...Broadcasting Text

...Broadcasting Text...
The Life Supporting Qualities of your Organs are created through process of transformation occurring in the nucleus of any particular Organ.
Each Organ, working in its particular environment through which it acquires its specific function proceeds to partake in the common process of transformation, leading thus to the
formation of an entirely new environment in which new Organs can grow within an Organism.

Every child in our society ought to know that without proper Environment, nothing can grow. Even our dearest Scientists know about their certain death, should they decide to live on
Planet Mars without proper preparation, if that is at all possible.

Each Organ functions in it's way as a small Factory, all together producing special compounds.
The Condition of each Organ being a Factor in the working of all other Factors operating under the same conditions - the same environment.
The Function of all Organs working under the primal Conditions of 96 "Laws" taken together constitute the First Order of Functions of any Organism and are of an Order 48 times lower than the next Order of Functions proper to Man.
For the Second Order of Functions to occur in any Organism, the production of the proper Environment through the installation and animation of the First Order of Functions is necessary.
Clearly a car without Engine won't start and a set of slashed Tires will do you no good.

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Having thus introduced the idea of Orders of Functions of our common Organs I will refer you to what is there known as the "Autonomic" and the "Somatic" Nervous System.
The possibilities, that a System consisting only of the First Order of Functions possesses, are either the attainment of the next higher Order of Functions or Decay into the next lower Order of Functions.
One Organ by itself cannot do anything, but the Human Organism can survive even after sacrificing certain non-vital Organs. No Organs mean no Function.

The Second Order of Functions proper to Man, possessing all the Qualities that the previous Order had established, is now working 48 times more efficient and faster than the previous order and is thus able
to produce an even Finer Grade of Environment which again in its turn can lead to the strengthening of the First Order aswell as the development of the Third Order of Functions - working now under 24 "Laws".

The First Three Orders of Functions proper to Man are capable of producing an even finer Environment for the Fourth Order of Functions.
This Fourth Order of Functions is the highest Order Man can obtain and operates under 12 "Laws" working with Matter of a density of 6 Units.

While the First Order of Functions proper to Man is capable of transforming gross matter into into finer matter - providing "food" for the next higher Order, the Second Order in its turn, after having taken
the required amount of nutrients necessary for its further existence from the product of the First Order of Functions, refines the rest of this product into "food" for the Third Order of Functions proper to Man.

Each of these Orders, as I have described them operating under certain "Laws" or Conditions of their Existence are Obligated to partake in what is called "Being Partkdolg Duty", that is - they must pay for their Existence.
And only by this paying is it even possible to acquire anything in a System of reciprocal Maintenance for the malfunction of one vital Organ will have consequences for all other Organs.

To every Order of Functions belongs a Control and an Executive Circuit whereby the Executive Circuit is responsible for the production of new Compounds, and the Control Circuit is responsible for monitoring and regulating
the various processes of the Executive Circuit.

The Food of the First Order is commonly known as the ordinary food of Man - Meat, Bread - which enters the body with the density of 768 units where it will be processed
into Matter of a density of 384 further into 192 units where a natural halt occurs due to the restrictions of the Organs of the First Order.
Matter of the density of 192 units is the Food of the Second Order of Functions proper to Man and commonly known as Air, Breath, Oxygen.
With the introduction of the Second Order of Functions, the First Order is now able to process Matter of a density of 768-384-192 furter down to a density of 12 enabling thereby for example the sexual Functions of the Organism.
Furthermore is this Second Order capable of processing Matter of the density of 192 down to 96 and further into 48 units where again a natural halt occurs.

whats alchemy talk doing in Jow Forums?

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Matter of the density of 48 units of the Food of the Third Order of Functions proper to Man and commonly known as Impressions.
The Third Order of Functions in its turn enables the Second Order to process Matter 192-96-48 further into Matter of a density of 6, which is the finest grade Matter that the Human Organism
can produce in a Natural way and we can refer to the level of Density of 6 Units to "as fine as your Imagination", if you can at all believe that even your Imagination consists of Matter.
Infact 128 times Finer than your common Food of the First Order, 32 times finer than the Matter responsible for the Functioning of the Second Order and 8 times Finer than the Matter responsible for the Functioning of the Third Order.

Therefore concluding that the Food of the Fourth Order of Functions is more volatile than Air and Impressions entering the Organism at their respective receptors.
It must be noted, that while the Food for the possible development of the Fourth Order of Functions is in general produced within the Human Organism, the formation of the Fourth Order of Functions remains a possibility only, for the
Organs necessary for the proper processing of such fine Matter are in general in a disordered, fragmented State which occur to us individually as small, separate "I's" with which we generally identify in our daily lives and which control
to the largest extend all experiences taken aswell as ignored.

if you havent seen it already you would love this place


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Also this


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...End of Broadcast...

You want OC.
I thought I don't want to bother you with stories about getting cheated on because of erectile disfunction.

I am writing a small book so so and thought I might share a passage, see what happens.

Always appreciated.

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Interesting conception , thanks for sharing.

Are you leaving?
Would love to talk, its hard to find people who have an interest in all of this.

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Our bodies and entire lives are "alchemical" processes truly, yet the study/discussion of this is usually dismissed by most "educated" people.
The old books (largely from the founders of science and chemistry) have a wealth of knowledge about the human body and the ecosystem we live in.

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Thanks for having time.

Not necessarily, I can probably hang around a bit.

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do you think its true that in the age of aquarius alchemy will become publicly revealed to the all the world?
many people have eluded to that it seems.
i indeed hope so.

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Alchemy is masturbation for useless wizards. Real fishfolk use databases. "Big data" for 2019

Even if its not revealed for "all the world" i believe that a strong resurgence of alchemical knowledge is upon us.
It seems more people are interested in the subject than I had originally assumed.
Alchemy can and has changed the world, and is the foundation for a bridge of knowledge between spirituality, religion, chemistry, science and nature.
Without alchemical knowledge these concepts can NOT be reconciled.

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As I describe it in the text up there these processes occur naturaly and every living organism big or small is Alchemy in living form.
We are merely observers of the great work and maybe, just maybe by adaptation we may become able to manifest it in its entirety through us.

I liked your picture.

There is truth to that. And in many instances it has almost become quite clear.
Ask what is opposed to seeing what is there?

It is as all living things subject to natural laws. Ebb and Flow, the cycles of the moon.
It has never been dead, it may just disappear for a while.

What exactly would help about such an aim as bringing thought like this to the surface where the public can see it?
More about, see it for what it really is, with own eyes - not borrowed ones.

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Right on.
I am often hesitant to bring up alchemy to people because i know they dont take themselves (let alone others) seriously enough to understand their own divinity.
Its depressing really...
If your an atheist you will never accept the truths of alchemy, i doubt even most agnostics would either.

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Its so interesting really
We are taught all our lives that science and "religion" are polar opposites that can not be reconciled, yet when we go back and read history we see the founders of modern science and chemistry were all either monks, hermits, priests, rabbis, or some other deeply religious folks.
All the texts from the very origins of laboratory work and earth science are laden thick with references to religion and the divinity of the laws of nature themselves.
They understood that nature is a force beyond the control of man.

It requires eyes to see.
No amount of theoretical knowledge can reveal the actual nature of it, although it might help further along.

Why would anyone need this?
There are types of "people" out there who do need it, who indeed could not live without it - and that is difficult to understand for the rest of the people.

The book I am writing also contains hints as to why this is so.
And it is not a bad thing as you might assume, and as I did in my earlier years.
It might seem dark and grim, but probably you are looking in the wrong direction.

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i am still young and new to be honest, i am not a master but i aspire to be.
its something i rarely ever share with anyone and as time goes on ive learned to share it less than previously.
but i would love nothing more than to be able to talk with others about it.

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Oh and by the way nice quote from Jesus, I always loved the whole "eyes to see and ears to hear" bit
Jesus dropped a lot of "alchemical redpills" if you will, sad to see them buried so deep from peoples "eyes and ears"...

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I dont know if you ever saw them but a while ago I used to post some alchemy threads on /x/ but they didnt really result in any positive discussion so i stopped posting them.

Is there any way to get your book when it comes out? Do you have a title?

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The truth in science and religion being irreconcilable as external manifestations of the obviously underlying connectedness lies in the fact, that we do not understand our own language.
None of this can be seperate but with our minds we seperate everything into a new order.
The confusion begins when the words begin to lack real meaning.

Oftentimes the error lies in the assumption, that theoretical knowledge in a great mass is necessary for understanding.
Surely an advantage of modern science with its bulk of information, as much as no one person could ever absorb it in one lifetime.
On the other hand the almost complete lack of information about religion in regards to it's everyday average application - free from all scholastic study or ascetisism.

Ofcourse you must get up yourself and search, but again the question "who needs this"?
There is a certain type of man who does. Others do not - why this is so is debatable to a large extend.

I call the it "the tower of babel effect"

A few years back I fancied writing at length on /x/.
It is not an easy place but I managed to not only get 12 threads of great discussions, but also went on with 2 or 3 people forming a new board on a different chan that I can't mention here.
By now it's just me and one original member, plus 2 new folks.

What I want to say is that I am having a discord channel for discussions of that kind, not absolutely striktly alchemy.

If you are interested I can share the link. Discussions there are sometimes slow.
We drop in from time to time and write what is on our mind, here and there discuss a bit indepth.
I would certainly be interested in hosting for more people in the future.

*tip of the nose*

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>There is a certain type of man who does. Others do not - why this is so is debatable to a large extend.

This speaks to me, I feel without "this" my life would be empty, yet i have a hard time grasping why other people see no need for such discovery/understanding. The desire for all this comes within me like a hunger and has my whole life, I am very grateful for having satisfied so many of my questions at such a young age.

I once read in a text that "incredulity is given to the world as a punishment" and I thank God that I was not born with such a punishment on my head.

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Im always open to talking further! I dont go on discord often but ill save the link for sure.

I do not yet know if it will or could ever be a regular publication like other books.

Although I do give readings of sections of it in local art forums and on a local radio station a friend of mine hosts.
It is written in german, it is here and there that I write sections in english first and translate them later into german, which will be the final version.

Chances are great for me doing a english translation eventually, but that is probably still a far way off as this was intended as a long term project eitherway.

I suppose you could join my discord channel, or give me an email or anything and we will see to it.

A real title is not yet there, I have a working title for the presentations I hold called "Ein stiller Alarm im Auge des Sturms"
"Silent Alert in the Eye of the Storm".

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Im very grateful to even have this interaction with you and I want you to know that. God bless you friend.

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[email protected]

ive gathered that many of the "great" works are still hiding from me by being written in German and french and never being translated to English.
Germany and France have a very rich alchemical history it seems.

The true alchemy is transmuting posts into book sales

All alchemists knew/know it tis infinitely better to change the hearts/minds/bodies/spirits of men to gold rather than lead to gold.


Like I said it's not a highspeed channel by any means. So sporadic use is probably recommended eitherway.

Is good to see you are actually here.
Thank you too friend.

I was hesitant to post at first but something told me you would be here.
As in, the one who would not kick my ass back to the armchair I apparently attempted to crawl out of.

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Yes I am here friend! I am grateful to be!

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Certainly. And it is so that this hunger is within man.
Some also call it emptiness. A void which yearns to be filled.
And it can be filled in many ways you see. Not all of them are lasting.

I feel like you might want to see this.

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Ill check that out for sure. Thanks!

There is alot that is true.
Pic related.

The goys are catching on.


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We are so blessed man...seriously its amazing whats right in front of our eyes.

As Christ says "pick up the stone and you will find me".

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Hilariously enough alchemy itself proves that the concept of "goyim" is scientifically false. If you know what I mean.