Why you're an incel

This is where you all are going to get schooled on why you can't get laid. It's your own fault. Incels don't deserve girlfriends because all any incel wants is sex. They don't want a partner, all they want is someone to have sex with. If you could, you would have sex with every girl you know the first chance you get with no intention of being faithful after you have sex. Once you've had sex you would go back to your parent's house and get on the computer all day instead of working toward financial independence. Roasties are the same way. They put out for every Chad anytime they ask for sex and they're sad that they don't love them back. Nobody who sexualizes women and doesn't plan on getting a good job deserves a girlfriend and roasties who put out as soon as somebody they like shows interest shouldn't expect anyone to love them.

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More than 1/4 men are now incels you retard

That is the most retarded thing I have ever read. The number of incels in the entire world is a few thousand.

Incels have no reason to complain. All they do is go on the computer. No girl is going to date a guy who lives with his parents and doesn't plan on moving out.

There are such people on Jow Forums who somehow manage to have gfs.

They're probably physically attractive.

28% of young american men are incel

28% of young american men are volcel

Not even that. There are literal fat neckbeard NEETs with gfs. They simply put in enough effort and lowered their standards.

Half of young american men live with their parents

Denial is a helluva drug bud. The problem is getting worse and you're a retard who isn't helping.

Incels are in denial about them being volcels.

If you're fat and NEET then sure if you put in a lot of effort you can get a girlfriend. If they weren't NEET they wouldn't have so much trouble

>feel no emotions towards other people
>only thing I have left is my sex drive (unfortunately)

Darn this is spot on. So unfortunate ... I once fell in love but only because she was attractive. Welll ... cucked by my own testies.

Dont wanna take chemical castration though cos it would probably wipe the last part off me, my masculine physique and my physical stamina

And you're in denial too. Whatever the reasons young men are not getting laid. I would argue that because you're here in this thread and that this thread is about incels that you guys feel the problem. Man low iq incel haters are easy to argue against.

Just stop watching porn and masturbating, focus on school and work, get out and socialize

I want a gf though and have a low sex drive
Literally just want someone to cuddle with. I have a job etc. but I'm ugly so I'm always rejected

have plenty of friends too

Young men and women have less sex because there's much more opportunities for escapism. Many just stay inside and play vidya and don't want to bother looking for company.

Have you actually ever asked a girl out and been rejected or have you just played scenarios in your head?

Reminder this person doesn't think they're in denial, and that they read the op and didn't think he was a retard. These are special people.

If you're ugly then you just have to work that much harder at your job and be successful unfortunately

Not every single person can be successful retard.

I've asked out one girl a month, idk how often I'm supposed to do it.

I make sure they're all different kinds too, I don't have to be attracted to them.

peepee poopoo lot of text doodoo

I didn't say everyone could be successful. But if you want to be successful all you have to do is put in a little more work

this has to be an unoriginal bait thread

there's an entire forum full of people who think like this and dedicate their lives to mocking incels on reddit

ironically enough, many of them are virgins

No you don't, you are a fucking retard kid who has no idea what they're talking about when it comes to success, the wealth gap is insane more than 60% of money is made by 5% of people. 40% is more or less evenly distributed among the 95%.

>there's an entire forum full of people who think like this
Now its leaking to Jow Forums

It's not bait to tell incels they're incel because they live with their parents

You don't have to be a millionaire to be more successful, just work more hours or get a better job

>just work more bro
>just get a better job bro
its not that simple anymore

If you can't get a better job then you go to school and get another degree

not even a degree will save you.
you seem to be completely out of touch with whats going on in the job market.
not to mention how much of a rip off college is

>just drown yourself in debt bro

The difference between an incel and volcel is that incels are in denial that them not having sex is 100% their choice.

College isn't a ripoff. The reason why degrees are useless is because people get bad degrees.

People get bad degrees because the government enables them by giving out loans for any degree program people want. Then people are surprised that they can't find a job.

OP is unironically a libertarian and therefore is a retard who should be ignored.

My post didn't have anything to do with libertarianism

Libertarians live their lives thinking they live in a just world and that if anything bad happens to someone, it's their fault and they deserved it.

It's only your fault if you know that you don't have a girlfriend because you're NEET but you refuse to stop being NEET.

Doesn't even matter, my roommate is dating a guy who doesn't have a job and has no plans of getting one. Guess why she's with him. Go on.

Because he actually put himself out there and talked to girls.

Because he's attractive probably. It's not his fault he has an easy time getting a girlfriend.

As if nobody here does that

>using a reddit word

Correct. Incels never do that. That's why they are incels.

Guess you're ignoring the hundreds of threads asking about women they've asked out because it goes against your shitty opinion.

False. Incels are incels because they're boring and uninteresting because all they do is play video games and have no ambition

No, they're incels because they're ugly and boring. Attractive men can get away with having no hobbies.

Also, you have no right to say this if all you do is sit on your ass and watch Netflix like most illiterate dipshit millennials

Daily reminder men outnumber men until ages 35-55 depending on the country, at the ages of 18-25 there's always a minimum of 3-5 % incel men. It's pure statistics.

>men outnumber men
I meant "men outnumber women"

Even in Russia, there's more young men than their are young women. There's a lot of old ladies though

Japan is the same, and China's even worse. I guess Chinese incels really have it coming to them. Clearly they're just not trying hard enough.

Attractive guys can get away with having no life, but people who are below average can't get away with it and shouldn't complain if they refuse not to be neet.

Pic related

> Why is it hard to get a girlfriend?

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Don't forget about India. If I'm not mistaken, they have 30 million surplus, disposable men. 30 million incels. I feel bad for currybros. Imagine the armies these countries will form though.

Yeah, not every ugly loser who can't get a girlfriend is a NEET, shit for brains.

Incels are ugly on the inside. They have absolute shit repulsive personalities.

Dynasties in China were historically overthrown by armies of angry young unmarried men who were left behind by China's system of the aristocratic men having concubines

Being NEET isn't the only reason, roastie. It's just one reason. The other reasons are being unsuccessful, lazy, and masturbating

>"yeah, I've been personalitymaxxing, how could you tell?"

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Nice bait. You couldn't sound more newfag if you tried.

Proving the point there, an incel being an angry shithead in denial instead of admitting the truth. And of course posting his gay crush.

Fortunately for China the Communist Party is ruled by actually competent, sociopath and extremely well organised people so they will just import women from poorer countries (they're already doing it, Chinese families unironically pay for Cambodian or Vietnamese women to marry their incel sons) or send men on rape rampages during the next world war.

Not bait. It's the truth. I am a newfag though. I don't come here often

No need to be homophobic there, guy. Not a nice thing to kinkshame someone

They are utterly incompetent and only out for themselves. China is starting to crumble.

I'd love live in Northeast China. Imagine all that anorexic north Korean refugee pussy those guys get

Compare China and India, and tell me again the CPC isn't competent as fuck. China is one of the countries that suffered the most from WW2, and then had a civil war of their own, and look at where they are now. In 1949 they were poorer and shittier than their southern neighbour.

Why don't girls like guys who play games all day?

Because video games don't give a man status nor power, and women don't like men without status nor power.

That's correct, that's why people who have no life are unattractive

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China is a house of cards built on pollution and abuse of their population.

That's what people have been saying for decades now.

No they haven't. China's model is not sustainable, now that they are running out of room for expansion they are going to crumble. They won't be able to pull money out of thin air for much longer, their enormous debts are going to collapse their economy.

If I just wanted sex I'd paid for it nigger.

>China's model is not sustainable, now that they are running out of room for expansion they are going to crumble
That's what people have been saying for decades.
China isn't going to crumble, and at their size and sheer power debts mean jackshit. Look at the debt of the USA. The USA isn't collapsing any time soon.

Anyone who isn't herbivore-manmaxxing is a brainlet. There's nothing women can provide for me and there's nothing I can provide for women, so I just shut it and smoke weed + vidja

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>Only gigachads get girlfriends

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People have not been saying that for decades. It's the reality of things, Chang. China's history is one of ups and downs and they always collapse when reaching their peak due to incompetence and mismanagement.

You're an incel because most women value looks more than character. This is all you need to know lurker. Looks mean everything to women and men. Remember this and observe for yourself. It is not your fault you can't get laid. Confidence has nothing to do with it.

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Being on the computer all day is why incels are boring

Cope, they might have social upheaval but if I had to bet on a country not descending into chaos by 2100, it would certainly be China.

>My personality is the same as Chad's

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If women value looks over character how come incels are decent looking but with very shitty personalities? They would be getting girls if that were the case. Therefore you are wrong.

China spends enormous amounts, like 20% of their gdp, on internal security, just to keep people from revolting.

>how come incels are decent looking

I'm gonna need some sauce on that

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The total government spending of China represents 14 % of its GDP, so it's impossible that they spend 20 % of their GDP in internal security.

>actually believing any economic numbers published by the chinese government

One word: Elliot. If what you said were true he would have got girls.

Elliot wasn't bad looking, but he was also asian and short.

Not all incels are decent looking. I've been told by women that I'm good looking and I'm incel.

Better than pulling numbers out of my ass

>thinking you need to deserve sex
stopped reading

He could easily have got girls if looks are all that girls cared about. Therefore you are proven wrong. The one and only reason he did not get girls was because of his shitty personality. This is true of every incel.

You don't need to deserve sex but if you objectify women you get what was coming to you

>respect women or ELSE

Go away ledditor

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>He could easily have got girls if looks are all that girls cared about.
Not really though, like I said he was Asian, skinny and short. He was also a diagnosed mega autist that was bullied his entire life, he literally could not have had a normal personality if he tried. If you're an attractive person, you can be complete garbage personality wise and still get laid easily, the reverse is not true. An ugly person might have the most attractive personality in the world (which is unlikely, because ugly people are treated like shit most of their life) and he still won't get laid more than the 10/10 chad that was born attractive.
No one thinks looks are all a girl cares about, but they objectively do care about them more than personality.

Objectifying women isn't about respecting them, it's about not being a gross perverted person

>born attractive
There is that meme again. Chad did not become chad by shutting himself in the basement, not showering, and only eating tendies.

People have made tinder profiles with Elliot and got lots of matches. He was a piece of shit, that's literally the only reason.