You just said you were degenerate?
Do you need to be eating a rotisserie chicken soaked in piss to get it up?
You just said you were degenerate?
Do you need to be eating a rotisserie chicken soaked in piss to get it up?
a different type of degenerate from what youre thinking user
well what's stopping you?
everybody would love to be a cute girl
OP ignores examples of attractive 3Ds. Plenty are ugly, but plenty aren't. Just pick and choose your battles and you'll be fine.
This makes me so damn diamond.
I wish I could be like that, or just a cute boy.
Being ugly really is a foretaste of hell.
God what an adorable little femboi peepee. Would love to watch it flop around and dribble while I fuck her (male) in the booty