What's it like to have a gf in highschool?
What's it like to have a gf in highschool?
Imagine having someone that loves and cares about you and is interested in what you're interested in.
Now replace "you" with "themselves" because they're 15 and have no idea what sacrifices a relationship requires
>spamming facebook with cringey shit about each other because if you dont, she gets jealous and calls you names
>venting about being grounded
>praying she doesnt cheat on you with one of your friends
It's fun but also shitty and embarrassing in a lot of ways
Can't compare though because my girlfriend from high school broke up with me the summer after graduation and I haven't got another one in the 5 years since
For a while, it was better than heroin
Then it wasn't
boy would I like to fucking know
It was better and more wholesome than adult dating.
It's like a pure form of love. Neither of you have any emotional baggage, which makes the whole thing that much sweeter. You don't have to worry about her exes or past sexual histories. And since neither of you know shit about being in a relationship, it's much more simpler and honest. Yeah, the fights can be immature and stupid, but it's nothing serious.
Obviously they don't last, but I still believe that a teenage relationship is essential for developing relationship skills later in life.
And no, I never had a gf in high school. My little brother does and she comes over to hang out all the time. It's cute seeing them cuddle each other on the couch, but part of me hurts when I see that because I never had it.
Emotional suicide
It's like having a relationship where you tell everyone you know you have a relationship and the other person also tells everyone they know, but there isn't really a relationship happening, just some stupid cringy shit and maybe sex.
>neither of you have any emotional baggage.
You didn't have to clarify you didn't have a gf in high school. This sentence told us that.
Well having a highschool gf in general is cancerous. They're immature, entitled, and think they know everything. Used to date a high schooler (she was 18). She thought she was hot shit in chess and was the team captain at a big wig high school. We played simply chess. Needless to say I won and her confidence was destroyed. She claimed I cheated even though I was a self taught in chess. Read alot of books about chess.
He means dating another high schooler while you're also still in high school you weirdo sperg
I'm going on 4 years now with no meaningful relationship. I've quit looking. It's pointless. Women now a days are tasteless. They only care about good looks. Not personality.
Thanks for informing me retard.
idk the only relationship I had in highschool was because I accidentally told a girl yes and then tried to avoid her because I was leaving that school soon. She offered to bang in the bathroom but I beta'd out. Also for the longest time I didn't attempted to have sex because I was a chronic mastrubator and rubbed the skin off of my dick for years until I was like 21. I lost my virginity at 20 with no condom and somehow am clean. I'm a semi normal person now and even have a girlfriend even though I kind of treat her like shit and way out of my league in every aspect of life.
Good for you user. Glad you have your life together.
It sucked because I had to drive her around Everytime, but sexual stuff was fun. I don't believe in pre-marital sex (condoms fail, birth control negatively affects the mind), but suckling and kissing is fine.
Fun times, but once I went to college it just didn't work out anymore.
Good thing you don't have a personality either, otherwise the humankind would've lost your genes for superficial reasons
Everyone is nosey about your relationship. They all want to know everything
You ain't wrong about that one partner. Having kids is not in my mind. Why the fuck would I want little mes fucking around. They'd be a nuisance.
arigotou friendo, we'll all make it someday as long as we keep trying. I've been improving my life around the robot test and even though I've dropped quite a bit recently on account of me being unemployed I'm still at normalfag level just right below chad.
>scored 63 and never realized how fucked I am
> time for the rope