How can i make gains as an hiv positive man?

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The jews create HIV in a laboratory, then push lgbt degeneracy upon the population.

Theres something deeply evil about the zionists

Wouldn't breaking muscle tissues due to lifting create micro hemorrhagies which would only get worse as seek more gains?

Same as anyone else. Eat, lift heavy, rest. You can probably get a prescription for steroids a lot easier than most people. Finally, don't underestimate the mental aspect of strength training. so stay positive.

>HIV positive man
>Make gains

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Do you struggle with finding gf?

This was a disinformation campaign lauched by the USSR during the Cold war, confirmed by Gorbachev himself. I'm astonished that people actually still believe it unironically.

Get a home gym, nobody wants to share a gym with your diseased body. I know HIV cant live outside of the body for more than a second, and yet nobody should have to even take the smallest micro percent of a chance, cause you fucked up.

>Implying that I should believe that the story about it being a disinformation campaign is not itself a disinformation campaign

Fuck dudes raw, so you can do the world a favor and take more faggots with you to an early grave.

>HIV cant live outside of the body for more than a second

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It’s bullshit —if he is on treatment.

>hiv positive

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I hope he keeps getting away with it.

What is africa, you dumb sack of shit

Not HIV, but how does one make social/gf gains as a herpes positive man?

Don't mean to take away from OP but a little scared I'll never find a qt3/14 and my lifts with be fucking pointless

There's a lot of unformalized wisdom here.

Oral or genital

genital, my cunt of an ex gave it to me

never trusting bitches again

Bro, seriously; Kill that bitch.
Don't get caught. Good luck.

sauce please

I have genital too i girl I met and hooked up with on bumble gave tome made me not want to have sex anymore

Or be rich like Magic.

>not even bumble is safe
dating apps were a mistake , fuck this gay earth