Femanon here, just asking a question. There's this guy that I know, definitely an incel, never talks about women, socially retarded, never had a gf. Nevertheless, I like him. I'm not a whore, pure like virgin Mary. Do I have chances with him, given that I see him everyday.
Femanon here, just asking a question. There's this guy that I know, definitely an incel, never talks about women...
Make the man happy.
Why don't you just ask him out
I hate it when the bait isn't even funny. Kys op.
I'm willing to and im trying, don't know hwo though
He must hate girls (given he has never shown interest in any so far) and I'm not risking being bullied for asking him out
I'm not a bait I need help
The first reply was meant for you, oops sorry user
>He must hate girls (given he has never shown interest in any so far)
That's retarded logic. I've never shown interest in a girl but that doesn't mean I hate them, same way girls not showing interest in me doesn't mean they hate me.
>and I'm not risking being bullied for asking him out
Well then I guess you're never gonna date him.
I want to date him,and I'm willing to ask him. How will I deal with rejection tho? (if he rejects me). I've never had feelings for any guy besides him.
Not showing interest in girls doesn't mean he doesn't like girls, he might just be shy and lacks the confidence to approach a girl, if you show interest in him it could be a major confidence boost for him. If you just tell him straight up that you like him he will love you for the rest of his days. Please do it
You move on. Ask him to get some coffee
How can I tell him in private? He seems to always be around friends. Is there any good excuse I can use to do that?
He doesn't like coffee. Do guys like walks at the park?
If a girl asks them, yes.
You will only get bullied if you ask out some popular asshole while being ugly
He's the last popular guy, I guess it's no big deal. Still don't know how to approach him and tell him privately
Nice bait.
You have plenty of chances. Just don't make it seem so obvious. Don't make him think you're a prankster.
Why would he think I'm a prankster?
You have to be pretty and ask him out. But ask him out over text or give him time to think about it.
He's become an incel because every woman turned him down. He thus considers statistically improbable a woman would instantly fall for him. Take your time, always giving him another chance if he spergs out.
Btw, if he's an actual MGTOW you're doomed.
>femanon here
oh boy here we go
People misread "incel" as "mgtow" all the time.
I'll try my best
He doesn't have SNS
>I'll try my best
no you won't because this is just a larp
it's not a larp what do I have to do to prove it to u
>be incel
>a trans dude falls for me
>pretends to be a female, but pic related
>I turn him down
>he goes reeeee'ing "muh pronounz"
>then he starts this thread
yikes, im anti LGBTQ
timestamp or something desu
Where did you meet him?
>Tfw the lad could be me.
you can prove your a girl by posting tits but you can never convince me you are attracted to some incel loser it's just not possible for women to like men like that
>a tranny
>being anti lgbt
I guess that makes sense since most of you kill yourselves
my taste in men is...sophisticated
Met him at college. I doubt it, I live in Greece
no ty
>no ty
keep larping on then desu
u seem like a chill femanon
please report how the thing went! good luck
something desu
A bit more northwest and it could have been me, shame.
Don't be too direct (as he will take it as a prank), just ask him to hang out.
Since you love him, you should know his interests (else this is a simple crush and not the same thing at all).
>my taste in men is...sophisticated
and by that you mean guys like this
thanks user, I will but I'm not sure if the one person (which is you) that wants to see the progress will be able to see my post in this chaotic board
that looks like an abomination
isn't hanging out too boring? how about I tell him he's a cool guy and that I have some interest in him
>isn't hanging out too boring?
When i say hanging out, it could be go watch a movie, go do some hike or whatever.
If he don't like the activity but is interested in you, he would maybe decline but ask you out for something else.
I know this will sound weird, but here that isn't very common. Dates usually are double or triple dates. I can't really ask him that, hence why I suggested to tell him my intentions straight up
I had the hottest girls in their prime ask me out and I turn them down because of MGTOW. I don't regret it because my Chad friends are stressed out because their women make them spend money and some of them got cheated on. wasted time and money for nothing.
If he is attractive and has friends then I have to say, he is probably gay or asexual.
>pure like virgin Mary
You know she was actually a prostitute right?
he is attractive to me. He is a blonde,blue eyes lanklet with some mild acne going on but he's the prettiest in my eyes. His circle of friends isn't big tho
not rll lol, I'm not super religious or anything. Educate me on that, sounds interesting
>an abomination
yeah but it gets you can wet doesn't it? be honest you aren't really attached to socially awkward shy boys you just say you are so you don't seem so shallow but in reality you would hop on the first Chad dick you saw
the guys I like look like these
Search around the net a bit for all sorts of interesting theories.
What do you like about him? You said nothing good about him.
>He is a blonde,blue eyes lanklet with some mild acne going on but he's the prettiest in my eyes. His circle of friends isn't big tho
holy shit that sounds just like me
ok so Chad's who dress nice and pretend to be a shy sad boy
his looks are my ideal and he's smart but not a fucking narcissist. the vibe he gives off is all in all extremely attractive, I can't explain my feelings too well
i have a thing for aryan germans, what can I do?
No I fucking hate Chads they think high of themselves and carry STDs I despise them holy shit
>I like him because he is good looking
i literally explained how he looks, he isn't attractive for anyone else. hsi actions speak and I like that
>No I fucking hate Chads
>literally posts a picture of Chad
are ss soldiers Chads to you?
They are all very handsome and masculine
and also dead by now, not to mention how there are almost 0 pure blooded Germans in Germany
>he isn't attractive for anyone else.
no a lot of girls probably like him because he is the cute outcast boy you would never go for him if he was just a regular outcast
wrong pic
every girl I've spoken to says that he is disgusting and repelling, he also has title of being the most unwanted amongst girls
>are tall muscular intelligent handsome Chad
yes.... yes they
there is a huge difference between chads today and them. Chads only purpose is to fuck roasties and get 1000 likes on instagram. I really can't find any similarities
>not going for HIV positive Chads that will cheat on you and then blame it on virgin robots
do you even in to women?
Where. I was originally the whole time.
>every girl I've spoken to says that he is disgusting and repelling,
they are just telling you this because they want him to themselves or he really is ugly and your just pretending to like him to virtue signal
If he's incel he will have a lot of rage you need to dowse it.
define where
holy fuck that's not the case, you just can't believe it because you've been rejected by roasties your entire life grow up
Talk to him try to be a fren get his number .
>How will I deal with rejection
Why would he reject you? If he does he'd probably just think you're making fun of him.
there are many different types of Chad's so are good natured men of honor some are criminals who fuck whores and do drugs but there is one thing that all Chad's have in common they are all good looking white guys
man, this fucking trannies are ruining the board.
I doubt he owns a phone:')
Do I straight up tell him I like him? How about a confession letter?
guess I'll have to be burned on a cross for having a non-biased preference
no I can't believe it because I sound a lot like this guy and no girl has ever felt that way about me so your either lying about being attracted to him or he is pretty boy outcast and you really are attracted to him
How does he not own a phone? Not even a flip phone? Is he poor?
none of these are true. I could prove it to you if we actually had a conversation but that doesn't seem possible
he isn't poor I just never saw him carrying around one. He has 0 social life anyways
>guess I'll have to be burned on a cross for having a non-biased preference
naw you should be on a cross for just being a vapid lying whore
nice pic user. I'd appreciate it if you could understand not every girl is a whore and not judge them so quickly. I understand tho it's Jow Forums what did I expect
>none of these are true
you have yet to prove that
>if we actually had a conversation but that doesn't seem possible
yes I know it's very hard to hold a intelligent conversation with a female especially one who can't be honest
tell me a way to prove it and I will. Also, not all females are SJW brainlets:)
>not every girl is a whore
that's a funny joke femanon
>not judge them so quickly
>it's Jow Forums
yes it is and you don't belong here
you're just butthurt from past experiences user and I don't really have anything else to do since I'm sick
Tits or gtfo with time stamp.irigi
Normie whores like you need to get out to Also, you say you need help but refuse to ask him how. That is all you can do. If he says no, he says no, quit being a coward.
Can I timestamp with my stomach or arms instead? I don't like exposing myself:)
guess I'll try my luck there too
>tell me a way to prove it and I will.
you can't
>not all females are SJW brainlets:)
true but they are all whores just for different types of men for instance your a whore for Aryan Chad's but you probably wouldn't be attracted to a ugly guy with Germanic features like me
guess no way to prove it then. Im also an A cup so I don't think you'd be able to fap to these!
>I don't think you'd be able to fap to these!
You'd be wrong.
whores will only be with a guy for sexual purposes, having a preference for a specific type stands for males too and the whole point of liking Aryan Germans is their Germanic features u doofus
tranny uwu
>butthurt from past experiences
I have no experiences women don't even know I exist I'm invisible to them I guess that is a experience in of it's self
>don't really have anything else to do since I'm sick
maybe go to crystal cafe
crystal cafe sucks oregano
>whores will only be with a guy for sexual purposes
yes that's my point
>liking Aryan Germans is their Germanic features u doofus
but not all Aryans look the same some are tall muscular manly men like pic related and some are skinny and ugly
sounds like the perfect place for you
Just ask straight up ask him out. Maybe warm him up first with a little affection. Wrap your arms around him when you're alone and say something like, "Hey... you wanna go out?"
think whatever you want, but you'll never know the truth about me
Just try to hang out with him and then find a way to be alone together.
will try
does that work?
If you want to ask him out, just remember, treat him like he's the densest anime protagonist in the world.
>think whatever you want,
I don't think I know
>but you'll never know the truth about me
I know more about you better than you do maybe one you'll start being honest with yourself