Should I ask her if she wants to go and get something to eat sometime?
Should I ask her if she wants to go and get something to eat sometime?
Why not ask her if she wants to eat pizza at home today?
Yes. And don't be autistic about it. Just phrase it like that, the way it is in your post
"Hey do you want to go and get something to eat sometime?"
that good?
Don't bother. You probably know the answer anyways.
yeah that is actually great,maybe saying "dinner" and not "something to eat" would be better
I'm 20 and she's 19, i don't think a lot of people my age go out for dinner
I asked her
Wish me luck anons
Next time be a bit less passive.
Like this "hey, lets grab a bite soon" or "meet you at [insert place] for some food?
t. Cyborg
Do lunch instead. I say this as your peer. Say "hey wanna get lunch sometime?" Or however you're comfortable phrasing it
Oh oops I missed this. Keep us updated bro kun
Good for you, user. Dont fuck this up, fren.
I won't, thank you user.
Last girl I waited too long and she eventually got back with her boyfriend... I won't make the same mistake this time
you fucking absolute chad, good luck on getting that fucking ass you deserve it!!
That's the spirit. You got this, make us proud
I'll make you guys proud... I promise
That is what I want to ask her but we only really have one interaction when I enter the gym and say hello or grab a towel from her.
What is the context for asking a stranger out like that?
ask her phone number first and then text her, after that just ask her out
I added her on snapchat and then asked her, it's easier that way, also less pressure to say yes
No ve more direct
"Hey let's go get lunch if you're free"
Don't listen to this guy, OP. Girls like honest guys. Just tell her you wanna fuck her
good job user, I'm proud of you
keep us updated user
Good job OP. Girl/10? You/10?
That's a retarded question. Obviously at some point she's going to want to eat. Make sure to specify it's a date with you and that you'll be paying.