Do you support the Death Penalty? Yes or no, and why?
Death penalty: YES or NO
Death is a reward, not a punishment
>le edgy mr Jow Forums
Just go give yourself a reward then faggot, stop talking about it and act
it's literally illegal to kill yourself
Partly. Individual cases, do not generalize death penalty.
I don't want the state to have control over who lives and dies. I support vigilante justice.
Why, they might fine you?
Honestly I dont give a fuck. People will still commit crimes. We will still pay taxes for stupid shit that doesnt concern us. I will never commit a grave enough crime, neither will anyone I know. So whatever. I guess it slightly help the overpopulation cause, but its morality is delicate.
I'll take whichever one is cheaper at the time.
Personally, i'd like to see it used more and done in a more immediate fashion. Immediate hanging or firing squad. It conserves resources removes the threat from society and delivers justice.
Having a masked idiot run around killing who he deems worthy or a guy taking revenge isn't much better
In an ideal world with a perfectly just legal system? Yes, the death penalty should be an option for the most heinous crimes.
In the actual world? Fuck no, the government doesn't need that kind of power.
Death Penalty is more expensive than life sentence
I guess life sentence it is. I'm guessing the death penalty is more expensive because they try to appeal it for decades and the people that sell the drug used to kill them are kikes and hike the price up.
Yes. Eye for an eye
Makes the whole world blind
No, because there's no way to absolutely determine guilt. The possibility of executing an innocent person (which has happened many times) makes the death penalty unacceptable.
If we could somehow determine guilt with 100% confidence, then I would instate it for first degree murder, rape, and aggravated child molestation.
No it's more expensive because of the legal fees involved in prosecuting all of the appeals
Always with the child rapist hate. You people are just as insane as they are.
If you murder someone, you should be murdered
? You don't think rapists deserve to die? They have sky-high recidivism rates, they shouldn't be released back to society if you 100% know they're guilty.
Child rapists and their supporters should kill themselves.
What about Sybil like system? Yes or No?
Yes BUT ONLY IF we're talking about a stable State, with unambiguous laws, and solid enough judicial system and police forces.
Sadly a lot of people hate their own life and their own body so much they would prefer death over serving a few years jail time.
That's why in many states (notably Japan) people getting a death penalty have to wait an indefinite number of years before being actually executed (with minimal notice).
>Note: jail, fines, death penalty, etc, have two purposes: punishment (you commited a crime, you have no more the full dignity of a person, thus you shalt be punished to get back your dignity) and discouragement (you don't want to get a punishment, thus you'll refrain from commiting crimes).
No job should have "execute people" written in it's description. That's just terrible.
You can't pretend killing doesn't exist