How the fuck are you supposed to beat a taller and stronger opponent barehanded?
How the fuck are you supposed to beat a taller and stronger opponent barehanded?
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By getting the first hit in and making it count, preferably while they're not looking.
You don't, that's why grappling exists.
by being
more technical
or more savage
Fight dirty
By talking and not fighting
by being the aggressor
Have a better gameplan
Have better technique
Connect that one hit that will turn the tide
Plenty of way, but it'll obviously get harder of he's 300% your weight
Like everyone else said you just need good hands. You just need to hit them with a good shot. Back up, weave, counter-punch. Timing.. distance.. easier said than done. Only half of the fights I've seen had real striking involved. Most people aren't that good with their hands and look really sloppy when fighting. There's a lot of grabbing and holding in fights between regular people. I spent a year in jail and saw only 3 good fights. I got into it with the biggest guy in the pod and somehow landed the first shot directly to his face, he staggered forward and bearhugged me. He wouldn't let go of me so we were like ballroom dancing back and forth, I had insert my finger into his eyesocket to get him to fuck off. I don't even fight but I won 2 fights in county jail and kind of got a feel for how shit mine and most peoples hand skills really are. Confidence helps.. if you don't practice you wont have confidence.
Carry a gun. If theres the slightest chance I dont think I can win I always have that fall back
Everybody thinks weapons are a good idea until they end up pulling them out and getting charged with menacing. Or using them and going to prison.. better off training your striking. Shadowbox, punch a tree if you cant get a bag, whatever. Just do something.
precision beats power
timing beats speed
You are the exact reason why I appreciate concealed carry laws
If you're not a chimp waving your gun around to intimidate people, it's perfectly legal to brandish your gun when you have a reasonable fear of being assaulted
Yeah it's legal if that's the case. It's not always that simple when the police show up and decide what they think happened. Then you're fighting it in court. The right to self defense is slowly being eliminated. Eventually there will be disarmed, domesticated populations that don't any longer have the power to challenge or overthrow the government.
I don't think either one of you have actually pulled a weapon on someone. I hope you never have to either.
is a surprisingly based response. While it's important to be prepared for violence in any situation and to have the will to defend yourself, you can get very far in life by learning to use your words and deescalating situations.
Violence isn't like in the movies. People are fragile. Let things go and live to fight (or talk) another day.
99% chance this post was made by someone in Eastern Europe.
Lots of MMA coaches here in fit
elbow to the throath, kick the knee so it will bend the other way, finger to the eye.
Remember, if you're getting attacked by a nig, everything counts.
When I did MMA i had a match against a much taller guy. I'm 5'9 and he was like 6'5 or more, but didnt weigh that much more than me. The only reason I survived the stand up part of the much was because I had some quick dodging in me that I never knew I had, but he got a few good hits in. Contrary to popular belief, when you get rocked, you think you just had the wind knocked out of you, and your body obeys the mind. My cardio wasn't the best, but I was surprised how quickly I started gassing out. Punching him felt hopeless, getting past his reach only worked when I landed good kicks on him that made him stumble, and even when I kept boxing him, I knew I was going to lose not because he could knock me out, but because I felt myself losing energy very quickly and running out of stamina. Then he did a takedown and took me to the ground and that was when the tables turned. I spent a good few minutes toying with him on the ground and was seconds from securing an arm lock before the match ended.
tl;dr your average (and I stress average) fighter of short stature is more likely better on the ground, but if you lack good stamina, you best hope you get lucky on your feet
Your best bets are to be fast and get in close so he can't use his length to his advantage.
Then Grapple like all the anons are saying
Try to sweep his legs and get him on the ground while you are up.
Once he is on the ground, try to get a hold of one of his limbs and koala bear hug it then snap it backwards
After defeating your opponent, have a celebratory coom
Use your bare hands to draw a weapon, preferably a gun. However, diplomacy is always the best choice, if you disagree just check out these dubs
Bite him in the cock.