thoughts on training for long distance running instead of focusing on strength and bodybuilding? is it a twink sport?
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If you want to run for long distances you'll need to give up some size and strength. Wouldn't do it myself but go ahead if you're interested. Also, protect your nipples
3 miles 3-5 times a week is maximum. Any more has long term negative health consequences. Yes I’m serious
Oh noes you tore your it band/hamstring/plantar fasciitis/bloody nipples/ACL tear/fractured toe/knee injury/roles your ankle
>Pop pop pow
Ok weret going to have to do surgery now . We'll repair your acl with some cadaver tissue. You'll be bedridden for a week and hobbling for months. Then it'll be months of intense physical therapy after which you may eventually be able to run but never quite as well as before
Wow who could have guessed?
>Any more has long term negative health consequences
what negative consequences?
Cool, make sure not to give any examples of what you're talking about, or why OP should listen to you
Not him but most of your issues will be knee related injuries. There's really no point in doing other than love for the activity. Yeah you can see some marathon runners who will show off their medals like they've just won a world championship but in reality they don't gain anything from it other than bragging rights and even those aren't much. Nobody gives a fucking about long distance runners.
I'm of the impression that the overwhelming majority of running issues stem not from overuse or normal wear and tear but rather from a series of long ignored nagging issues due to bad form.
I literally see people every single day at the gym with bad form, they complain their ankle hurts or something and instead of fixing their heel strike and taking a rest, they pop an ibuprofen and run again.
It's much the same with weightlifters desu. I see the powerlifter guys and regular lifters complain about stuff hurting, then just do the same thing over and over rather than try and fix form or rehab their issue and fix it.
Why? No clue. Every issue I have ever had has been fixed by changing form or googling and finding the proper solution.
Don't ignore aches and pains, figure out why you have them and fix it. There's a big difference between being tired and sore from a hard workout and being in pain from working out wrong repeatedly
Running has basically the highest rate of injuries of any ordinary exercise activity. It's insanely high. Like on the order of a hundred fold the rate of lifting injuries.
Only time to run is if you're being chased by a predator
>Running is totally safe everyone else is doing it wrong, I'm totally not dealing with the same risk of injury as the average because I'm special
What is base rate neglect?
virgin marathoners vs 100 mts Chad sprinters
Didn't say it was totally safe. I just said my opinion was that the majority of injuries could have been avoided, just like with almost every other physical activity.
Running has a higher rate, also in my opinion, because more people run than anything else because it's got a low barrier of entry and everything thinks they can just step outside and run a 5k.
What's the barrier of entry? Do your legs currently work? Yes? Welcome to the running club
It's for twinks and retarded kenyans who look like aids saturated bone racks
Even of the majority could be avoiding, it's still an order or magnitude more dangerous than walking or lifting
>I just said my opinion was that the majority of injuries could have been avoided
You can say that for nearly all physical related activities, though
Runningfags are cultish as fuck. They remind me of people doing crossfit for some reason, but at least a few of the latter group end up looking good
race distance -vs- record holder size
marathon - 5'6" 126 lb
half marathon - 5'3" 119 lb
10k - 5'5" 121 lb
5k - 5'5" 121 lb
mile - 5'9" 128 lb
1k - 6'0" 150 lb
800m - 6'3" 168 lb
400m - 6'0" 165 lb
200m - 6'5" 207 lb
100m - 6'5" 207 lb
>fracturing tendons/snapping nipples/tearing bone fibers while running
Do people really do this?
Swimming (depending on the stroke) >= cycling > running
Wow, looks like optimizing your power to weight ratio is important in distance racing sports, who would have guessed?
Long-distance running is big gay.
Train for 800m; being able to run balls-out for half a mile is way more practical in real life than being able to jog forever.
That shit's for fags.
Being good at running slowly is like being the smartest retard.
Just look at any forum for runners and see what they talk about
Just into swimming
Explain what you mean depending on the stroke. Rank the strokes etc.
Right hand 6
Left 4
Left after sitting on it 7
Right while choking with left 8
Backhanded 7
Dudes 8
Girls 4
Breast stroke and butterfly are chad strokes, front crawl is gay, and backstroke is can't-blow-bubbles tier
Did a swim lesson today. Flopped around like a retard trying to breast stroke. Definitely Chad
>been training for almost a year
>still haven't gotten my mile time under 6 minutes
The ultimate warrior is balanced. Balanced in agility, speed, endurance and strength. You choose which kind of strategy best suits you by being a little bit more experienced in which area you want. But remember to always keep it balanced. Too much lifting, gymcell bro rat. Too much running, skinny weak deal.
>Only time to run is if you're being chased by a predator
Short run if you never practice...
I run 10k-15k 7 days a week. Ama
Fitness blogs do not count as sources, just a heads up
>muh knees
Pretty sure studies were done showing a negative correlation between running and osteoporosis/knee injuries, one user usually dumps all the sources in threads like this. The rest of your post is just projecting, you could say the same thing about literally any other athlete who doesn't compete on a national level.
Injury rate is only so high because of the number of unskilled people doing it without realizing they're doing it wrong.
define "slowly"
how long do you think you could keep up with a elite distance runner doing a full marathon?
>The ultimate warrior is balanced. Balanced in agility, speed, endurance and strength.
funny enough doing long-distance running is a very effective way to improve your 800m time
t. former 800/1500/3000 runner
to all you fags who say running isn't healthy. We evolved to run long distances one of the only animals that can, the problem is not running but running on unnatrual shit like concrete with bad shoes and form
I ran the same events, nothing like 800m repeats to get you going
WR marathon speed is about 13 mph; WR speed for the 100m is over twice that.
It's impressive to be able to keep that kind of pace for 26 miles, but in terms of chasing someone down or putting distance between yourself and some danger it's nearly useless.
I literally picked up running, from nothing, 4 years ago. My first 2 mile timed was 16 minutes. My best 2 mile timed was 14:30. So what i'm saying is I have not broken 14 minute 2 mile (7 minute mile pace). FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK This shit I hate running so bad but have to do it coz /mil/
Running volume is critical but you need to train both to be good at either.
Because humans aren't built to run from danger retard.
1) We're persistence hunters
2) If you retreated in ancient warfare you die
If your running from danger your a subhuman. Real people run towards the flames. Running isn't pussy shit you fucking land whale, it's whats makes a man a man.
Lmaoing @ your life 11:30 2 mile here
I try to run for 40 minutes a day. If not running some kind of cardio. Its great for your heart and shit. Maybe its not great if you are entering body building contests but I'm guessing none of you are. After 30 minutes you start to burn a shit ton of fat.
I bet you couldn't maintain that 13 mph for even 10 seconds you fat shit
>heel strike
I am currently at 8 mile per hour pace on my 40 minute runs. How do I compare to you other anons? Good, average, bad?
>After 30 minutes you start to burn a shit ton of fat
I think it takes longer than that for the body to start directly utilizing fat stores as an energy source, somewhere around 90-120 minutes. Activities like hiking or long bike rides are generally recommended if you want to burn fat. If you actually started burning fat when running your ability to maintain pace would be severely hampered aka "hitting the wall", which is typically seen at miles 18-22 in marathons.
At least for running/jogging I always heard it was 30 minutes. Maybe no a shit ton but more so generally. I'm not really a marathon runner so I might have just been wrong about it, but at least in my experience I began to lose lots of weight when I went from 30 to 40 minute runs.
heard it wa40 mins*
the day of the bulk will come to you skinny pt studs when the ACFT comes around mark my words dyel bitch
That's retard naturalist fallacy shit
"We evolved to do x" doesn't mean X is healthy or without negative consequences.
Bees evolved to sting. Fucking kills the bee though.
Eh but why doesn't that apply to literally any other activity if true?
Serious weight lifting injuries outside of competitive powerlifting are extremely rare. Even within competitive powerlifting they're rare.
At some point you're just describing the inherent dangerousness of the activity
distancecel cope
Swimming has low rates of injury, low impact on joints and low rates of nog encounters
Rocky Marciano did at least 5 miles every day.
Do both. Strength and endurance are both key. Cookie cutter faggots say otherwise.
No, it's typically slow overuse injuries that people negelect, e.g. tendinopathies.
Lel imagine being such a faggot to write this. If that's the point your argument rests on, I feel bad for you.
Yeah but the sting serves a larger purpose. Animals naturally avoid bees now and it protects the hive. The naturalist fallacy has some truth to it. You, by and large, should be in line with what you evolved for. This is like criticizing an appeal to authority, despite authority, such as recognized scientific experts, frequently having a more informed opinion. Just because you can identify a potential fallacy does not make it a valid criticism.
Running = Chad
Cycling = Chad
Competitive Weightlifting = Chad
Football, of any variety = Chad
Ball and racket/bat sports = Chad
Swimming = Chad
Volleyball = Chad
Just going to the gym 5 days a week and getting buff so you have a hot body = Chad
Sitting on your ass all day playing video games and eating terrible food = Virgin
All sports are chad sports, if you live a healthy lifestyle and aren't a social retard then no amount of endurance running will make you a twink.
Video game speedrunning is as much of a sport as powerlifting, maybe more.
I'll admit I do appreciate speedrunning but I wouldn't call it a sport.
You need to pay to go to a gym with a high enough rate to filters out the nigs from the nogs.
Also, using it as an additional way to train. Basically I've spend quite awhile doing BJJ 2 times per day 5 days per week. My back has been bothering me so I'm replacing some sessions with other stuff to give it some time to heal. Doing swimming and rock climbing.
Half marathons wrong bro new record just a few days ago hes 5'8.
>knee injuries
I started running when I was fucking obese
Lost 25kg since then
My knee did hurt the first few 10k jogs but never anymore
Running is gay
When it comes to endurance sport the real man does road cycling
You're not gonna make it, bro.
Truth brother. I'm not a slow runner but honestly fuck the skinny fucking assholes who shit on everyone else who isn't running a sub 6-7 minute mile. Runners in the military literally can never shut the fuck up about it. "It's literally part of the job to be able to run fast" fucking cunts. It's all their good at because they're skinny as fuck. I can't wait to see all the Lieutenants fail the ACFT because they've never touched a barbell in their whole life.
This is a fat person talking.
One look at speedruning athletes confirms this to be true.
Yeah your single experience should be the only evidence.
>the burger military is replacing its fitness test with burger crossfit meme exercises because all its personnel are too fat to run anymore
You can't deny that running on concrete has more impact than running on dirt or softer surfaces and will cause more damage.
Naturist say a lot of bullshit on other topics though.
You thought you were clever posting this but you're not.
This entire thread has to be b8. I've run regularly for 15 years without a serious injury. I've completed 3 marathons with no issues except feeling sore afterwards. What's all this shit about running being so dangerous? Sounds made up.
>closest thing to flying
>even big guys (uuuu) feel weightless with proper technique
>whatever you do in life you need your heart and lungs
Running is the shit, I'm terrible at it but I'll eventually not suck.
>Yeah your single experience should be the only evidence.
> The broscience of the board's gym rats that never run should though
lol, just lol
Do what you enjoy
Not dieing from heart disease before 40 is also quite practical.
distance running is great for general life gains. It will develop your willpower and pain/discomfort tolerance a lot. You will generally not feel tired so easily in life. It will help in anything where long sustained effort is needed.
No such thing as too much endurance for 'warriors'. Have you see special operations troops? They all focus on running. Except for seals, but there's a reason they're a joke.
kenyan genetics?
even worse than crossfit?
Bros, Im looking for good snacks for my long runs. I cant really digest solid foods well without having to physically stop, which isn't really ideal for obvious reasons. I know gels are an option, but they're a bit on the expensive side. What about those small bean things. Anyone have any experience with those?
It's realy hard on your joints and you can't run as much as you could do other sports.
Cycling with a recumbent or velomobile is probably the best form of cardio.
glucose/dextrose in huge white 'pills' (don't swallow it tho)
meant tablets
>He's afraid of running
lmao stay fat fatfag
It's harder on your joints, but if you allow your skeletomuscular system to properly develop (i.e. strengthen) you will experience no adverse effects. Running gets a bad rep because of all the bad practice that goes around. It's easy to explain though. The barrier of entry to the sport is very low. Theoretically anyone could just start doing it right now. Couple it with the desire for easy weightloss and you see a lot of overweight people with bad form and generic sports trainers push themselves well beyond their limit. Yeah, welcome to skewed statistics.
Like Dextro energy?
I rather keep cycling, my 5k is under 20 minutes anyway wich, given the length of my legs, surprised me.
Just do what you enjoy, thats all that really matters. I do some mountainbiking from time to time as well. It's just annoying when people claim running is inherently more dangerous in terms of injuries.
that has added vitamins in it, which is up to you if you need/want those (I can think about arguments for and against)
glucose/dextrose is just the most quickly and easily absorbable sugar, goes straight into your bloodstream
I usually take if after 40-50 minutes if I'm not really carbed up ...or I'm done
He's right though. No animal has better doped / endurance over 40k than man. It means we can hunt shit down. It's obviously not a combat skill though.
I'm not sure why his post offended you so much. I was basically going to post the same thing.