Reminder: if you have friends you are NOT a robot

reminder: if you have friends you are NOT a robot

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Remainder: if you see a thread saying "if you're x you're not a robot" OP is a faggot

being a robot is not something you should aspire to no need to be salty over it we are just born/traumatized this was

Cool, thanks for the reminder.

This is the culture Jow Forums is trying to preserve?

But we are aII friends here

reminder: if you have a corporeal, non digital form you are NOT a robot

yes this is basically a commune for social outcasts
no we execute normalfags

>we aren't really your friends, but remember: you aren't alone in this world
(Or something along those lines)
I'm quoting that old comic about Jow Forums and/or /b/.

Does my sister count as a friend if she acts basically the same way as a friend would?

Damn I have friends...but I grew up with none...Can I be exiled instead of execute?

I just thought it was for people who don't generally fit in with contemporary society.

Agreed. Also online friends while objectively not real friends do count as friends in this case. Fuck normalfags with friends complaining about gf troubles to guys who don't even have friends. You have reddit for that shit. Why do you need to be pitied by the most pitiful people in existence? Are you that egotistical?

Does having acquaintances disqualify me too?

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>Also online friends while objectively not real friends do count as friends in this case
based. There's no stop to a normies need for attention. anyone who stays here and have friends / girlfriend are psychopaths.

if you are better off than me in any way you are not a robot

not having friends is so absurd to normals that they can't even begin to take OP seriously, which is exactly the reason they need to fuck off. Read this thread, realize that people exist with objectively worse lives than you, get over it, then realize this is the only place for them to find people who understand them and you are ruining that. Why can't you simply talk to people elsewhere online? If you have friends that means you can relate to other people elsewhere while we cannot. Are we that amusing to you that you love to laugh at us while you destroy the last parts of the internet we have left? (its already destroyed.) Admit that you only browse here because it makes you feel edgy and special.

i don't have any friends unless work acquaintances count. i just think you engaging in pissing contests over who has the most pathetic life is stupid.

some people objectively have worse lives than friendless people so i guess you should leave too

My blood starts to boil up whenever I see a "my bf/gf" thread on this board, especially when it's from a "femanon".

This board should be a safe space for us losers to be left alone, I wish the mods banned women from this site like they do on my country. They really don't belong here.

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God i'm so glad i have no friends so that i can be a robot. Btw doesn't that mean by default that robots can't be friends with each other?

Exactly. I come here to seek understanding and see how others got it. I dont wanna see none of that broke up with my gf shit.

They don't count but then some people do mistake acquaintances for friends when really they are not. A friend would be someone you see and communicate on a regular basis (at least once a week) and you've been keeping it up with them for at least a year. If this is someone you do things with on a seldom basis or rarely ask anything off then they are not really a friend and more of an acquaintance. Things like online friends fall into this category too, they aren't friends unless you have a deep connection to them IRL and meet them regularly.

They're just guys I talk to or have to get alone with in construction/welding class. I never invite them to hang out and such. I always go home alone and don't know that much about any one of them.

Yeah, their not friends. You have to really ask yourself if you truly have any friends (like real friends, not fake or shallow relationships). Even the most normal of normalfags only really has a handful of friends after you remove all the garbage. You're very lucky if you still talk to any people from your childhood.

>some people objectively have worse lives than friendless people so i guess you should leave too
you mean like an extremely poor person with friends? The community on this board exists because we can't relate to 99% of people. A very small percentage of the world are robots who can truly relate to people on this board. If another group of people can't relate to the specific form of suffering then they should leave or the community is destroyed. If a board where a community recognized of having very poor people (instead of people who live life alone and isolated) existed then rich people should leave that board alone. Just because there's different forms of being worse of than one another doesn't mean we should therefore not give a single fuck about keeping places like this alive. You're pretending to be retarded because you know I'm right.

True. Having friends means you are socially competent enough for people to enjoy your presence. Also, humans are social animals, so it is normal to want friends. There is literally nothing more normal than having friends.

Reminder that you are concerned about your "robot" identity because you lack a real one. When did you realize you lack any identity? Having no friends, or gf/bf, or sex, or a social life, or jobless, or being lazy or apathetic or
"depressed", or being godless or nihilistic, or not liking popular things, or being a 'nice' person, or being racist/homophobic/misogynist/misandrist/misanthropic, or jerking off to anime and video games, or having a preference of people who are "not like the others", or having 'obscure' fetishes, or self-diagnosing yourself with illnesses, does not make you unique, special, or interesting.

the reason the word "robot" is being used to describe us is so we can have more efficient conversations. We are not concerned about our robot identity we are concerned about losing the only place we can relate to other people. Relating to other people is important to human beings as we are social animals and suffer without it. We would prefer that the people who can relate to one another at other places online, but still insist on staying here even though they do not understand us, leave to relate to people on another forum. An option that we do not have. Why you wasted so much energy on a post where you clearly have missed the entire point, i don't know.

Well at least I have friends. Have fun being alone user

what if i have friends but i think they're constantly planning and talking stuff behind my back and because of my thinking I'm very paranoid?

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based roastie argument

At least I've banged a roastie. Would not recommend it though.

good for you. as long as you are more socially successful than who you're arguing with then i guess you win by default! only incels actually care about who's right or the truth.

your not a robot if you wouldn't have been ran out of town or burned at the stake 100+ years ago

you wanting r9k to be exclusive to friendless people because you can't personally relate to people if they have friends isn't you being in the right, it's just you being an entitled whiner with a poorly functioning brain

Get laid faggot. Oh wait you can't.

But honestly you want to know the only thing that's not getting incels laid...Like actual truth, its you. Its the stupid shit you come out with justify your shortcomings, your entitlement. So as long you have that attitude yeah, good fucking luck. Trust me no girl wants that and for good reason. You won't take any of this onboard because "But the Stacies only want Chad's" Now you can kill yourself which to be honest a loy people on this board would appreciate, or you could actually try growing up.

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>isn't you being in the right
yet you can't articulate why. insults and social shaming are the only tricks you've got.
thanks for the wisdom. dont know why you thought i wanted you to assume so much about me then give me advice on how i should fix myself to get laid. dont know how its relevant but thanks for further proving my point. cheers.

Okay user, I pray for the day when you lose your virginity and stop being a massive faggot.

what is there to articulate?
who declared you the authority on what this board should be like? why should anybody care about your inability to relate to people who aren't friendless?
you just want r9k to be a certain way because you want it to be, that's it and nobody cares.

Just came in here to say, only blacks can truly be robots for we have truly suffered. Crackers, the door is that way

Thats how I was all throughout high school. Fuck those guys

if you're not actively trying to escape your robotdom then why are you even alive?
sure its a community of outcasts, but pretending you can just survive a life of loneliness is stupid.