I was raised very lovingly and supportively, not an iota of abuse.

Yes I love my parents

only 1 parent
am i gf material now?

yeah you are i have only one too.

now you're my gf

Does neglect count?

can i be your daddy bf?

Are there any femanons that were abused by their pets?

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okay do you want a comfort hug now?

yeah i want one, want to hold hands?

of course user, but can you hold me now?

yeah of course but i hope you dont mind i caress your hair too

ok but i'll have to gently caress your back for that

that would be so comfy, ill just have to cuddle you tightly

cute anons touching each other

The best for my gf

no wait stop it i'm getting real feels now

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heh sorry we can talk on discord or something if you want? I promise im not a creep

sure, but i dislike ldr's so first you must tell me where you reside and then we can both be disappointed together

im in europe and you're probably in the usa ro rip us, but would be nice tallking at least

i'm used to it, for some reasons the ones who reply to me are always euros. i don't want to keep up any hopes though, rip us.

ah alright no problem but as i said id be down to talk and see user, where are you located?

It's ok qt I'll be ur cute burgerbf. Are you in the PNW

my girlfriend tee hee hee