How do you feel about the normalization of wizardry in modern society?
You will be a normie soon! And breeders an oppressed minority.
How do you feel about the normalization of wizardry in modern society?
Why aren't you showing the graph about female virginity also being on the rise? Because it would destroy your narrative?
Because I don't have it. Post it, it does nothing to "my narrative" that wizardry is being normalized. It supports it, if anything.
>female virginity falls to 0%
You don't want to see the graph.
man I hope breeders become a minority. It would be poetic that the oppressed should become the oppressor
Ah yes, the Washington Post is secretely an incel propaganda outlet and hiding the secret 911 documents about femcels being on the rise. Reasonable assumption
Post it, we want to see it go to 0%
Uh, they have the graph. OP is just not showing it because it would destroy his narrative.
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I can't post it without paying a buck, and I don't want to. You post it if you can. It does nothing to prove me wrong, it proves me right. It is becoming normal to go without sex. Gender isn't relevant, I posted the males graph since its most representative of Jow Forums.
here you go it only rose 4% from 1989 compared to the male 12%. you can fuck off into your incel obsessed hole now you white knight.
Wowzers, I can just see how this plays out
>(Fren) "So uh Phil you're a virgin right?"
>(Phil) "No I have a girlfriend and lost it last month..."
>Group of friends start laughing amongst themselves and all shout FAGGOT!
>Phil dies 4 days later from the tormenting bullying that ensues after the revelation by suicide
>His cousin shoots up the school due to being a closet non-virgin that regrets his fornication with Sarah last winter and seeks revenge
Not long now lads, your wish may become true
It just shows that robots are normalfags.
And that society is improving by being more selective about who has kids.
also to note: men mostly lie about not being virgins and women lie about not being sluts so the numbers may be even worse than they are
Looking at this graph throughout the years, the margin of error seems to be as high as 5% either way, and its only a 10% difference. You are exaggerating how much easier women have it, supposedly.
why would men lie about it?
Honestly, it's not that weird when you consider women having higher standards than men. It's their biological urge to find the best mate. This is why most low-value men get left in the dust and end up virgins.
people like this are so fucking stupid. the birth rate is down for groups that should be having kids and its up for groups that should not be having kids. i dont know how the fuck you come to the conclusion that society is improving when so many women are on birth control and jumping on as many cocks ad possible, meanwhile juan the landscaper and juanette the maid are having 5 kids
they aren't worse. lots of men just go gay and don't admit it lol
Men who are capable of and willing to reproduce will go on, and men who are incapable of, or unwilling to reproduce will die. This is textbook natural selection. System working as intended. The traits that lead to less offspring are bred out. Everything is as it should be.
>a robot who think Juan the landscaper is a top 20% Chad
Nice. Anyway, women will only have kids with the top tier men. Nobody chooses the worst partner to commit that much time to. Whatever some virgin creep thinks "should" happen is irrelevant, society is improving rapidly
>women will only have kids with the top tier men
I hope you're including personality with this theory not just looks
yes, best of all traits
based womern taking up the role as natures eugenicists like God intended
No, thats Chad.
Women still need Chad to consent.
>chad memes unironically
looks like its summer because underage incels are out of school
>not posting the actual relevant graph
Up to your psyops to destroy the white race again, Shlomo?
>you can be so attractive that people don't even try to get with you
Chad is a lonely man.
Oh really? You were saying fuckhead?
Fake graph is fake. That guy literally pulled numbers out of his ass. You must be very dumb to believe an unsourced meme graph.
White guys are usually gay or sissy now. They wont have many kids
and that just proves beta bux alpha fux. women message men they rate as ugly because they probably have a good job and can provide. men just spam hot beckies with messages and don't bother with stacies.
It's probably a lot worse than this, guys lie about having sex, or hire escorts to take their virginity then pretend it was a normal sexual encounter. The amount of young guys who have sex regularly with women who are attracted to them is quite small.