All rate me threads belong on /soc/ but who really cares

Am I attractive, be brutally honest user!

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based and redpilled OP fuck the rules man
you need to lose weight and grow your hair out then youll be a chad.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-21 at 6.38.12 AM.png (316x356, 90K)

>blue eyes
>good beard
>looks tall-ish
>flawless skin
Nigga why the fuck are you wasting all that potential by eating whatever's in front of you 24/7?You could unnironically be good looking if you just lost weight and added some slight muscles.

Thanks for the honesty user!

Post a pic once you've shut your mouth, shaved, had a shower, taken off your glasses and smiling. Then we'll see if you're ugly.

>nick is still fat/even fatter than last summer
It's a shame nicky.

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I was gonna say yes but apparently it was not original enough of an answer so I'm changing it to no.


damnit user why did you have to bring her back to me

l want to fuck your ass dude

You have a lot of potential user, just stop drinking soda.

You look like you called me a little bitch on xbox live

lose some weight you fat fuck

You're sitting on a goldmine, lookswise you lard-brains.FUCKING LOSE THAT WEIGHT AND BECOME CHAD
Were you always this fat?How is your skin that flawless?


Not completely beyond salvation but close. Your personality would have to be literally 300% pure charisma to get any pussy at all without years worth of work.

This, really. Most "ugly" people are trying to be ugly, like actually going out of there way to look bad. Once you self improve and still look like shit then @ me.

those are some nice eyes and brows

your skin is better than mine.

I wish i'd have your acne-free skin.

Currently working on taking a shower..

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I said you look cute on the other thread, so yes!
You got some great features, liko those fierce eyes.
If you loose weight, you would look like perfection.

Please shave and donate your skin to me user.It's fucking korean tier.

you're a fat fatty fuck
lose weight
and wash your head

-Get rid of the beard
-Fix your hair
-Take showers daily
-Get new glasses/Contacts
-Stop eating so much or Exercise

Do all of that ^ and you will be 8/10

>win genetic lottery
>meh i'll just stuff myself with food so i become a 1/10
We live in a clown world.

>-Get rid of the beard
He really shouldnt, fat guys look much better with beard (as long as it's not pube tier)

>Take showers daily
he already does stfu with this normalfag advice

you're fine if you lost weight and change your hair product and hair cut.

>op is a chad apparently

Just lose fucking weight already. That's the major thing that's making you ugly.

just lose some weight and you'll be fine

>everyone telling him to lose weight
don't do it op
just lift big and go bear mode

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no, you are not attractive in my opinion. however you have the potential to be incredibly attractive, you probably have a nice jawline underneath all that fat. literally just lose weight and you will be very good looking. be happy, you actually have potential to improve your circumstances, dramatically.

also rate threads are against the rules...

do not listen to him

You look retarded and dazed

Thanks for the honesty user, here's me chillin..

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Bear mode and tattoos!

you seem like an obnoxious attention whore. reported, enjoy your ban. go back to discord
go back to

you look like a faggot
why is your mustache hair white

You must have shit self-awareness and recognition skills if you can't see the potential.

what's so chadly potential about him?

Cuz I'm old bro, 23 years has made me that way

This. He has potential. In my opinion, lose at least 50 pounds and shave the beard completely and he'll easily be bumped up from a 2/10 to maybe a 5-6/10. Also, close your mouth. Saged.

Apparently the mods are napping, real fatty hours

I'm told I could maybe scrape a 5.5/10 if I lost weight

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If you're a 5/10 then I must be an 8/10.

COULD, user

I know I'm like a low 3 as is

23 isnt old buddy

Can you read, loser?

I can read, but his weight isn't the worst thing about him. The thinning hair/receding hairline is rough.

Doesn't matter, retard. You acted like he said he was CURRENTLY 5/10 so you could insult him, when he was just asking for confirmation.

Aaand good teeth. Def cute.

Lose the weight, get some style on that beard, contacts may help you shake off the nerd look, a haircut would be swell, and some muscle mass. Then you'd be a fucking chad.

I gave him his confirmation right there. I said the receding hairline is tough. You look like you're the one who is looking for a reason to sperg out.

And you haven't even seen my wee willy

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you look like you could be related to niko bellic

By the way, I'm not looking to insult the guy. I'm just saying the balding is worse than the weight. I don't know how somebody would go about solving that. Maybe try shaving it off completely.

Ahahahahahhaha. Oh user. I'M a 5/10. You're like a 2, and that's being generous.

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with better hair easy 5/10
4.5/10 now

Your forehead is an absolute unit.

Sure is LITERACY in here


you look like a faggot
he genuinely looks better than you

So this is the face of an answer your question, the fact that you care about what strangers on the internet think makes you very unatractive

I'm 100% sure I've seen you posting here before. Weren't you the one who was complaining about his lightbulb head? You're the best looking ITT still

gotta love it when the mods are napping

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Nah, they were unnatractive before but ok, delusional whore.

10/10 what r u doing here

It is indeed, my friend.

Yeah, I do have a bit of a twink look to me, I guess.

Yep, that was me. In fact it was another user remarking upon it and I concurred.

5/10 at best. I'm here because I'm a foreveralone NEET like everyone else.


cmon, your guys r kidding me!
You all look really attractive, I guess you live in the wrong places...