
thoughts on training for long distance running instead of focusing on strength and bodybuilding? is it a twink sport?

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If you want to run for long distances you'll need to give up some size and strength. Wouldn't do it myself but go ahead if you're interested. Also, protect your nipples

3 miles 3-5 times a week is maximum. Any more has long term negative health consequences. Yes I’m serious


Oh noes you tore your it band/hamstring/plantar fasciitis/bloody nipples/ACL tear/fractured toe/knee injury/roles your ankle

>Pop pop pow

Ok weret going to have to do surgery now . We'll repair your acl with some cadaver tissue. You'll be bedridden for a week and hobbling for months. Then it'll be months of intense physical therapy after which you may eventually be able to run but never quite as well as before

Wow who could have guessed?

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>Any more has long term negative health consequences

what negative consequences?

Cool, make sure not to give any examples of what you're talking about, or why OP should listen to you

Not him but most of your issues will be knee related injuries. There's really no point in doing other than love for the activity. Yeah you can see some marathon runners who will show off their medals like they've just won a world championship but in reality they don't gain anything from it other than bragging rights and even those aren't much. Nobody gives a fucking about long distance runners.

I'm of the impression that the overwhelming majority of running issues stem not from overuse or normal wear and tear but rather from a series of long ignored nagging issues due to bad form.

I literally see people every single day at the gym with bad form, they complain their ankle hurts or something and instead of fixing their heel strike and taking a rest, they pop an ibuprofen and run again.

It's much the same with weightlifters desu. I see the powerlifter guys and regular lifters complain about stuff hurting, then just do the same thing over and over rather than try and fix form or rehab their issue and fix it.

Why? No clue. Every issue I have ever had has been fixed by changing form or googling and finding the proper solution.

Don't ignore aches and pains, figure out why you have them and fix it. There's a big difference between being tired and sore from a hard workout and being in pain from working out wrong repeatedly

Running has basically the highest rate of injuries of any ordinary exercise activity. It's insanely high. Like on the order of a hundred fold the rate of lifting injuries.

Only time to run is if you're being chased by a predator

>Running is totally safe everyone else is doing it wrong, I'm totally not dealing with the same risk of injury as the average because I'm special

What is base rate neglect?