If you're under 5'11 you might as well just die

If you're under 5'11 you might as well just die.

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women should be barred from using currency and should be put on strict rations. makeup should be illegal and promiscuity punishable by stoning.

based and dare I say redpilled?

>tfw 6'1
Manlets should be sterilized and turn into trannies

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you probably look like a faggot yourself though

The more a spend time in this earth the more I see how right the fundamentalist muslims are about women

Who cares about women? They're absolutely worthless. Their only purpose is to make more men.

Take the gaypill


tfw exactly 5'11
It's like being Schrodinger's manlet. most girls think im tall but if im ever around a tall guy the illusion disappears

yes, the Muhammad is certainly redpilled

Even midgets don't want manlets lmao

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>caring what women think
never gonna make it

Exactly 6'0 here. It's a weird place. It's like everyone around me is comically short or slightly taller.

Islam is right about women

I'm 6'1 but all these dumb roasties need to be beaten until they know their place again.

>caring what women think

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OP is 5'11 and thinks he's tall even though he's a manlet

All the seething manlet in this thread. Sorry boys but if your height dont start with 6' you dont get shit. Why should women settle for worse when they can get better?

>Why should women settle for worse when they can get better?
Statistically speaking they can't. Most women will have to settle for a man under 5'11, and the majority are ugly/fat to begin with.

>implying i don't mind being

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Because I actually have a personality.

seething manlets taking a woman's bait this hard. pathetic.

Based fellow amazon hunter

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I can never tell if these are just meme troll accounts or actual women.
But I mean @1800viagra sounds like a troll account handle

It really do be like that. I'm 5'5 and im completely invisible to girls. I've accepted the fact that 99.9% of women will immediately dismiss me as a genetic dead end. What's even the point in trying when a bunch of roasties hating on short guys is enough to trigger me?

Fuck this gay earth. I want off

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I'm fine

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I know a manlet who can't be any more than 5'3. He's a total chad and he has a qt blonde gf who's even shorter than him. I've known him my entire life and he has never had trouble getting girls. Stop making excuses.

Just give it time user. She'll think your the bomb when she's a single mom

Lol girls say that but they still spread their cunts for me to cum in. Then again they don't have any concept of scale (I'm 5'10, I straight up tell them I'm 5'10, they try to argue with me that I'm 6 feet)

>5'5" manlet at my BJJ gym
>captain of his high scool judo team
>was in the marines, intel or some shit like that
>taught in their combatives program
>speaks fluent russian
>could easily kill me with his bare hands
>nicest guy in the world, secretly my hero
>he's only 26 y.o.

If my daughter brought this guy home I couldn't be happier. You're living life on hard mode, user. It just means you have to apply yourself and become a man with character.

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Ignore what women say, look what they do. That is fucking everything that has a penis

Im 6'2 and i feel for you short arses. If i ever said i was personally insulted by any fat women thinking they bad a shot with my sexy ass in a public forum, i would immediately be shamed and taken to task, and that's something people actually have control over. These cunts talking tough over the internet, you want equality, how about removing the safety of you cant hit me im a woman, then say that to one of these little fellas.

What website


oh no no no no hahahaahahaha

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that difference is more than 11cm
fucking manlets lying about their height again


Friendly reminder that if you /redball/ you should give up on ever having sex with anybody who is not colored or disabled

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