hold me bros im gonna cri
Your Dad put his throbbing cock into your Moms moist pussy and then he came super hard into it
Benjamin Davis
Andrew Edwards
Only fags do gay shit to their adopted children.
I came out crooked (shoulder first) and tore my mom pretty bad.
Jackson Ramirez
Did they diagnose you with anything when you were born?
Chase Jackson
baby sea slugs??
Angel Evans
It's okay, Maggy.
I'm here for you.
Asher Price
James Gutierrez
Deal with it
>Did they diagnose you with anything
>when you were born?
March 28 of 95
Logan Martinez
Oh yeah, Shit Post, my friend is over in Iowa right now with his fiance/my cousin. He's bored out of his mind, what do you suggest he do out there? They're in the Des Moines area.
Carson Peterson
based marchbro
Evan Sanders
sorry I'm drunk [spoiler/]