What's a secure, decent paying, easy job to do? Doesn't matter if it's boring. I am a skinny manlet btw

What's a secure, decent paying, easy job to do? Doesn't matter if it's boring. I am a skinny manlet btw.

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Depends on your skills

i work in a deli and its a really easy job. you can just turn your brain off for 8 hours

It really, really depends on what exactly you mean by "easy". That's a loaded term.

Do you mean short hours? Physically easy? Mentally easy? Easy from a skill and learning perspective? Generally, you can't have all of those at once and still have decent pay.

work for the government, basically

how do I get job for them?

Learn to code.If you spend 2 hours a day coding you could probably get a entry level job in less than a year.This is probably one of the few jobs that will have growing market until the end of humanity,also the demand is higher than the number of people who can code,so competition usually is not very big(with a few exceptions in places like google and so on)

Don't know where OP lives but in a lot of places it's really hard to get an entry level job even with a degree. But once you get those first 3 years experience you'll be in demand for the rest of your life

I'm a delivery guy for a company selling vehicle parts, i don't even know the names of all of them, I just get a paper of what and where do I need to deliver, and in 2 years I could buy (not rent) an apartment. AFAIK driving's easy.

I'm in eastern europe and here programmers live like gods,entry level coding job is above the salary of a doctor with some experience,if you have 5 years or more of experience you can make like 5-20x the salary of the average person and go to job whenever you want,because they treat you like a god.Sure ,in the west it could be harder to find a job,but getting internship or something like that should be possible with some luck

Isn't 5x the salary of an average person in eastern europe still less than a programmer would make in the west?

Get a job for the city.

just look for state or federal listing that meet your qualifications whatever they may be, if you have none you can be a janitor or whatever. just stay with the government and you can be lazy and eventually get paid okay.

apply for your stats civil service exams

yeah but how? what should I study?

suck dick for a living u fag

You just defined accounting.
t. accounting student

Yeah,but don't forget than here everything is cheaper,so things kinda balance each other out.The average programmer could save in a less than 5 years for a nice apartment in a nice place.

isn't accounting hard?

Everything is hard at first,then you get used to it usually.There are 0 easy jobs that pay well.

>There are 0 easy jobs that pay well.

the public sector disagrees

The "public sector" is kinda broad term

There is literally no such thing. If there was one, I would be there long ago.

Skinny Manlet?

Ok with boring? Easy to do?

I have the perfect job for you.

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Programming is pretty damn easy if you get into healthcare software. That's where programmers go to die. like 80% of devs working in the health industry are incompetent screwups so it's very easy to wind up in a senior position just by being average. Hell plenty of people wind up in senior positions despite being morons.

If you have zero technical skills just become a project manager, if you can't into spreadsheets join an HR organization. It's harder if you're not a woman or minority, but my company has a white male as a director within the HR org so it's doable. HR peeps need zero skills of any kind, the only qualifications to work in HR are having previously worked in HR, you just need to get your foot in the door somewhere.

Fed job. I get paid good money and benefits just to show up. Only do about 5hrs of work a week. And I can simplify that to 3 with Excel. I don't do any true hard work at all because my location is sleepy. I have already forgotten how to do most of my required skills. I can see why people go postal or commit suicide in government. There are no mentally stimulating challenges.

retail is good, deal with a fair bit of shit from customers but because everyone else working goes through same stuff it's quite good for making friends

sounds exactly like the job I want, so tell me what did you study to get that job?

They are not hiring for the position last I checked and won't be for several years. But anything in DHS or USDA may be a good starting point. A degree was required. But you can spin your resume to show that you have relevant experience. But you have to do a fed background check. Took 1.5yrs to get employed tho. I want out cuz the job it is very unfulfilling and there is nothing for me to do during my 3 days off.
But I am considered an anomaly because most newly hired people are sent to busy locations with high cost of living and are working 60-75 hrs a week. Again it's really not hard work tho if you ever had a real job.