Name ONE reason to worry

name ONE reason to worry

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I don't have any pants at all and am unsure if I can leave the house.

The sun is going to scorch and EMP the earth within the next 50 years.

pic related looks like a scrumptious meal OP. what is it?
>reason to worry
trade war

You are going to die and are sapient smoggy to realize it.

>die and are sapient smoggy to realize it

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I noticed that bay leaf.

Attached: Beef-Stew-Recipe-4.jpg (600x900, 122K)

right click, Search Google for image

cannot believe someone would deny themselves this hearty meal. vegans and vegetarians get the rope

Do you cook? Have you ever made a gumbo?

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>garnishing stew

it's a spice used for flavor you absolute mong

Garnish this.

>*unzips dick*

uh.....yeah buddy. tell me.. what spice is that??

You have a zipper on your dick? Thats fucked up, man. Gore is getting outta control on Jow Forums.

a fucking bay leaf, you moron

a fucking [bay] leaf


It's not a garnish, it's an aromatic. You put the leaf into the stew *while it is cooking*, and then pull it out before you plate up.

my based compact dryer is broken.

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Wear a bedsheet as a kilt and go buy pants or buy pants online and have them delivered to your address.

Any modicum of proof or evidence for that outlandish claim user?

I look forward to it, going to start buying gold now.

You leave a legacy behind, and are not aware of anything when you are dead. Alternatively, you can be cryostatically frozen or uploaded to a server until immortality is possible or the atoms that you are composed of may come together again akin to a boltzmann brain.

One can make vegetarian or vegan meals that are just as hearty without torturing animals for absolutely no reason other than hedonistic pleasure. You are a confirmed niggerfaggot.

Well what's stopping you from fixing it or paying someone else to fix it user?

Worrying is the emotional tradeoff of taking a risk.

each negative social judgement leaves you with less and less opportunities in life because 90% of success is due to how others perceive you

Except you can just go get another job or move to another city after you've revealed yourself as a sperg to everyone around you. You know that thing where you go to college and completely reinvent yourself? You can do that as many times as you want as long as you don't use social media.

There isn't. True nihilism frees you from everything.

except social anxiety. jesus fuck. wish i could just shake that off.

Alcohol is the magic serum for social anxiety, whether you're getting anxiety while socializing or later when you're remembering all the autistic shit you did.

I think maybe he was referring to those things.

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Why don't you have any pants? I kinda want to do this with my girlfriend but with all her clothes just to see what she'd do for a while.

All you assholes are making me hungry

I can't unsee alcohol as a degenerate poison

You have to drink the poison of the degenerates if you want to stop feeling bad about being a degenerate

Because things aren't looking great.

I don't feel bad about being degenerate, I just have anxiety around people and social situations. Being drunk is a worse feeling, alcohol attacks every part of your body & mind.

Because I've given up. Mind, body, and soul. I'm completely numb. I'm at a serious low point and I don't think I can get any lower morally. And I have no idea where to start or what to do about it. So I usually opt to doing nothing.

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To each his own I guess. For me alcohol takes all the anxiety away and I can actually connect with people and have entertaining social interactions rather than my normal awful stilted ones

casserole exists

You can always get lower user, trust me. Once you think youve hit rock bottom you can always start drilling

I haven't shaved or showered in a month. I'm emotionally detached and I don't care about anything or anyone anymore. Just sitting around wondering what's the point of all this shit. Everything we go through, is for nothing. I'm a failure and a loser, I've lost at everything I've ever tried. Didn't have any friends at school, and I never had any support from my parents. Mom was always at work 11 hours a day and dad lived far away. And when mom was home she was stressed out and yelling. I raised myself and I did a pretty shit job of it. So what is the point of living. Why did God give me all this pain. What is he getting out of all this?

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>Why did God give me all this pain. What is he getting out of all this?
I'm not going to tell you that god doesn't exist because I think that's mean, but just don't focus on any of that right now. Make your life better and improve for your own sake, because you know your future self will thank you, not for anyone else. Cultivate and stick to good habits and success will follow. I know the first few weeks or months will be hard, but trust me user, once you get through them you'll wonder why you didn't make these positive changes earlier. Faith (that god has a plan for things to get better for you) can also help a lot. Just hang in there user, things are going to get better real soon.