Got a labor job i dont want to do

but will get kicked off neet bux if i dont go..... its going to be hard and boring ill be tired all the time and only have the weekend where i can sleep in but ill have to still wake up at 5:50 am to keep a healthy sleep scheduled i do IF and quit smoking a few years back so i cant even get those sweet dopamine hits off a ciggie and a can of coke during my break im so depressed

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Get fired
Go back to neetbux

Work hard you dirty parasite faggot

Just be useless.

Just coom user and all that stress will go away

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Yeah, idc what happens to you

welcome to the real world fren

What kinda physical labour? I just got a job sorting parcels at 5am. Love how long the day is when you wake this early

These things sound unpleasant but they will help you immensely

>Proper sleep schedule
>8 or so hours of dopamine fasting
>Meeting new people
>Having your time occupied which makes you appreciate free time

Don't really see a downside

semi-retired /NEET/ here, just try find the humor in everything you do it's the only cope we have left.. also hop on roids with your new income it'll help you recover

i dont see the humor in it..going to bed at 9:45 on a friday and saturday unless i want to miss sleep [i dont] or isleep in which will make it harder for me to fall alseep at 945 the next day...

there is none you just have to (try) embrace how ridiculous it all is.. take the honkpill


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That’s what you get for neglecting your education and never trying hard in your life. You’re now part of the working class, so do your best :^)

This is a larp. Anyone on bennies who gets forced to work does such a god awful fucking disgrace of a job it actually costs the company money to employ you.

I worked in poundland and was told to stack shelves. I lay on the floor and screamed whilst spinning in a circle. When asked what i was doing i said i was fulfilling magnetic capabilities. I actually do have chronic mental health issues, and its bad to play it up, but it got me the sack so fuck it.

get a job as a security guard where you sit in some small reception office mostly browsing the internet in between picking up phone or looking at security camera screen


wait you think because you work in an office you contribute more to society? lol fool i sell drugs on the side i probably make more money than you do and i didnt have to waste time in school its about life work is boring working class is boring working in an office is boring work is boring you obnoxious cunt

That’s fine as well, you have it easier in life because you took the initiative. Considered selling weed as well since it’s easy enough, but I’ve got enough other shit going on that I don’t want to fuck up by potentially getting caught.
Anyways, the point was that if you just sit on your ass all day and never go out of your way to get anything done you’ll suffer down the road

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>neglecting your education
go suc k another dick you liberal faggot.

It's the start of the week wagie. Better get used to waking up early and going to bed late.
Your boss is waiting on you wagie wagie. Better get going before the boss yells at you.

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Hahahha underrated

Go bitch on a board that cares.

most fun things are bad, working is good for you

>so i cant even get those sweet dopamine hits off a ciggie and a can of coke during my break im so depressed
Stop being such a pathetic junkie, if you need dopamine to keep living you missed the point of being alive

>I actually do have chronic mental health issues
You don't have mental diseases, you have a mineral deficiency
Try actually eating a good diet after doing a 3 days fast with salt water

Now now, future prison queen, don't get uppity at your betters.

Wow, thanks bro

Not him but here in the UK you aren't getting jail time for moving trees unless you're caught with weight, a lot unacounted for cash (think a couple thousand) or you've previously been a naughty boy. Most you'll get is a suspended sentence, a fine and maybe some community service. So you can do it until you're caught the first time then that's it you've gotta be a good boy

might as well sell stuff other than weed. i used to sell valium, much more compact and safer to bring around with me, only a class C in the UK, cheap to purchase. weed is smelly and bulky and the customers are lazy.

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Try a cold 3L enema while you're at it