I wish I was squeezing some big boobs right now

I wish I was squeezing some big boobs right now

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Big Japanese tits are the best.

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How are girls literally ever sad? They have 24/7 access to boobs that they can do whatever they want with.

God damn same. Hell yeah motherfucker

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Idk man if i had tits that i could llay with whenever i felt like ide be happy all day everyday. I wonder if girls feel that way about dicks.

But they can't smother their face between their own boobs and not care that they can't breathe

what does it feels like to touch boobs?

I know that feel user. Big tits are a big weakness of mine.

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op pic is silicone tits

bumping big tiddy thread.

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I feel like I'm 60 years old and I haven't had sex for a long long time. But this brings back memories.

FYI boobs are unbelievably soft and warm

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Speaking from experience? Orig.

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>I wonder if girls feel that way about dicks.
They 100% do not. It's very sad.

i want to punch then like a punching bag

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They really don't unfortunately
Goddamnit i want some cocaine

good thread

I too like big boobs

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Nice pair. Big boobs are the best.

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Truly it is the thinking man's fetish

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I love when they look good hanging freely

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Agreed. I like the teasing aspect of them being clothed though.

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Any anons have stories of sucking/touching/playing with big boobs? I miss my ex, or at least her boobs

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>be me
>11 y/o
>family dinner that time, we usually had them every once in a while
>see big tiddy punk cousin
>accidentally touch her tits a few times in the past years
>did it again at that dinner
>after everyone finishes eating, we usually split up and go home, but some stay and have a sleepover (No alabama shit)
>cousin stayed
>changed in front of me and let me stare at her melons
>got hard
>she noticed
>mfw she jacked me off and hugged me till I passed out in the bed we shared

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nice how old was she

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While jacking you off, did you get to touch them?

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She was 17 at the time
Yeah, I did

I think it's interesting how you say no Alabama shit in a story of incest

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Any pic of her?

Nice. Were they soft? Was this a one time thing?

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KEK but I meant like, nobody in my family ever did that shit frequently, so I meant (no Alabama shit) as a one time thing, we only did that one time and no one else in the family ever did it

I should have some but I'm not too sure

They were not soft. They were MORE than soft, shit felt amazing user

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Can you please describe the feeling? My probability of touching a large or any, really pair if very very thin.

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No. I mean, boobs are just fat surrounded by skin so I could tell you to grab the fattiest part of your body and imagine that but round and on a woman's chest but that doesn't do it justice. It's like describing color to a blind man.

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Damn I really want to touch a big pair now. God damn it I hate that I'm the way I am.

Love that image btw. That body's perfect.

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One time in science class I accidentally touched my crush's boobs. It's a highly autistic story.
>taking a couple courses early, so I was in grade 11 but taking grade 12 biology. (And took grade 11 bio in grade 10)
>have to create an experiment for the final project.
>decide to test the mammalian diving reflex by getting people to dunk their face in cold water and checking their heart rate after
>there's not a lot of people in the class, let alone ones who can tolerate me, so I end up with the girl I like 's one of my volunteers
>taking her heart rate with stethoscope
>I'm an awkward 16 year old so I do my best to avoid touching her boobs because I don't want to be a creep
>"user, you're gonna have to touch my boobs stop making this weird."
>she grabs my hand and repositions it properly
>sit there with my hand on her chest counting to 30 in silence
The worst part is that she knew I liked her and I didn't even figure out myself that I had a crush on her until well after this.

I got to feel up breasts like these before unintentionally going celibate again. Good times. The last memory and probably last chance I'll ever have of touching a woman.

Cute. Were they big?
I never touched a woman. Most probably never will.

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My all time favorite boobs right here

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lol I know this skank IRL

>All that buildup, only for the webm to cut as soon as both of them are out.

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No. She was a sporty type girl with the build you'd expect for someone like that.

Well, a tit is a tit amirite? Better touch a small one than nothing.

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can i get the sauce for that image?

Lindsay Dawn McKenzie on the Howard Stern show

that gif is the only good part

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bump for my titty enthusiasts.
Sadly I aint got not webms to share.

I have .gifs

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If only this board was less fag and this thread had more posters.

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Jesus Christ, sauce? Looks like a camwhore.

>I too like big boobs
What's the source of this?

More tits for ya

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Playing with big tits kept me dating a bitch with dissociative identity disorder. Ontop of being broken, her parents were annoying af, her dad was a narcissist and her mom wouldn't stop speaking in tongues all the time. She was interesting to talk to but soon I found out we hardly had anything in common. I dated her 4 months after realizing we weren't compatible. Half of why I stayed was me being a pussy and not being strong enough to break up with her and the other half was her tits. I don't have any pictures of sadly.

I used to live with my ex. Every single day after work I would spend 15 minutes in my kitchen chair with her straddling my lap, groping her ass while sucking her tits. Was fucking amazing