
What will you be remember for after you are dead?

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a game nobody played and music nobody listened to

nobody even remembers that i'm currently alive

I have to learn how to live first.

Too true.


probably nothing im gonna die alone.

link us to your soundcloud, buddy
I'll give that shit a whirl

I probably won't be remembered and to be honest I prefer it that way.

Almost getting my head blow off by a kid in my highschool class that greentext posted on his public Facebook

To my family and friends, probably a hero who died fighting for his country. To the rest of the world, they will just forget me, but that is fine, I'm not doing this for fame.

ill probably be remembered for pissing off my mom

Dust just like everything else, legacy is a fabricated lie

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I few sketchbooks I left behind with barely any art of value and someone random posts online

What is even worth being remembered for? Inventing something? Being a great scientist or philosopher? Being someone famous for sports, music, film, politics?

Lol. Is there any historical people we can look to and say "man, how important that they left that particular legacy, and their life is validated by me now remembering certain aspects of their lives?"

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to be honest i dont even want to be remembered

I am originally interested in this story

"that crazy guy who set up 40 sound grenades across town"

No idea, probably nothing at all.
Who cares, I am dead.

parkrose shooting pov
>ordinary day, sitting in boring class
>loner retard enters class and pulls out shotgun
>run like hell out the backdoor as the security guard bodies the sperg before he could unload on me and my classmates
>make it home safe
>look up his facebook
>discovers /borntofeel/ greentext posts littered on his dash
>literally had doomer wojak as pfp
>tfw when I almost get murdered by a doomer

I now have to live with the fact that I almost got killed by a doomer.

he was trying to change from doomer to doomguy

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Nobody will remember me when I am dead

>What will you be remember for after you are dead?
I'm writing. Two different things.
The game might not get made, but the book is way easier to publish and is coming along nicely.

At this point I'm not sure what's more embarrassing at this point the fact that the retard couldn't even commit a mass shooting correctly or the fact that he almost killed me

Is this serious? if so you have huge balls m'dude.

The carbon footprint I left behind.