How is hunting even considered an alpha sport?

How is hunting even considered an alpha sport?

You’re using an invention that wasn’t even made by you and requires minimal practice to point and shoot at a defenseless target who you quickly read their habitat and traits on other technology (not made nor researched by you). Is there any other bragging hobby that screams micropenis as much as this?

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Okay grug poster
>me grug
>grug use no speshul wepun
>grug find stick n rock
>grug make hard stick
>grug kill many thing with hard stick
>grug real man

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Just like how you are using machines/weights not made by you, and lifting techniques not developed by you, to impress people who are still repulsed by your obnoxious personality?

Don't even try to relate this dumb ass question to fitness, fuck off to a different board

>just don't do anything, all achievements are void because they literally always build on something someone else did

That’s different.
It’s a mating ritual that requires a shitton of work because of a very high demanding society.

Keyword work. If they actually went in with nothing but a knife, then that’s actually something.

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>thing I dont like means tiny pp
Also nice fitness related question fag

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How can you even be alpha if you depended on mommy and daddy to be alive???

Hunting a little bit pheasants for food with over under shotguns is pretty alpha
Hunting big alpha animals with high powered rifles is meh. That nigger probably left the corpse to rot there

Why do people who have never been hunting think it's so fucking easy? Let me break it down for you like this.
>be playing a random shooter game, lets say fortnite since that's what you faggots are into these days
>you're playing all day but it's pretty boring so far, nothing big happening
>all the sudden it's just you and your opponent
>you go at it, he's good
>your heart starts racing
>hands shaking
>you almost can't stand the feeling of your heart pounding so hard
>you can't concentrate properly
>one wrong move and you're fucked
>you feel weak and shaky, sweating

That's what it's like hunting. Hours of prep, waiting perfectly silent in the woods. Your eyes constantly scanning for any movement. Your ears pick up every leaf moving. Your mind is focused. Finally you see it, a deer in the distance. It's moving closer and closer. You raise your gun, your heart is pounding, your hands are shaking. It's too far, too many trees between you. It moves in, turns to the side, "do I shoot now?" Yes but you missed your chance. Oh, here it comes again. You're breathing is shallow and your whole body is shaking. You got it in your scopes.

if it isn't out of convenience (you live in cabin deep in the woods, maybe what you want isn't sold regularly/fresh, etc) or part of lowering some abundant animal's population, you're being a gigantic faggot

its cowardly af, true.

weightlifting will always be one of the best

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Just reading this post made me gayer.

Post body retard

I agree but I think the crucial point is that the gun was a relatively recent invention. It's like cheat codes. I doubt animals can even tell it's dangerous, unlike knives.

just pull the trigger bro lol

Imagine being such a fucking retard that you think anything not invented by yourself is fucking betacuck8000 stuff.

have you driven a car lately user? a bus maybe?

fuck off

How to get this physique?

Why do people who have never been kicking little kids think it's so fucking easy? Let me break it down for you like this.
>be playing a random shooter game, lets say fortnite since that's what you faggots are into these days
>you're playing all day but it's pretty boring so far, nothing big happening
>all the sudden it's just you and the little kid, no witnesses around
>you go at it, he's good
>your heart starts racing
>hands shaking
>you almost can't stand the feeling of your heart pounding so hard
>you can't concentrate properly
>one wrong move and you're fucked
>you feel weak and shaky, sweating

That's what it's like kicking kids. Hours of prep, waiting perfectly silent in the mall. Your eyes constantly scanning for any movement. Your ears pick up every kids and parent moving. Your mind is focused. Finally you see it, a child without parents in the distance. It's moving closer and closer. You tense your leg, your heart is pounding, your hands are shaking. It's too far, too many people between you. It moves in, turns to the side, "do I kick now?" Yes but you missed your chance. Oh, here it comes again. You're breathing is shallow and your whole body is shaking. You got it in your sole scope.

Being a manlet, lifting for years and having a consistent caloric surplus

It's not inherently masculine and it is feminine if you just do it to piss off liberals and especially if you post selfies.
That's not to say you aren't masculine if you're good at it. Being good at shit is masculine.

>t. inner city losers
This ones the worst of all tho cos he lifts for women as well

What you described is literally what you feel every time you play sports competitively etc. I guess you wouldn't know that because you spend all your time sitting on your ass waiting until you can kill an unsuspecting animal that doesn't and can't know you're there or how guns work.

regular hunting is for population control and some meat in the freezer since we killed a lot of herbavores natural predators
legal big game is the manly hunting

Im not that guy. I dont even feel comfortable with hunting at all, ive shot pest animals as a kid and I didnt like it and I would never do it again. Im just not an obnoxious s-o-i boi who wants to tell other people what activities they should and shouldnt do like you lot

I ain't saying he can't do hunting. I just agree with OP that it's not manly at all, and only acceptable if you hunt for food. Hunting for sport is just pathetic.

>t. never did hunting
>not hunting with compound bow

have u tried tracking an elk in the mountains for 12 hours straight?

Killing animals with a primitive homemade bow is ideal, and obviously only killing to eat. Only humans should be killed for fun.

You’re a good writer

If you are an Aryan male, consider writing

>If you are an Aryan male
Lmfao. I'm black, but thanks.

Die nigger

Most modern hunting comes from 'recreating' the early times of hunting for neccesity.
Hunting with a rifle is already hard to do. Most people who hunt today still return home empty handed.
Your understanding of hunting, its appeal and its skilled required, are incredibly urbanite tier.
Like did you even do boyscouts?

Post body