I saw two muslim lesbos kissing each other while i was walking outside today, it was pretty hot tbqh desu.
I saw two muslim lesbos kissing each other while i was walking outside today, it was pretty hot tbqh desu
why didnt you ask to join?
because i'm a faggot lmao
>be poo
>no sandqts only disfigured three-arm women in his country
stay jealous
Full story?
you could have at least taken pics
There is internet in Kenya?
Can ya please take pics next time
they were caressing and kissing each other, one of them had a hijab on and looked like pic related a bit, they were both middle eastern
drink in one hand and bag in the other. For some reason there's a lot of muslims popping up where i live, (NY state) i don't see too many achmeds though, this might be because muslim girls wear the head thing which makes them easy to spot.
Pretty gay of you to post about it
Beat them to death for haram
i had a paki gf for a while, was the best sex ive ever had
I'm pretty sure you're making this up, but top-tier fetish.
>muslims in America
That’s pretty rare
>no one laughed at my joke
please give me (You)s
How so?
i thought the thread would die after 5 min, it was just spur of the moment
no, this place is multi-culti central
Not anymore
based italpill tells it like it is
Why is this thread still up? I should have pretended to do something on my phone and taking a fucking picture
yay pepsi
We need you to help us fight. Post more pepe threads.
should've stoned them on the spot