Which one do you think gets the most pussy?

Which one do you think gets the most pussy?

Attached: IMG_20190522_045401.jpg (1564x1564, 1.04M)

probably the one on the right, the one on the left looks nasty

I'm gonna choose the right on this one

the one who tries the most.

I think the right. Left has a beard and a lot of fucking tattoos, which is more of a turnoff for most than black skin. Plus women nowadays aren't racist and love bbc

Left. They both look a little retarded tho, imo.
A beard and tattoos are the two most popular things of the last 5 years, plus a lot of females wouldn't date a nigger.

One has a shit beard and one has shit hair but I'd say left because he looks more threatening in a good way.

What are you talking about? Tattoos, beards and those "viking" haircuts are really popular right now. You must be a worthless boomer.

women can probably tell left has subhuman chin underneath that beard so probably right

Both probably get just as much pussy

They're both top 20% men in looks so it completely depends on their values and personalities. One might be a complete dildo meanwhile the other is a Christian, saving himself for marriage.

I don't think either of them is currently on a dry spell, and they are secure enough that they don't brag.

Both shag so much that you cant even keep count

>both top 20% men in looks
I bet if would be different story if the guy lost the beard.
probably hiding a weak chin and jaw

Do you have an actual answer?

>Which one do you think gets the most pussy?

the white guy gets more pussy then the black guy but the Latin lover would get more then both.

Beardlets dont need to apply.

some of us can't hide our flaws....
fucking sucks

Well considering they both used to be women, unless they find a woman that will settle for plastic dongs then I doubt very much.

But the one on the right doesn't want pussy.

t.incels who can't cope with a PoC being more desirable than you.

both get equal amount of pussy

Who ever approaches more .

if he lost the beard and hairstyle he'd look pretty hot

do you think low test men can grow a beard lol

They both mog the fuck out of me. That's for damn sure.

The guy on the left gives me the vibe he's in a committed relationship and has bastard kids with one girl.

>They both look a little retarded tho, imo.
>probably hiding a weak chin and jaw
Ugly incel cope.