I think Estonians are pretty cute, desu~

I think Estonians are pretty cute, desu~
Any cute Estonians around who want to be my international gf?

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Fuck off Poortugal.

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What would happen if I moved to Estland?

I hope you die of cancer

How is Eesti? I want to know.

A lot of black people here. Basicly a warzone. Don't come here we're full.

I heart Estonia has a lot of oil is this true? Maybe you need liberation form oppressive government

Eh, all cute Estonians are Russians. I'm not entirely sure if there are any Estonians that aren't Russians.

Estonian women were made for the swarthy italian cock.

Attached: estonia feet.jpg (640x480, 153K)

>A lot of black people here.
Did Estonia accept a lot of immigrants?

They can always ask nextdoor

Why would blacks want to live in Estonia?
It's worse than Africa.

Yes we have shit ton of oil.

Attached: muricaplsdontinvade.jpg (900x600, 126K)

Yes a whole 60 of them swarming our lands.

But acctually the we have been getting a lot of people in to our country lately. And you know around 4k of them were probably "New europeans".

I miss toothbrush Esti, wherever you are I want you to know, I miss you and hope your safe.

For a visit, mein jude...
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... and possibly an escape-route should Norway become like Swedistan.

Do you want to disappear "New europeans"?

They will disappear themselves since living in Estonia is worse than living in africa.

What's the mainstream opinion on us Ruotsis?

so what do those flag colors stand for anyway


The only thing we hear about you guys is related to refugees. Most people probably don't care about you guys as much, to have an opinion.

you would live in Estland

jesus Euro education I swear

You should be with other scandi.

This is the solution.

About 90% sure you are a russian

Are you blue colourblind? :D

Those flags colors stand for your mother is a whore

Is your country worth emigrating to? Also how are the Russians in your country acting to the rest of the population?

What do the colors in your flag stand for?
Blue and white stars is probably strawberry and vanilla?
Red and white stripes are blueberry-vanilla?

Who would want a poor, hairy grease as their bf?

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Fucking based

I have liked Estonia since that thread a few weeks ago where it was revealed they are the biggest believers in biological differences in races in all of Europe, well over 50% of the population did while countries like Sweden were only 10-20%

based little balts


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>ywn die in a blaze of glory defending Eesti against the vice grip of Russian aggression and Western degeneracy

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Is Estonia so bad?
Estonia doesn't look bad to me

>Is your country worth emigrating to.
Not really we will be as cuck... Maybe idk most young people Russian and Estonian are low-key racist. So we might not be cucked in the next 10 to 20 years or so. But it depends on the next generation.
>Also how are the Russians in your country acting to the rest of the population?
Word the question in a different way so I could understand exactly what you want to know.

How are Estonians and Russians treating each other?

Yes it's fucking depressing.
The only thing you can do here is drink and... yeah
Also pic releated.

Attached: Tallinnin2018lul.jpg (1406x919, 213K)

Mae gen i fy iaith. Rwy'n siarad â'm plant yn Gymraeg.
Saesneg yw'r 'iaith ddiofyn', ond mae yna draddodiadau.
Rwyf bob amser wedi fy magu â'r Gymraeg. Dyma fy iaith gyntaf.

Don’t move to another people. Stary with your fellow scandi.

We mostly stay away from each other. And the interaction we do have is mostly short and productive. Productive because neither of us want to have interaction between each other.

I'm already going to university in Denmark next year
t. Scanian

Thanks for the info

Sounds like a good idea, but wouldn't it be better to pick up arms instead? Quicker and better resulst. Heck, we haven't had a proper cleaning in 73 years. That's why Europe is turning to shits.

Italians are cute too.