Taking a gap year during college

>Taking a gap year during college
>Staying with my mom
>She harasses me to get a job
>I try for 6 months
>She yells at me
>Calls me lazy
>Doesn't give me any money
>Unplugs the TV while I'm playing PS4 and tells me shit like "this is my electricity bla bla bla. What do you know about bringing money in to pay for things bla bla bla"
>Annoying because I've been legit trying to get a job all this time, even took a break because getting all of the rejection letters started to grate on my soul
>Finally one of the jobs I applied to gave me a min wage job
>Shit hours (8 a week on average)
>My mom now complains that I need to get a new job because I don't have a "real job" since I get no hours
>Got a job after all this time and still put up with her whining
>3rd day on the job
>Manager offers me a promotion
>Instant 50 cent raise and 30 hours a week minimum
>I accept
>Background chekcs and paperwork take about a month to go through
>Finally get the job about a week ago
>First paycheck with decent hours come in
>$650 (after taxes) for 2 weeks of wageslavery
>Shit money, but a decent amount for someone with no bills or financial obligations
>Buy myself some tasty food and come home
>Mom calls me selfish for not buying her anything
>Remind her of how she harassed me for ~6 months about being jobless
>Remind her of how she said she would never give me a dime
>Reminder her of how she called me lazy and useless and she threatened to kick me out many times
>Remind her of how she couldn't let her son who hasn't even finished college yet stay in her apartment for a year unmolested
>She grumbles and leaves me alone
Felt pretty good bros I'm not gonna lie. I feel like buying a Jow Forums pass

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I make $650 in a day and dont have a degree. Your mom is right for thinking youre a loser.

What do you do richfag?

i knew waiters in fancy restaurants in manhattan who walked out with this kinda money. its kind of easy lol

post job and salary faggot or you're a larpy mcloser. also good job OP. if your mom can't house you for 1 year unmolested, in spite of getting a job, then fuck that bitch. im glad she shut the fuck up

your mom's paying all the bills.
when you move out you can bitch at her.

This. OP is retarded.
Imagine some nigger living in your house and not paying for shit and then has the balls not to even say a thank you when things get slightly better for them. Next time stay on the street you ungrateful prick.

I didn't ask to be born. I'm just an incubated nut who is forced to try to fend for himself in this cruel world against his will. The LEAST she can do for the life she created without consent is to house him for a YEAR when she can do it with no issues

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Your mom didnt ask for you to be so retarded and lazy

If she does think I'm retarded and lazy, she should have done the human thing and used birth control instead of letting some dude nut in her. If you're going to have kids, you are morally responsible for them since they didn't ask to be born.


She didnt ask for a retarded son though. If she is responsible then she can force you to do whatever she wants right? Then how come you didnt get a job for so long....

Sounds like youre taking responsibility where it benefits you, lazy boy

she also doesn't have to be such a fucking cunt having borne OP already. Unplugging the TV, complaining about the electric bill? are you fucking kidding me? if my mom was still alive i would've knocked her the fuck out for that shit. Why are women such little pieces of shit

Kill yourself. Problem solved. Your mom is 100% in the right.

I'm exactly like OP but I just enlisted and walked off without saying anything, am I just as DAMAGED?

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If I didn't make it clear, she actually wasn't bothered by the electric bill. She was trying to prove a point by unplugging the tv and saying she's paying the bills so I can't do shit about it. A power move.

If she has a problem with me, it's her fault for having me.

>Responsibility for someone means you can force them to do whatever
Lmao no, that's not how it works. If you are responsible for baby sitting someone, are you saying you can lock them in a cage and not feed them? If you are responsible for denting someone's car, does that mean you can make an even bigger hole? And you call ME retarded. Really makes you think.

Killing myself is a difficult choice I wouldn't have to make if I didn't exist.

Yes if she responsible for your actions she can make you get a job. Otherwise she is correct that your are just lazy and retarded and selfish.

She is responsible for my existence and the consequences thereof.

What country user? Also what branch?

Does that mean that her mom is responsible for her?

Burgerland, army only because I never learned to swim.

In a sense, yeah. Having kids is extremely unethical in general. Think about it. Having a child means you are so selfish, you are willing to put an innocent life into the world just for him to suffer in it because you didn't feel like using a condom or because your parents did it. There are millions of starving, homeless, and abused kids around the world needlessly suffering due to the inability of their parents to keep it in their pants. The worst people are those who have kids as some sort of social security system.


LmAo just to spite you SEETHING cucks I'm not gonna say

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There is more pleasure than suffering though. Its a selfless act to create life and give them the opportunity to experience life

Haha, you sure showed me user!

>There is more pleasure than suffering though.
This is false. Maybe in a Garden of Eden scenario this would be true, but that isn't the real world.

>Its a selfless act to create life and give them the opportunity to experience life
Another lie. This is the kind of shit single mothers tell themselves

>There is more pleasure than suffering though
Oh really?
U must be under 18 to think.
So naive so innocent.

In the real world yeah there is more pleasure. People love entertainment and food and nature and everything really. If you think your right, dont have kids the world will be better off lol

Its more naive to be edgy teen angst phase tho.

OP is a retard

my sister does the same here

I hate her

People work 8 hours a day 5 days a week MINIMUM until they are 65 (if they are lucky) to be able to eat a burger (which has health consequences) or go to an amusement park for 2 hours every year or to spend 2 hours or so a day to sit in front of a computer watching Netflix. And that's if you're middle class. Poor people have to wake up at 5 am to take a bus to one of their two jobs and come home at night to a ghetto run down apartment every day just to pay for the "privilege" of having a place to sleep or some shitty nutrient deficient food to eat.

The world sucks dude

>Life is all sunshine and roses bro hahahaha

U don't think real life is harsh. Trust when u working a real job, it will hit u. Most people will never pay off their debt. imagine be born in a abusive home. Over religious parents who wanted to prepare u for the literal end times.it cruel world.

being a "fancy waiter" in a manhattan restaurant isn't easy. None of you faggots know how the world works, that's why you post here

>There is more pleasure than suffering though
This is definitely bullshit.

>the world sucks
So why are you alive dummy

Adversity is a part of life. Our experience of pleasure makes it worth it, and really we evolved to deal with it in far far worse quantities. The world in general is amazing

Do you have friends and loved ones?

The prospect of killing myself is too scary. There are too many unknowns

How old are you OP serious question, because after a certain you need to take a hold of your life and if you don't you'll be depending on someone. You'll go in a constant cycle of self hate if you don't take control.

>tfw on an internship for school making more than double what you make and my parents still pay for everything while I'm at home and don't bother me
Eat my ass

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I do door to door marketing. All you have to do is not be autistic

"Door to door marketing"

Ah so you work for one of those sales jobs which blow up my email feed 24/7. They all look like scams desu

You want a pat on the back?

Security is pleasure.
Stability is pleasure.
That does exist for most people. Government fuck worker. Company decide to fire u.
Family friend talk about a How company fired a guy didn't even warn him. security watch as him pack his thing and escorted out. He work there for years but they to afraid to say to face because he might freak out.

Yikes Im glad Im not that guy!

>You want a pat on the back?
Yes, that would be nice.

I read this whole shitty text OP and I thought it was going to end better. Instead you are an uneducated mcagecuck who doesn't get puss

I use facebook just to show off expensive shit to family. Hopefully they regret it now. I make ok money but the real cash is from crypto. Years of listening to their bitching about fake nerd money, then they ask for a loan every now and then. I just remind them it's fake nerd money and ask why they want it. Whatever they say after that I tell them I'm willing to offer 5% plus whatever interest a bank would offer them. If they really wanted it over real hard working real money for real people they would accept my generous offer, or go for the cheaper off brand shit from the bank. Oddly enough they never go through with either option, so I guess they don't want any money at all.

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