Will minoxidil fix this?

Will minoxidil fix this?

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Yeah probably... but only the thin areas. The receded spots wont come back.

t. another diffuse thinner

Maybe start off with peppermint oil for a while

the widow peak I always had since I was a toddler.

I assure you that you didnt have it like your pic.

Yikes. Just take the baldpill.

Don't do this.

I once saw my toddler pics and had the same widow peak.

minox. will probably be enough to fill this in to a half-decent degree, where it will look acceptable if you keep it longer.
most people quit minox though because it is a pain in the ass to apply twice a day. remember: you'll have to wetten your entire fucking scalp with it TWICE a day and let that dry with no water contact whatsoever. this effectively means having to modify your entire fucking daily rituals around this retarded watery lotion.
sooner or later everyone just goes "ahh fuck this garbage" and quits, or they automatically enter a phase where they couldn't apply it 3-4 times in a row (going out a lot, being late etc.) and then just skip it.

tl;dr: people don't quit minox because of any lack of effectiveness but because it is insanely retarded/autistic to not be able to leave the house for like 2x 30mins a day because you have to wait for your fucking scalp to dry.

This is why I'm gonna try peppermint oil and derm rolling for my shit instead

It's super effective though, it move my hairline forwards almost an inch.

yes it is, it fixed my hair which looked similar to OP's in a matter of a few months and i was initially very enthusiastic about it - but in the end i luckily just came to terms with it and ended it, most people do.
every single application is like a drip of water hollowing out a stone, it's annoying, tedious and at some point you're just going to realize how insanely childish it is to go through all this for some dead matter on your scalp and shrug.

at least i hope you will.

"no dude i can't go out right now, i need another 30mins"
"why bro"
"ehhh no reason"

If you stop doing this does the hair that came with it stays ?

genetic or cortisol man?


my grandpa looked like this.

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no it falls out again.

your only hope is minoxidil plus derma rolling

Baldfags need to fuck off, Most of you faggots have somehow deluded yourself into believing that you'd shave if you had the option to have a perfect hairline. Some of you at least admit that you'd like your hair if you didn't have to risk limp dick symptoms from finasteride.

How do u let it get so bad before u start minox lol idiot

Norwood 3 as a toddler?

balding is a death setence


can't find that pic, imagine a baby with norwood 3.

I am pretty sure it won't fix it but it would help somewhat.

Finasteride(/Dutasteride) is notorious (exaggerated sometimes though) for the side-effects, but compared to Minoxidil/dermarolling/PRP it really is the most effective method to regrow hair, and especially to slow any of your remaining hair to fall out. Try it, and if you start having problems getting your dick up quit.

6 days into it and my libido is up, noticeable hairfall completely stopped too(I no longer get hair in my mouth when I brush my teeth in the shower). Hoping to reverse a NW1 to a 0.

Just a mature hairline.

Are you speaking from experience? Did it work for you?

wtf are all those bricks lmaooo.

Get a skin fade, and get on fin

Yea, dramatic improvement in 3 months.

Maybe but Fin's your best bet
Try it for a month to see if you get any sides. Chances are you wont have any and you'll be good to go with a full head of hair at no cost

I've been on it for 5 months and it's been great. My hair's getting thicker, softer, and i'm even seeing some new hairs pop up along my hairline. Still busting fat loads on a daily basis and feeling great too.

Imagine falling for the Goymasteride meme and becoming a DHTlet.


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Take the hair transplant pill. I went from getting spit on when people walked by to actually getting treated like a human being. You look like 4000 grafts will set you up nicely.

Attached: 21807054-A50D-4C69-BBC7-BA6AD556AFEE.jpg (640x367, 20K)

>just pay 10k-15K goyim
why when derma rolling and minoxidil will give similar results? also most of those hair transplant mongs only show pictures from a couple weeks post transplant and not a couple months later when they're bald again

Your scalp looks fucked. Look into that mate. Why is it so red and terrifying?

just shave you faggot. you're old and your balding -accept the facts and move on. minox only works while you're taking it and it's basically for life, negative side effect include impotency, suicidal tendencies and a shitload of other "don't do it retard" side effects. so don't do it. get a good barber.