Fuck Patreon

I remember the days when artists and content creators didn't need Patreon money to do what they love.

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Artists didn't need patronage?
So never.

Patreon gives poor and abused artists the money to create something that their patrons want.

>Patreon gives poor and abused artists the money

No it makes deluded 30-year-old virgins the idea that maybe they don't need a job, but drawing furry porn is an actual profession. It's not and it shouldn't be enabled.
We will soon have zero doctors because Patreon gives you more money for anime pics and vlogs.

That Never happened imo
Also i think patreon>ads
Also its like 1or 2$ so its perfectly acceptable to use patreon fag porn for money is much more horrible

Oh sure faggot
Implying thoose people whould ever be doctors
They would be mcjob fags so its much better this way

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>Also its like 1or 2$ so its perfectly acceptable


Worthless NEETs can net almost a grand a month because so many people think "it's only a buck".

How is a grown man dressing up in a costume and pretending to be someone else while people record it seen as a profession?

You are not the gate keeper of art.
The masses are.
If the masses will pay for something and see it as valuable art then they deserve to have it.

Why would anyone even aspire to become a doctor today when doctors make 6k and an Internet thot / furry porn "artist" makes more than that?
And guess which job is easier and more comfy..

t. person in med school, wanting to quit and get Patreon bucks for existing

>You are not the gate keeper of art.
>The masses are.

As someone who is smarter than the masses, I should be.
They need to be controlled and herded like sheep.

Thankfully, I'm even smarter than you, so I'll tell you what to like. You like e-thots. Give all your money to e-thots. Poor fool think's he's not just a slightly better breed of sheep.

Okay than lets ban porn for the exact same reason also we could ban the media because why would you do something good if you can just be a mediacelebrity?
Don't be pathetic society is fucked up and always will be no matter what you want
The marketing manager makes more than the nurse modern society is not moral or good by any ways faggot

Guys who actually give money to thots so they can see pics of a cleavage have no human worth.

Btw, did you know there used to be artists out there back in the day when Patreon didn't exist? Yeah, they still made art.

>Don't be pathetic society
>The marketing manager makes more than the nurse modern

I hate how modern, smartphone-addicted people are too lazy to use commas and usually just leave the thread without even reading the replies.

Patreon is not the problem. Hello. Furry porn and other shit existed long before patreon. Patreon is really nice for youtubers who are making quality content over quantity (and jewtube being extremely jewified, they emphasize extreme quantity with 0 quality shit).
If you want to blame someone, blame the audience. They're the fucking problem. They have always been the fucking problem. It's a buyers market.

I generally just think people who don't have university education and a high IQ don't really deserve anything over 1k a month.

Hate it fag

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We all deserve 1k a month from the gov
N Yang will do it!!!!

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Nope just needed rich elite parents and their connections to support you financially while pushing ideological agendas and marketing blue chip stocks.

>Also i think patreon>ads
this "we gee maybe if we pay money for it then we won't have to put up with ads" thing has been tried before and it never, ever works. Ask any boomer in your life about cable TV. When they were trying to get regulatory approval in the late 70s/early 80s the pitch was that they wouldn't need ads because you just pay for it. (and then their new show wouldn't have to worry about offending a big advertiser with an investigation into corporate malfeasance, etc)

It was like that for a while, but then they thought, why are we making some money when we could be making more money? So they kept the "you pay money for it" part and added the ads back. This happens to literally every pay-for-no-ads scheme for anything.

In any case once you monetize something it goes to shit really fast anyway. You want people who are doing something in spite of the fact that it makes them no money, not people who are doing it because they can make money.

The sistem exist since medieval ages retard

Like, literally, the patreon platform it's just a form of doing it digitally, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patronage
What kind of education you had?

>how dare artists find a way to earn money that encourages them to keep creating content and provide what their fans want, for as low as $1
someone sounds bitter

>I remember the days when artists could live off air and sunlight
geez, tell me more

society will still have an unending supply of art even if it doesn't pay artists a dime, since there are enough people that intrinsically like producing art and will do it after they get home from a day job.

I believe everyone whose jobs keep this society going (farmers, mechanics, even trash collectors etc.) deserve at least a decent existence. However, I would gut and tax severely the income of those retarded 'entertainers', 'artists' and 'musicians', which are nothing more than broken role models for even more broken people and generally kids. They are swimming in money while having fun, while farmers can barely earn their fucking living.
Fuck capitalism, jesus.

To be fair user, porn is the easiest and most efficient way of making money off you art unless you're directly employed be an artist. It is fucking soul crushing though. I just want to draw old style Sci-Fi book art