Tfw for most people conversation is organic but i have autism and have to memorize things to say

>tfw for most people conversation is organic but i have autism and have to memorize things to say

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>constantly simulating conversations with people I know in my head
>research where I'm calling endlessly to improve my script before I call
Probably not autism I guess, but it's... something lmao.

i read books and retell stories from them like they have happened to me

i have only met one girl in real life who i was able to have hours of conversation with and shes my gf

how many hours are you in conversations per day? it only becomes "organic" after years of practice

This is my problem, no practice. The more you practice any skill the more "automatic" it becomes.
Driving a car requires much more conscious thought the first few times you're behind the wheel. After a few years, it's second nature. Same thing with conversation, social skills, and even sex, I imagine.

I also do this, I sometimes feel bad for lying but nobody reads anymore so nobody ever knows. Plus it comes so natural at this point that it's hard not to do it

>it only becomes "organic" after years of practice
Actually it never does. You become less awkward up to a certain limit over the years, but you're doing the equivalent of learning a second language in adulthood.

I lie to not seem cringy like its second nature. I can make up great excuses/reasons/answers on the fly for every probe. Sometimes it even gets to my head and I feel powerful and in control of the normies.

OP, as somebody who works with people on the spectrum, don't bother memorizing things to say. We all smile and act polite when you start one of your rambling, barely-relevant interjections into our conversations but most people tune out once they realize it's an obviously rehearsed bit and there's no input on their part possible.

People enjoy talking, listening is merely a way to find more springboards for your own opinions. If people wanted to be lectured they'd listen to a youtube video explaining whatever thing you're talking about, the narrator has a way more charismatic voice.

>unload a 6-hour rant I've been working on privately for weeks
>bust out one of my signature sounds or catchphrases
>bust out a song lyric, quote, or reference
>just repeat shit people said

But I just like to listen...

>We all smile and act polite when you start one of your rambling, barely-relevant interjections into our conversations
that hurt user

>people on youtube have charismatic voices
Jesus christ are we hearing the same things? All I ever hear are nasally, monotone autists spending half an hour explaining shit that can be said in a matter of minutes or seconds for upboats.

Try being ESL and socially autistic

It's the truth. I work with a gal who does this. We're shooting the shit about something topical and she'll seize on some minor detail and then go into this really in depth mini-lecture about something vaguely related to it that falls into one of her "specialist" areas, the stuff she autistically obsesses over. She's smart as fuck, one of the best engineers in the office, but she converses like a chat bot programmed to dump paragraphs of text when @'d.

It's over for me. I actually told myself I could learn to flirt with girls.

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I'm talking about actual lecturers, not e-celeb video game youtubers. If the autist rant is about some cringy shit like why WoW is shit now or which anime is the best then people won't even feign interest, they'll pull out their phones.

>Vivid memories of making a friend for the first time and trying to come up with something to say for about half an hour
>Finally come up with... something...
>Say it, he responds as if I'm weird
It's over

But it seems organic to other people. People think im a quick thinking funny guy but I am constantly terrified of saying the wrong thing or saying something confusing in conversations.

Memorizing a script is a little much but everyone rehearses convos in their head my friend