Boyfriend Creation

Fembots, create your future bf. You have 50 points.
5/10 means average.

0/10 Face
0/10 Body
0/10 Height
0/10 Humor
0/10 Social Status
0/10 Intelligence
0/10 Empathy
0/10 Loyalty
0/10 Dominance
0/10 Cleanliness

If you cheat or do not post, you are doomed to die alone.

Attached: animeboy.jpg (900x900, 64K)

Not a fem but shouldn't you give them at least 100 points to they can get 5 across the board?

What is 10 times 5?

6/10 Face
2/10 Body dunno what to put for this because I like twigs so maybe a low number for skelly?
6/10 Height
6/10 Humor
0/10 Social Status don't care for this
7/10 Intelligence
4/10 Empathy
10/10 Loyalty
6/10 Dominance
3/10 Cleanliness

6/10 face
6/10 body
6/10 height
8/10 humour
0/10 social status
6/10 intelligence
6/10 empathy
10/10 loyalty
0/10 dominance
2/10 cleanliness

now where is he you stupid idiot ive been waiting too long

Fuck im retarded I thought there were 20 attributes. Nvm me I just woke up

No worries cutie

fembot here
10/10body by my twink standards ha
5/10social status
Done, perfect bf

>0/10 Height
>0/10 Empathy
>0/10 Loyalty

You picked a psychopathic midget that will cheat on you constantly. Well done, user.

soooo. a full psychopathic murder dwarf with a twink body and prettyface that can make you laugh?
Well, thats.. nice. You not asking for a tradchad at least, I give you that.

>10/10 Face
>10/10 Body
>0/10 Height
>0/10 Humor
>10/10 Social Status
>0/10 Intelligence
>0/10 Empathy
>10/10 Loyalty
>0/10 Dominance
>10/10 Cleanliness

user is dating pic related

Attached: tyrion.jpg (800x800, 112K)

You are dating a serial killer mentally retarded midget that wants you to peg him and has no sense of humor. Well done, user. At least he has a pretty face and body.

8/10 Face
8/10 Body
1/10 Height
8/10 Humor
2/10 Social Status
5/10 Intelligence
8/10 Empathy
10/10 Loyalty
1/10 Dominance
7/10 Cleanliness

i like funny but wimpy himbos

Not that femanon, but he's one hot DILF.

That's 58 points. You cheated.

hmmm i may have done this wrong but i dont mean it has to the the societys idea of an above average face more just what attributes matter the most to me and im most attracted to

i like so called average boys but with certain features i like that might not be with the popular opinion

>5/10 Face
Nothing spectacular but not horribly disfigured either
>4/10 Body
Scrawny skelly
>3/10 Height
I like them short
>4/10 Humor
The occasional good joke, but mostly lame puns that fall flat
>2/10 Social Status
His mother likes him at least
>6/10 Intelligence
Not too smart but not a fool either
>8/10 Empathy
Loving and caring
>10/10 Loyalty
Yandere tier
>1/10 Dominance
You'd find more resistance in a wet piece of paper
>7/10 Cleanliness
Always clean and fresh smelling, but not to a degree that would be considered obsessive

Oh fuck i did sorry im on mobile

Hi : )

>tfw this is me but my room is a mess
>should've listened to peterson

Attached: 1553416275667.png (433x325, 137K)

Tidy up and maybe we can talk. No one likes a messy boy user.

What is 6/10 height?

i'm planning to renovate my room in june!!
gonna buy some cute plants and repaint it a comfy colour
also just for the record
>95~ lbs
everything else is rather subjective but i think i fit it

Attached: flipflop.png (259x224, 19K)

6/10 Face
5/10 Body
1/10 Height
8/10 Humor
2/10 Social Status
4/10 Intelligence
7/10 Empathy
10/10 Loyalty
1/10 Dominance
5/10 Cleanliness

probably around 5'10 since 5'9 is average for men

Dinklage I'd Like to Fuck?

I'm clean and hygienic but a bit disorganized. I wash my hands semi-compulsively.
I'm not sure about the body, I'm kinda barrel chested but my arms are kinda wiry. I think that's just how they are, my grandfather had very skinny arms and he was able to be an MP, I've tried putting his old armband on before and it didn't fit, but I weighed more then so idk, maybe it would fit now.

Well, that isn't me. Sorry to disappoint, if I did.

5/10 Face
5/10 Body
5/10 Height
5/10 Humor
5/10 Social Status
5/10 Intelligence
5/10 Empathy
5/10 Loyalty
5/10 Dominance
5/10 Cleanliness

perfectly average guy. that's not so bad, right?

Hm, a bit tall for my taste but I could learn to deal with it. Though the enthusiasm you have for renovating your room is just plain adorable.

not bad yes
but boring to say the least

6/10 Face
6/10 Body
6/10 Height
6/10 Humor
0/10 Social Status
8/10 Intelligence
3/10 Empathy
10/10 Loyalty
0/10 Dominance
5/10 Cleanliness

Dwarf I'd Like to Fuck
Probably the hottest dwarf currently alive

i'll try my best!!
but i doubt we'll ever cross paths again after this thread dies
so thank you for talking to me i guess
i hope you have a comfy day

OP here. You fucking idiot, you're supposed to ask for her email or discord or something. God you are hopeless. Get on it before she changes her mind!

>6/10 face
>5/10 body
can i still get a skelly?
>4/10 height
>3/10 humor
>1/10 social status
>7/10 Intelligence
>8/10 empathy
>10/10 loyalty
>6/10 dominance

>i hope you have a comfy day
You too, my sweet beta boy.
>1/10 Dominance
You know his stats, what did you expect?

i'm not good enough yet i need to clean my room
and i don't care too much for relationships at the moment anyway
this has made me sufficiently happy
thank you mommy

Attached: 1556513329714.jpg (712x712, 38K)

Nobody here has put enough into height for me to fit the description feelsbadman

7/10 Face
5/10 Body
5/10 Height
7/10 Humor
1/10 Social Status
6/10 Intelligence
7/10 Empathy
7/10 Loyalty
2/10 Dominance
3/10 Cleanliness

hey thats literally me

>all these women who want non-dominant guys

Fuck off back to the Giraffe enclosure Giraffe man

6/10 Face
7/10 Body
8/10 Height
5/10 Humor
2/10 Social Status
3/10 Intelligence
5/10 Empathy
5/10 Loyalty
5/10 Dominance
4/10 Cleanliness

You forgot the most important aspect.

social status supersedes wealth

>Tfw 7.5/10 face
>Tfw 2/10 body because of skelly with pectus carinatum
Tbh, it's not like I'd have any chance anyways

Attached: 266-2661133_pepe-hands-anonymous-thu-apr-19-skull-wojak.jpg (820x806, 223K)

>the dominance stat is so low
>these are supposed to be women

Geez, I wonder why you are unfuckable

>5/10 Face
>4/10 Body
can i get a skelly with this?
>4/10 Height
>2/10 Humor
>1/10 Social Status
>7/10 Intelligence
>8/10 Empathy
>10/10 Loyalty
>6/10 Dominance
>3/10 Cleanliness

thats pretty much me, orignal

>10/10 Face
>10/10 Body
>10/10 Height
>10/10 Humor
>10/10 Social Status
>10/10 Intelligence
>10/10 Empathy
>10/10 Loyalty
>10/10 Dominance
>10/10 Cleanliness
Chad gets more than 50 points

What does 5/10 dominance mean? I don't fit some of the other stats so I won't even try there, but I want to know what that means.
I've always thought the ideal balance of power for me is one where we can trade off being in charge if we get tired of it. I guess it's kind of a switch thing if we're using dom/sub terms. Ideally, we'd just sync up and not need to talk much about it, but talk is fine too.

i would like to know your location.

Attached: 1507050388365.jpg (1728x972, 174K)

>3/10 Face
>3/10 Body
>3/10 Height
>10/10 Humor
>0/10 Social Status
>6/10 Intelligence
>5/10 Empathy
>10/10 Loyalty
>5/10 Dominance
>5/10 Cleanliness
fun to be with >>>> fun to look at

netherlands, if you got discord we could add each other

My face is a 8/10 (that is what i was told) my body is more a 5/6, loyalty is an solid 9, dominance a 7 and intelligence is like a 5

7/10 Face
0/10 Body
2/10 Height
10/10 Humor
0/10 Social Status
8/10 Intelligence
3/10 Empathy
10/10 Loyalty
0/10 Dominance
10/10 Cleanliness

jokes on you other femcels, i have a bf and he's 10/10 in everything except dominance and (pretty useless) social status. he's a perfect subby qt.

Is this the thread where I can ask for gf?
Finnish fembots, plesse please post stats you want.

Damn, this is pretty close to me besides the very obvious perfect humor.

that's a bit far for me, sorry. it's why i asked. but good luck, bf material user.

Face- 5/10
Body- 4/10
Height- 5/10
Humour- 6/10
Social status- 2/10
Intelligence- 6/10
Empathy- 7/10
Loyalty- 7/10
Dominance- 3/10
Cleanliness- 5/10

A mostly well-rounded boy with a lot of feelings please.

Attached: 1421979500682.jpg (736x502, 189K)

Subtract 50 for Dominance because all men try
>20/10 Face
>20/10 Body
>15/10 Height
>15/10 Humor
>15/10 Social Status
>0/10 Intelligence What a joke, gaming doesn't take intelligence nor does sexing me
>0/10 Empathy I have gay guy friends
>0/10 Loyalty Impossible, they try to fuck my friends
>15/10 Cleanliness

Smart starting playthrough build. My S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats always look like that without the mod that gives me a 10 in everything at the start.

Attached: image.jpg (558x280, 86K)

Hi there it's me, your perfect bf

8/10 Face
9/10 Body
9/10 Height
0/10 Humor
9/10 Social Status
1/10 Intelligence - dumb silly boys are CUTE
3/10 Empathy
2/10 Loyalty
8/10 Dominance
1/10 Cleanliness

took me ages. As long as the love is there and very minimal requirements are meet then I'm very open minded on who i date.

5'8 isn't 6/10 height

This is me but my face is a 8/10 , and my int is like a 5/6, i am 185 so i dont know what height that is

0/10 Face
0/10 Body
0/10 Height
10/10 Humor
0/10 Social Status
10/10 Intelligence
10/10 Empathy
10/10 Loyalty
0/10 Dominance
10/10 Cleanliness

Humorous, obese slave dwarf with OCD.

8/10 Face
5/10 Body
4/10 Height
8/10 Humor
4/10 Social Status
5/10 Intelligence
5/10 Empathy
7/10 Loyalty
0/10 Dominance
4/10 Cleanliness

Just want a cute skeleton bf.

Why don't any of you want dominant guys? Are you even women?

Most guys on r9k aren't very dominant, they've been brainwashed by robots to think that dominant = chad. And wanting chad makes you a slut.

Thank you for participating in this thread, femanons. You have made some robots feel much better about their insecurities and that is sweet of you whether you meant to do it or not.

I'm scared of men

>1/10 intelligence
Congrats, you might find him here on this very board. This board competes with Jow Forums and a few others for lowest IQ board.
Actually, a contest for board IQ isn't that bad an idea. Mods, Jannies, take notes for next April Fools, I think I just gave you an idea for free.

How scared? Do you fear for your life?

Not really no. I just feel uneasy around them. Most people but men especially so.

Ah. Is it avoidant disorder? I have that and feel pretty uneasy around people, especially at night.

I'm not diagnosed with anything aside from some generalised anxiety stuff but it's probably something like that. I don't really feel comfortable around anyone who's not my family.

0/10 Face
0/10 Body
10/10 Height
5/10 Humor
5/10 Social Status
10/10 Intelligence
5/10 Empathy
10/10 Loyalty
5/10 Dominance
0/10 Cleanliness

3/10 Face
4/10 Body
5/10 Height
3/10 Humor
5/10 Social Status
Not sure what this means but he should at least be a respected member of a peer group.
7/10 Intelligence
6/10 Empathy
6/10 Loyalty
7/10 Dominance
4/10 Cleanliness

That might be it. I can't approach other people and feel nervous talking to them. I try to suppress it when I'm outside but it's very stressful and just drains me.

Same. That's pretty much why I don't really go outside.

Have you dated men at all? If so, when was your last bf?

I don't think I really ever had an interest in it

Yeah, I don't get out much either. Mostly it's just to the store for more of the energy drinks my mother says are bad for me. The bad part is that I can't be fully content with being alone, I'm very lonely but I'm deathly afraid of other people, and usually talking to them is incredibly taxing anyways and makes me want to be alone again.
It doesn't help that there's pretty much no treatment options for it. At least with other personality disorders you can take a pill or something that mitigates it.

dating a literal retard, what about your kids fembit? you want them to be tards too?

I'm not even very lonely but I got siblings who like me and also live at home so that helps. Also
>not ordering your energy drinks online
Git gud user

Having siblings that like you is nice, I've only got one. I'm afraid she only likes me because she's young and idolizes her older brother, and that she'll hate me when she gets older. My little brother was like that too, he used to like me but now he makes fun of me.
>ordering your energy drinks online
That costs more money though, Walmart is cheaper. Plus, I can hide them better if they don't show up at the front door, I usually stuff them in the back of the fridge. I might have some trouble later on because the usual 20oz Red Bulls haven't been working to keep me awake anymore, I've moved on to Bang, the workout performance stuff. Works wonders by the way, once I stayed up two days with one.
I know I have a problem

I already got one but I'll give this a shot.

5/10 Face
5/10 Body
6/10 Height
1/10 Humor
8/10 Social Status
1/10 Intelligence
5/10 Empathy
10/10 Loyalty
4/10 Dominance
5/10 Cleanliness

I got a younger sister too but I very much doubt she idolizes me in anything. We get along but there's no worship going on. Then again she's also a vidya obsessed gremlin so we do share some kinship.
>That costs more money though, Walmart is cheaper.
Is it so much cheaper? I'm a yurofag but excluding delivery costs (which I don't pay on amazon), the stuff I order in bulk online is cheaper than it'd be in the store, plus convenience. (Relentless Energy) Costs about as much as Red Bull per can but its 0.5L instead of 0.25/0.33L.
You could also try caffeine pills.

>only skele body type is in demand
Wtf you dumb cunts said dadbods were the best

It's the same guy larping 20 times

t. skinnyfat damage control

Not that user, But add constantly playing mind games making me question my perception of reality and you just described my perfect bf.

But then again I'm pretty sure I have a subconscious death wish.

Where's the slider for penis size?

7/10 face
5/10 body
5/10 height
9/10 humor
0/10 social status
5/10 intelligence
0/10 empathy
10/10 loyalty
5/10 dominance
4/10 cleanliness

guess ill die

That's like, 44% of the users on this board. Just look for one you like.

Yeah, no, theres the stereotype that most women want a dom, but I don't think I could be in a relationship with someone if pegging wasn't on the table.
It's so enjoyable for both parties.

would you date louis ck?

hes like a fossil dude of course not