I just realized that I'm just a sex object to my friends...

I just realized that I'm just a sex object to my friends. If I wasn't able to be that for them then they would not want me.

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If you go over to /soc/; you can be a sex object for them as well.

Thats what most women are to most men

man id fuck Trish

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Can't I be a friend to them though? Why do they have to view me and desire me in such a way almost exclusively?

women can only have female friends and men can only have male friends
Thems life. There is no "inter-sex" friendship, in the straight opposite sex friends

Spoiler: They view their weaker male friends in the same way.

And maybe we'd regard the opinons of women more, if they actually intresting or profoundly intelligent.
Many a time, a gentlemen like myself has found them to be materialistic, dull and outright NPCs
They want amusement but cannot bring the same level of entertainment to us, that we give to them.
A submissive slightly weaker gender in all fronts. Indeed!

if they were*

You usually cant be friends with a woman if you're a guy unless you're gay or something because the guy will always have feelings

90% of the time, the female friend is really worth nothing more than a sex object (not to me, being invisible to most women, but I see this constantly).

The real question you should ask yourself is whether what you contribute and what you have to say is worth anything without the hole between your legs helping things along.

Hell, half of the reason I'm responding to this is because of the implication that you're a female on the interweb.

I think its a common opinion among men that women are just lesser people. Most women are annoying, unreliable, weak. Most guys are only one of those things at worst.

They view you in that way because it's likely your only redeeming quality. Women are fucking boring.

Probally because you have nothing else going for you

Why does it always has to be one or the other?
What makes your friend out as someone you think less of for desiring your body, or makes you unwilling to reply in kind?

>They view their weaker male friends in the same way.
I think you're hanging around the wrong types of guys, user.

You hang out with dudes because you are a retard whore with no friends

>a gentlemen like myself

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Have you considered that you might be the weakest guy among your friends, and no one has told you what they think of you?

Even if they do it doesn't mean they want to stick their cock up my ass

Women REALLY overestimate the intensity and leeway we are giving to male friends.

You girls manage to sit your ass all the time in a zone of "No way I would do all that much or spend all that time for any random bro, but I easily do so to woo a girl I desire"

If I am needed to do extra shit for a male friend, he knows he owes me one, and I know too.
I might not ever call that favor in, not like was anything major, most likely. It isn't even spoken of it is just an understanding that is there.
But if the friend is any decent sort of guy, he will go out of his way to get out of that 'debt' and maybe even actively look for a way to pay me back.

Females though will take favors and take and take and never do shit for you, and yet think it is natural and has be that way that guys offer you the world.
So you are always defaulting on that sort 'debt' in friendship terms, and never pay back any. And no, offering your body is NOT the only way that repayment is possible, but most female do shitall at friendship services too.
If you only take and take and think it is your due, what fucking sort of friend are you?

And at that point many guys will go fullretarded and think "Hey why is she is not ever repaying as a friend should ? We must have an understanding that this is me wooing her!" and get dreadfully busy offering you even MORE, sort of overlooking there is no understanding in place.
And soon we get a nice
"What you want me to be your gf and more or less EXPECT me to? I though we are friends!"
situation going again

tl;dr; Girls, stop expecting favors from guys just for friendship, and do not take them even if they are offered. Unless you are sure there is an damn clear understanding about what you two are to each other.