"Emotional Labor" - Fembot Thread

Fembots, do you believe in the concept of "emotional labor"? I don't see anything wrong with the fact women are generally kinder and more compassionate so if we're close with you we open up more about our problems and issues than we would with male friends.

What's so bad about that?

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im a guy but emotional labor means putting in effort to make the guy with problems feel better.

why are feminists trying to make a good aspect of women's nature (their caring side) disappear?

I only "opened" up with male friends.
Can't trust a non-rational creature that can bleed for days and be fine later.
Even if she's nice at moment X, she could be a ruthless monster at moment Y... And she shouldn't know your weaknesses at that moment.

Nah. You can open up with women too. Some are sweet.

emotional labor is the same type of bullshit like emotional abuse because women don't understand their own emotions

It's just an aspect of women being spoiled user. They're just shit people because that's what we make them into.

Haha. No, we are not kinder or more compassionate.
The kindest people I ever met are my brothers and father (my mother too).
Women are unbelievably catty and brutal to one another in a way I've never seen mentally sound men act, even to people they hate.

>Some are sweet.
For a fleeting moment, yes.
But sooner or later, they'll show their true colors.
Even for my friends, i took more than 10 years to properly open up about my emotions and issues.
Don't tell me that in 10 years a woman won't give you a good reason to not trust them.

Well they're nice to me at least.

To your face, they are, yes.
When you are out of earshot it's a different story most of the time.

i agree. my brother has a really big group of friends and they have this awesome and harmonious relationship with everything that they do. no drama no infighting, nothing.
I really wish I could have a group of girl friends like that, but's its impossible.

If I joined a friend group like that with a bunch of guys I'm sure it would be good for a while but eventually one of them would become romantically interested and that would ruin the whole damn thing.


I agree with everything you said. It's like with my siblings, they have male friends and everything goes along smoothly.
You can't find that with other women 90% of the time.

Why not just let men use your cute but not toned body and make friends that way.

that defeats the whole point ya dingus. if they're fucking me they're not friends

im not sure if theyre trying to make it disappear. more like defining emotional labour as a concept so its not expected and taken for granted.

We appreciate it for fuck sake. Stop stigmatizing it.

You don't like having sex?

because its a lie to it's in a woman's nature to be caring. some women are absolutely vile. some men are more caring and gentler than a lot of women.

bro, i know we do. but expecting emotional labour from women is pigeonholing women as such. i believe this is why feminists are defining it as its own criteria.

*it's a lie to say

Feminists aren't the end boss
Control the women and control the men who want the women
Women themselves aren't the targets but they're tools being used by either ((((them)))) or some greater evil

That's because men think that violence is how to hurt someone because it's quick and it's a physical activity
Women understand that you gotta isolate people, attack their insecurities and do all that you can to ruin them without exposing yourself to be truly evil or else you'll be isolated

Can someone just make "ask fembot" generals?
Also question for any actual girls that may be here: why do you gossip or allow it? Usually whenever girls try to gossip to me I directly tell them "I don't do gossip and I don't think you should speak badly of people behind their back"
I'm pretty sure they say things like "ugh I hate that guy he thinks he's so much better than me" but I don't really care

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why do people believe this 'women are kinder' bullshit? they aren't

>if they're fucking me they're not friends

Could you imagine if I allowed person to have sex with AND treat me like an equal. This is why women cant into friendship like men do - to many made up rules and parameters for social engagements.

For decades I've heard about women who claim their men are their "rock". Hearing all kinds of shit like:

>"He keeps me grounded and sane!"

>"He puts up with me even when i'm completely acting insane. That's why I love him lol"

>"I don't know what I would do without him! I'd probably have gone crazy by now!"

>Sometimes I just wanna come home and bitch and complain, and I just want him to sit their and listen to me! :


But asking women to be supportive of men's emotions is labor! Even when we want men to be more emotional and less like emotionless robots!

If men jokingly owe women for "unpaid emotional labor", then that amount is more than paid for twice-over by what women owe men in emotional labor.

>all this "mansplaining" itt

I just sucked it up and dated one of them. We've been together for about three years and I don't like him any more that the rest of my guy friends. You just have to bite the bullet sometimes so that the rest don't get their hopes up. Loves an illogical concept anyway so I don't mind living with and fucking one of my best bros.

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Not really. I try to comfort people and help them through their lives because that's what they need. Nonetheless, everyone should participate in it.

This is why I want to get you pregnant.

Very funny. I can't believe you actually thought up this scenario.

Did I just get called based? Thanks, user.

You'd be an unironic good mom.

I don't know. It's a stupid meme that needs to end.

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>making men aware of something means the ebil feminazis are trying to take it away

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They're saying it's a bad thing that women are kind and compassionate. Since time immemorial that's one of the reasons men have loved women. Soft hearts, forgiving, gentle etc.

I mean. No better options.

There is no such thing as emotional labor in a relationship. There's a reason it's call a RELATIONSHIP. If you don't want to put in some effort than just stay single like everyone else.