No coffee day1

Say no to coffee.

Attached: cohi.jpg (1200x1200, 82K)

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No to you.
Nice nails though.

t. addict who will regret not quitting

tried 2 weeks of no coffee. literally saw no difference in ANYTHING.

sisaj kurac iskompleksirani majmune


I've quit coffee 3 times.
Only noticed a slight benefit on time number 2 and I was doing a bunch of other improvement stuff simultaneously.

Also, Fuck do you care?

I usually take a deload week if I feel like I'm drinking too much coffee.

1-2 a day is fine, especially since it's one of my few social interactions

Honestly I been drinking more and more and it gets harder to wake up, I'm gonna quit again. There's no point drinking coffee in such quantities I am right now

Make me

I drink green tea.
Doesn't make me so jittery like coffe, makes me relaxed and focused.
I don't know how much caffeine it has, but I didn't notice any difference when I replaced it with decaf green tea for a couple of weeks.

Isn't the caffeine supposed to help with preventing muscle soreness when you drink it before lifting?

You just taught me that green tea contains caffeine. This could explain some issues I had with sleeping last winter.

sure, the next time i make a cup of coffee, i'll say no to it before drinking it

u might be r-tarded

Quitting caffeine won't cure your autism.

Yeah I'm on day 3 already, I really needed it because I was in this gaymin' club of fighting games that gathered at 12:00am and I was there until 3 in the morning. I had to wake up at 9 to go to college and if I didn't have my coffee I felt like I was going to sleep while driving.

Now I go to sleep at 10, and I wake up feeling amazing at 8, friends told me 10 hours sleep is bad for you for some stupid reason, don't really care to be honest, I still don't know if me picking up a diet and going to the gym is also helping me wake up with energy every morning, I bet that also is helping me.

coffee is full of antioxidants
coffee drinkers live longer on average
coffee contains caffeine
caffeine improves workout performance
caffeine reduces feelings of tiredness and pain
caffeine increases your metabolic rate

remind me again why you're retarded enough to give coffee up

how is a little more sleep bad for you? I can't find anything really definitive on that and I don't hesitate to sleep as much as I can. The uneducated are out here telling us that by going to bed early enough to wake up naturally before my alarm clock is bad for me?

Yes I don't get it, My new healthy rutine is making me feel amazing, so much so that I no longer need a clock to wake me up anymore, sometimes I wake up 10 hours after, sometimes I even wake up naturally 7 hours after. For me, I think its better to leave my body wake me up when it wants and not wake up to some shitty alarm

Drink coffee twice a day on work days. Once on days off, sometimes none.

Just pace yourself, retards.

Yeah I wish I did it more. I stay up late a lot of nights and get like 7 hours. Not terrible but I know I need more sleep. I feel sluggish through the week but when i get some good sleep in like 10 hours every couple days. I feel fresher. Seems like telling people too much sleep is bad is some bullshit people spread because they think it sounds right. Just like vegan propaganda tells you meat causes cancer and all around bad health.

10 is fine, but sustained extra sleep of around 12 hours a day for 5 years has been shown to cause you to be 44 percent more likely to die. Could just be correlation though. For example depressed people sleep more, and depression does make you more likely to die, so I’m not sure it’s causation.

>Say no to a drug that only has bad effects if you stop taking it. Not to mention those effects are short term and barely worth mentioning

man years ago, people (especially europeans) used to get drunk all the fucking time. Why?

Water supply contamination was a very common thing, especially in small communities. Drinking water often underwent little to no treatment for most people. However, guess what? Alcohol just so happened to double down as a drink that disinfected itself - So often times, drinking lots of alcohol was safer than drinking the fucking water.

But then, a new fancy import from Ethiopia came around. It was a bean that could be ground up and boiled into water - except, instead of making you drunk, it made you stay awake - And, it was so plentiful and easy to grow, that it was way cheaper than getting ahold of Tea

Suddenly, all of europe is drinking coffee, and at the same time, there just so happens to be a scientific boom of discoveries and inventions. It's thought now, that this boom of science and technology was in part because of the rise of coffee and how it displaced alcohol in Europe as a source of "clean drinking"

Drink one cup of black coffee a day and you will have no issues.

shhhh, user

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I don't drink coffee anyway but i'll stop taking sugar in my tea.

So one study that hasn't been repeated.


I stopped coffee a year ago due to stomach issues...its weird, I never need caffeine anymore, I am a lot more alert, my brain isn't "hazzy"; good luck op, it's worth it

What is it with white people and coffee?
Is staying awake that hard

Coffee cocoa tea and alcohol
Maybe its too expensive for you, but I aint stopping

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Coffee is a nice occasional treat. It's best to only have it occasionally, and not become dependent on it.