Your Dad put his throbbing cock into your Moms moist pussy and then he came super hard into it

hold me bros im gonna cri

Attached: 1527212300711941.jpg (296x344, 69K)

Only fags do gay shit to their adopted children.

I came out crooked (shoulder first) and tore my mom pretty bad.

Did they diagnose you with anything when you were born?

Attached: Dc4tnOcXkAA7GZp.jpg (360x360, 22K)

baby sea slugs??

It's okay, Maggy.
I'm here for you.

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Deal with it
>Did they diagnose you with anything
>when you were born?
March 28 of 95

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Oh yeah, Shit Post, my friend is over in Iowa right now with his fiance/my cousin. He's bored out of his mind, what do you suggest he do out there? They're in the Des Moines area.

based marchbro

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sorry I'm drunk [spoiler/]