This picture awakens ancient feelings

This picture awakens ancient feelings

Attached: beastman at night.jpg (1280x960, 117K)

Why is this vile man accosting that poor woman? Is this what brainapes do to amuse themselves? And they say we are the lesser species. Absolutely pathetic.

Attached: cat-accosted.jpg (697x945, 241K)

I've only seen you a few times and I already hate you. So if that's what you were going for, well done honestly.

The feeling is mutual, sweaty brainape. You are cordially invited to eat my HUOOOAARRQQQ HUOOOAAARRQQ ,,, well to eat that thing I just left on the carpet for you.

Attached: cat-not-fricking-around.png (595x597, 862K)

Better times for Jow Forums.

Attached: 1553533443263.webm (960x720, 1.67M)

>he didn't say accosted
doesn't really inspire the same sort of rage

What happened to him? What was that website again?

Don't MAKE me get out the FURCKING claw! You will get VIOLENTLY accosted by my saw clawed paw and it WILL slice you raw!

Attached: remygreeneyes.png (467x543, 575K)

Insecam was the website

Japanese news reported on insecam and the people in charge of his facility probably took the cam down. I've said it before but it's a very strange piece of Jow Forums history that goes under the radar.

there it is, now I'm upset again

Attached: pinkwojak3.jpg (220x229, 5K)

There we go, thank you! We should better preserve our history, do you remember fridge bro?



Your cat is very nice user I hope he's doing well

Thank you, humoid. You may stroke my belly.

Attached: accosted-cat.jpg (720x960, 122K)

What the hell
Fucking cats post on Jow Forums now?



This is a decent gimmick but you're in the wrong thread buddy. We already have a beast and his name is Beastman.

Is that beast ningen?

new faggots dont even remember beastman

Can anyones explain what am i looking at please

I remember.
I also remember doggo, we were all trying to make sure he wasn't at a pound to be put down. We later concluded he was just at a kennel for a few days probably while owner was away.

Japan was the most fun country to spy on I think. Especially watching worker drones at their cubicle farms.

There was one where we witnessed an illicit office romance taking place when no one was around. It's really something to peer into people's intimate moments.

Amazing. I must have lost willpower by then, I was along for many nights it seems. I think the doggo thread was mine, and when I came back everyone had discovered beastman. Beastman general was born, but I wasn't too fascinated, mentally retarded people disturb me. A hellish existence.

This was the last good thing I remember happening on Jow Forums. Everything since has been shit. Everything just gets worse and worse, doesn't it?

For me, it was korean mom.

Attached: 1547361639829.png (1296x624, 1.77M)

I love how all you Insecam fuckers show up whenever there's a beastman thread. You really are here forever.

Attached: 1453395485329.jpg (571x439, 137K)

There are more webms with this guy?

I hate women. Every post they make is terrible and cringy. What made them so lacking?

Tell me the story, I missed this glorious shut. Also, webms would be preferable.