
>have a friend you exercise together with, you go to the gym together and shit
>50% of the time he cancels our gym day because he oversleeps or has other difficulty in managing his schedule
>sometimes he chooses anime over gym which is beyond me
>I have perfect life control compared to him, no nerdy hobbies, I never oversleep, and yet he has a girlfriend and I'm an incel

I don't understand. I thought girlfriends were given to active, outgoing people who can control their lives. I feel almost insulted by the fact he just keeps getting fat and reaps the benefits of life, I work on myself 24/7 and get nothing back from the universe.
What am I doing wrong?

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You are ugly. As simple as that.

Finding someone is part luck I think keep trying user. Don't get too bitter tho or its game over before you start

I'm like 2 tiers hotter than him, only makes this weirder.
I didn't mention this because I know I already sound like an asshole so I don't want to compliment myself too much. But yeah anyone could say I'm the hot one.

>You are ugly. As simple as that.

Based user gives no fucks.

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Your presence makes others feel at unease

so you're basically an insecure, judgemental and boring incel
also what said

one of the key parts of getting a gf is to interact with girls

>perfect life
you sound like someone who puts 0 effort in life yet wants all the rewards. come back when you actually go to the gym and improve your social skills.

>you sound like someone who puts 0 effort in life yet wants all the rewards.

I just explained to you it's the opposite and I don't understand how lazier guys get women with no effort.
Shouldn't a gf be a checklist thing

Yeah and you do nothing on that checklist.

I work out and develop myself. He doesn't. I didn't want to sound mean but he's the fat one and I'm the normal weight one. One's mental strength is usually seen in the scale.

>it's a butthurt gymcel episode
if you weren't such an autistic asshole maybe you could get laid

So you're implying OP's friend is a nicer person despite being spineless?
Could be, I always theorize women (who are lazy by default) go for similar men. Women really want another woman who has a dick. They can't handle real men, because real men don't put up with the shit women do.

>Women really want another woman who has a dick.

This. Explains a lot of things.

How many girls have you talked intimately to today?

It's hard to comment properly when there's this little context, but one of the biggest hurdles to dating women, is meeting women.
Because chances are, there's probably a woman desperate enough to date your stupid ass right now, you just need to find her.

I think OP's point literally is, that having a woman doesn't mean you're somehow objectively better than someone who doesn't have a woman.
Getting a relationship is not a checklist thing where you're instantly rewarded a gf for achieving something, like getting into shape or having a big weiner.

We're also forgetting that there are ugly, annoying girls out there. Scoring one of those doesn't really raise your status. Yet I still think many 4channers who boast about getting girls get these 1/5 girls.

>have a friend you exercise together with, you go to the gym together and shit

Why do you even need this?

Hello and welcome to r9k, as you seem to be a newcomer it is advised that you leave

Women can sense "lack of charisma"

You can be a 10/10 body with a chiseled chad face and still die a virgin if you have no charisma

People who work out alone work out alone because they have annoying women at home.
Incels like OP enjoy doing sports with friends because they have too much alone time at home because no gf

Charisma is linked to confidence, and confidence comes from past success.
I always say this. If you don't get girls when you're young, you lose your confidence and it fucks up your game for life. But, if you get lucky at 16 years old, you might grow to be confident even if you were fat, short and had nothing backing you up.
It's past success vs past failures.

This is not true. Any guy who is 3/10 or above can have sex easily. Charisma helps if youre looking for a serious relationship, but most people under 24 are just looking to have a fun time and have sex. You can fake charisma for that time, unless you are brain dead.

The only problem OP faces is either high standards or not enough time with girls. Its physically impossible for most people to not have sex if they are around each other for a long time

>most people under 24 are just looking to have a fun time and have sex
>Its physically impossible for most people to not have sex if they are around each other for a long time

Uhh.. what? I'm not an animal.

You can have a past success from just knowing you graduated high school or was able to complete a video game. Its all about perspective

Errr... huh? Good for you champ

You are you are hotter? Pics or GTFO.
Either you are not handsome or are autistic as fuck. Women are able to catch weird vibes guys give off. You may be making women uncomfortably unconsciously.

Women aren't trophies that givethemselves to a man if he's good enough.
The woman herself might not be good enough for men.
I hate this idea that women are perfect because they're women, and men can only aspire to reach their level.

I don't put women on a pedestal, unless she is my work boss lol
When I'm out in town I just see women as objects bro.