Why do teenagers shoot up schools?

What are your takes at this subject? What makes these people snap? Evil? Bullying? Depression or labeling?
Give me opinions

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Mental illness, social ostracization/being at the bottom of the social hierarchy, repressed rage, sexual frustration, lack of support structure, bullying/humiliation.

When you isolate yourself long enough you start to "other" the rest of society. If you combine this with being bullied, made fun of, harassed, experiencing perpetual social failure at a time where you're still emotionally developing and learning to control and process emotions, then yea, some people are gonna go all the way.

really gotta give these guys praise. they're shooting had the coolest buildup, they had a neat aesthetic, interesting journals, drawings, etc and they an hero'd. furthermore, the shocking footage. the only other shooter i really got into was randy stair. more for the backstory and buildup than his actual crime

Teenagers don't interpret emotions correctly in general. Even when they aren't bullied, they think they are. Pretty much everyone will tell you they were bullied as a teenager because that's how they remember it. There is nothing to fix here except maybe stop being overbearing authoritarians and applying force to an unstable structure.

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Cause incels and autists tell them it's cool and hip

You really have to ask this...isnt this something we've all fantasized about constantly while growing up? If not, you're not a true robot.

These two had a criminal history already before they attacked their school. They werent isolated either, they had friends other than each other. Just read about any of these killers, they are all aggressive and uninhibited people who got it in their heads that they would be infamous if they committed these crimes.

Bad parenting and bad location. It happens in certain settings. Maine is too cold to let people be hot that are white trash, so despite it's meth count there have been no recorded school shootings in Maine. Compare that to FL's hot ass.

The Middle East is hot and angry. Texas is hot and angry. Cold makes me docile. I even had teachers that would keep the AC off due to knowing that the heat makes people thrive and not fall asleep. They're retards.

If it's hot and you're angry then why not? By the 90s we had goths and emos for a reason. Youth isn't stupid, they could see that we are doing nothing but losing rights and the standard of living is nothing but dropping since the 60s-70s. They are the new generation of which has hardcore civil unrest. They call that teen angst, it just makes a teen all the more dangerous to belittle how they feel.

Because no one would listen to em before they had a gun.

It's a lot of things but I'll put it down to power reclamation. They were outcasts and felt powerless and we're the receiver of emotional pain as shame so in revenge they inflicted physical pain as death in the ultimate revenge.

Fun fact: the Columbine shooters were pretty popular in their town sort of they weren't at the bottom of the social hierarchy and were not virgins either I'm pretty sure it was one of the dudes older gfs who got them their guns...

>>you weren't bullied get over it
>shootings intensify

How to dress for a school shooting? Some guys recomend dressing like Ghost from COD others like Punisher

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They are getting mad bad feels when they see all the Chads and Stacies looking like they are having a lot of fun, sex and success they then feel like they are missing out or are doing something horribly wrong with their lives.

It's that major feeling of thinking that you are being left out of things. Especially with how teens interpret things, this may be very common.

hopelessness, jelousy and easy access to guns

>Bullying? Depression or labeling?

Usually, but i don't think that was the case with them.

You isolate yourself because of these things...

>Bad parenting and bad location.

This too.

Originally originally.

Most teenagers are stupid and can't comprehend that there is a life beyond school, so they retreat into fantasy and concoct elaborate visions in their head about visiting extreme violence on people in school who "wronged them".

The shooting is like an adventure which will free them from the shackles of their crummy teenaged life. Of course in reality what happens is they either shoot themselves like cowards or get raped in the boipussi for the rest of their lives, but teenagers literally cannot think that far ahead.

One word: Misanthropy

Generally speaking, it's the most common trait that school shooter adolescents (and adults!) are likely to have. They all have their own unique way of getting to have this personality trait, but it's something that nearly all of them have.

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Usually. But people are sheep so even rich kids do it now days to 'prove' that they feel just as bad. Fucking cunts.

Poverty leads to criminal behavior in general also. With bloodlust it's the lack of a harsh winter I tell you.

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The media turns them into celebrities, so attention seekers grab a gun and go out for some fame.

If you wanna go for the classy look, go trenchcoat and heavy boots. Or you could wear something that has a message on it, maybe using something normalshits like so that if they say it after you get a high score, it'll only be associated with you and your slaughter. I myself have a nice trenchcoat that I got this year, which I would use if I did a shooting. However, I own no guns, and have lost my heated desire to massacre normalfags as compared to 1-3 years ago.

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How retarded. Many people's lives have been hell because of what you mentioned. Doesn't mean they will shoot up their school. Mass shooters are fucking weak winy cunts who can't face life. Bullying is no fucking excuse.