The 80/20 rule makes sense for women considering today's culture

Think about it. If men don't want to get married, have angry views about women, frame equality as only about things that hurt women, are porn addicted, bad in bed, have ED, are cheap and unwilling to have even mutual help without thinking they are being taken advantage of, resents doing anything in a relationship, and even the homely guys judge women based on Instagram, it makes sense for women to go for the top 20% who are the best looking and best in bed. It's better from a logical standpoint to be pumped and dumped by a hot guy who's good in bed than it is to be pumped and dumped by an uggo angry man who has erectile dysfunction from the porn use. Women do 80/20 for a reason.

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fuck all n!ggers

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Maybe the women doing the 80/20 first caused men to become misogynist NEETs and all them other things.

yea but the problem is women choose this decadent lifestyle but don't consciously, adequately prepare for when they're 30+ and can no longer garner the attention. I agree with you that its sensible for them to do this when they're young, but they cannot endure/suffer loneliness, self-sufficiency, and isolation the way men can. so, in the long run, its devastating for them. the only way i see it balancing out is if harems become normalized through brainwashing and propaganda. that would be difficult to get past the feminists though, so fat chance.

I really don't give a shit anymore. WW3 will wipe out almost all of us, good riddance.

>are cheap and unwilling to have even mutual help without thinking they are being taken advantage of
fucking this, this even describes the brainlet chads. on both sides relationships are barely worth the effort even when people are at their best.

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Historians documented women doing this same stuff in great Rome. The feminist movement gives females more power and superiority than men, they then act on hypergamy.
There were plenty of Roman incels in the end days who resorted to dicking each other in bath houses.

I've always believed that. Being male, I can remotely empathize with Jow Forums's endless seething about being utter social rejects, but the people posting here have to understand that they offer nothing meaningful and will always be second options to women who can effortlessly secure better partners.

It's the reason why I have never understood why they bash 80/20 beyond some vague complaint about social instability. Given what she has to pick from, that 20 makes far more sense than the mediocre 80.

>Dude women rejected you all your life cause they KNEW youd end up resenting them and watching porn!

that's pretty generous, we are talking about literally retardeds who are often behind women on the bell curve and pretty much only know how to troll and lie to people to disguise their stupidity

>It's literally a repost from the trufemcels Reddit

Either way, I fully condone the reasoning behind 80/20 selection. If I had easy access to top notch women, I think I should be frank enough to admit that the other 80% of women would be a very distant backseat though in my mind.

this isn't argued against. its just unsustainable long term. the only way its sustainable is if polygamy becomes normalized in favor of chads

totally Fine that women are a bunch of whores who ONLY want 15% of men.

Let ugly men have robot women passable for regular women.

Women: NOPE! That needs to be illegal, uggo Men need to be locked in cages and criminalized from even seeing pictures of adult women in the nude! Hell make it illegal for ugly men to walk around saying hello to female strangers.

Sure even the Greeks knew, look up assembly woman.

I guess it depends on your priorities as far as relationships go. You can only piggyback on another person's social value so much before it becomes obvious to outsiders and they try to sabotage you just because.

>erectile dysfunction from porn use
Actually I can bang for hours but can never cum.

I think we need less people and more resources to sustain the ones who are doing all of this stupid shit.

>Women: NOPE! That needs to be illegal, uggo Men need to be locked in cages and criminalized from even seeing pictures of adult women in the nude! Hell make it illegal for ugly men to walk around saying hello to female strangers.
This is why I collect weapons, I feel safe in my own skill.

It's cool if you just tell the truth femanon. Commit yourself to spreading the truth and wisdom to others.

>confusing cause and effect
The 80/20 rule is what caused those things

post steam id source

That's fine man, but I can't take women's hypocrisy, since nearly every week it's shoved down my throat that men are evil oppressors and women are victims. Can't they just be honest and say that men are the biggest victims. Why do they lie so much and avoid the truth?
That's what I'm mad about.
The lies and deceit of the plight of the poor woman.
It's disgraceful.


Ok, man to man. How exactly are we being victimized by women? I'm asking this as an otherwise average male born into an upper middle class family in the US

different guy responding here. women being able to destroy a man's reputation/livelihood with unfounded rape/sexual harassment accusations is genuinely fucked up. even if they're caught red-handed, there's no legal repercussions. that is also very fucked up. ultimately, this gives them zero incentive NOT to use this tactic for any number of roastie reasons. All Natalie Portman had to say is that Moby Dick was creepy, and her narrative is 100% backed while Moby is demonized by social media worldwide. She probably DID fuck him and//or have a fling with him.

>even if they're caught red-handed, there's no legal repercussions
No one would disagree that this is a problem in good faith. I think they just don't modify laws because rape is just as hard to prove as it is to disprove.

Honestly these days it feels more like 90/10 instead of 80/20.

Tinder screwed it all up. It made things even more lopsided. Now women have normal chads competing with rich chads as well.

Should we just bring back polygamy? If not polygamy should we bring back concubinage?

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prostitution should be legalized oreg

yea im legit 7/10 and get zero fucking matches. its absolutely demoralizing

regardless of the ultimately legal outcome, the entire process leading to a verdict, has public opinion overwhelmingly stacked in the #believeher camp. meanwhile the guys reputation is totally fucked with. see mattress girl for examples. women are genuinely dangerous when they are empowered by the law and the state

I can't find it right now but there's a video out there of some fat woman swiping left on dozens of men on Tinder, they aren't even really ugly guys either and they all look way better than her. Dating apps are pure fucking cancer.

................the fuck man? Yes, malicious false rape accusations are bad, but is this really the hill you want to die on considering how relatively rare they are? It's such a fucking micro-issue on the scale of history and society that I'd strongly recommend you find another issue to weaponize in this childish gender war.

After all, women can easily dredge up an entire history of persecution and mistreatment at the hands of men that will definitely dwarf whatever relatively minor grievance we have against the extremes of modern gynocentrism.

If things were the other way around you'd just have a situation like in Japan where, ironically enough, their laws resemble what ours are meant to in the first place - innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately this allows for a lot of consequence free sexual abuse.

>Having more than one wife to nag at you

No thanks.

>considering how relatively rare they are?
Do you really believe they are that rare? Are you considering the amount of blackmail done by girls who lie about being legal, the amount of people in general that would enjoy the sadistic pleasure of abusing the law just because they know they can? I haven't met many people in my life but I know of at least two girls who would be willing to do this and many others are suspect. Compulsive liars are a lot more common than you think. And for all of the people who aren't lying, there are tons of people who were legitimately assaulted and only want to pass on their suffering to others.

Oh I forgot to mention all the women living in or near Hollywood that just recently realized how profitable a false or embellished accusation about a famous person actually can be. It will only get worse over time. This #believeher shit can only backfire, as we have already seen this process in motion as far back as 2014.

Trump, Biden, and Booker have all faced allegations of sexual misconduct with no real consequences.

Because in the US, you get away with things depending on your social value and not based on the actual crime. Still, allegations aren't proof. Proof is nearly unobtainable.

Greetings fellow statistics user

Such accusations are all things considered, too rare to constitute proof that men are being victimized by women on a large scale.

Again how do you know how rare they are? Just saying it doesn't make it true, in both contexts.

short term,

with serious funding an effort to have a robot passable for a woman in the 5/10 range by 2030, at the latest. And i mean seriously, it'd be Impossible to tell its a robot from sight/ fucking / talking etc...

try life on 2/10 mode

I don't want to be alive for the next decade.

As a proportion of all instances of sexual activity, I can safely assumed that a vanishingly tiny amount of these lead to false rape accusations.

Also, before i bring up the FBI stats, you're the one who first asserted the prevalence of false rape claims so at least do your own legwork and post proof. And while you're at it, post proof showing that false rape claims are statistically more common than other forms of false accusation of other crimes.

Trump was the potus and the others are left aligned and didn't need to be beheaded

I wasn't that user, I don't think there are more false claims than legitimate ones but if the false ones say made up 30% of them than would you disagree that's too much? The law shouldn't be designed around assumptions and generalizations with no system in place to protect the falsely accused. I don't think this is even the most major pressing concern, but #metoo has definitely been co-opted by sadists and all that does it hurt victims as well as innocents. I'm not proposing any solutions either because there really are none.

My argument so far has been that using an exaggerated portrayal of false rape accusation as sole proof that we are being victimized by women is a retarded and untenable argument and you know it. It's one small facet of gender politics and magnifying it to try and propel some "persecuted male" narrative is just cringy.

Fuck, I'd sooner use the imbalances of the child support system as an argument.

Just as the legitimate claims are difficult to prove, less than half of them can even be proven remotely close to a reasonable doubt, neither can the false ones. I disagree that men are largely victims, but you asking for proof when you yourself are just making assumptions based on retweets made by people with blue checks next to their names is kind of absurd dude.

>assumptions based on retweets made by people with blue checks next to their names

I did no such thing. I'm relying on studies and polls conduced which have consistently established the fact that no more than 2 - 6% of rape claims (and these are just the ones that have been brought forth to the police) are verifiably false and malicious. 8 - 10% falsity rates being recorded in places such as college campuses

In the greater context of this "we are being viciously victimized by women" retardation, I genuinely fucking hope you can foresee how any barely intelligent woman could easily point to sheer and towering number of legitimate rape cases as proof that they in fact are the ones being harmed and subjugated by men.

My only point is that if anyone is going to make the mouthbreathing claim that we are being uniformly oppressed and mistreated by women, and that they somehow hold the social advantage, you better have a monster of an argument as proof and not just the mendacious treatment of false rape statistics that you've acquired from some dimwitted angry-man hangouts on the internet. The last thing we need are angry and statistically illiterate incels being the one to represent our cause.


((pans over to the admen sucking dick))

>2 - 6%
Out of like 30%-40% that can be verified to begin with.

Huh. Women can deduce all that about a guy from a selfie on a dating profile. Truth is, incels can't even interact with women, so there is no possible way for misogyny and ED and any other shit to be an excuse. The real truth is that unless you are 7/10 as a guy, you'll almost never find a woman willing to give you a chance.

So no, it's not guys faults, other than looks. The 80/20 rule exists because women are happy to be pumped and dumped by the top 20% and ignore the rest. Why even deal with a low tier guy? What does he possibly offer you as a woman? Truth is, there are no incentives for women to choose low tier guys. Money and family are no longer reasons to be with a guy. Ugly manlet losers offer nothing to a woman.

Yes, now do 0.02 * 0.30 or 0.02 * 0.40 or 0.06 * 0.30 or 0.06 * 0.40

No, that's not how it works.
>Majority of accusations can't be proven one way or the other so that 2%-6% is NOT part of the the 94% or so accusations, it's only part of the minority of verifiable cases.

Child custody and no fault divorce for one.
The fact that every time I turn on my TV I see women talking shit about men, but flip the script and the dude would lose his job.
I can watch Dr Phil and a woman jokes about murdering her husband. I can watch Opra Winfrey and they joke about Mike Tyson getting cheated on by Brad Pitt, etc etc..
If a woman cheats on her husband it's funny, the husband must have been a boring loser.
When a husband cheats on a wife TV makes him the villain.
Not to mention females are the net recipient of tax receivers and males are the main source of tax payers. Them women steal our money!!

See I'm seeing this trend of idiots like you reversing the cause and call it a consequence. This is exactly what happened with the nice guys
>he is nice because he only wants to go in my pants
>therefore all nice guys are secretly assholes
>therefore nice guys don't exist
>this is why we demonize nice guys they deserve it!

I'm just curious to see what is going to be the next trend to justify that men are all pigs.