Relapsed and fapped yesterday evening bros. I feel horrible. This was after 9 days of nofap

Relapsed and fapped yesterday evening bros. I feel horrible. This was after 9 days of nofap

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>he thinks nofap will solve his life problems
user, I...

How old are you? NoFap is bullshit. One day you won't have a sex drive, and you'll regret not fapping more!

>9 days
Try relapsing after 70 days. That's soul crushing. That's the kind of pain that can only be ignored by gratuitous masturbation.

Why did u start nofap meme

9days??? My high score is two months

Cause its not a meme

with porn or without?

It won't, but it's a start

don't care about you're problems.
r9k are all trannies apparently now, /b/ is shit and slow.
where can a drunk go for a comfy shitposting bred?

btw, no fap is moronism for you're dick.
if you want to collect or reserve sexual energy look into yoga techniques, chacra sublimation and not somethign you absent mindedly read on the internet

Yikes, My greatest nofap record was 64 days

imagine feeling guilty about wacking it...
fuck im sorry that must suck man, can you fucking enjoy any simple pleasures?

user, you are in a feedback loop. You need to exercise the free will God gave you, otherwise you will be stuck constantly disappointing yourself like you are now. Ask yourself, do you really want to stop fapping? Then tell yourself to just stop doing it, and concretely decide to.

fuck the bible thumping, but he has a point. that's how you shoud approach this shit.
not because touching you're peepe is an order straight from satan's mouth, but because you decided it and then you'll try to sublimate that energy for your own betterment.

Except semen is directly integrated into the same mechanism as what you're talking about. Can't have fire without water.

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It's not, though. You know what's a start? Getting a decent diet so you stop feeling like shit and setting a routine to better yourself. Guaranteed you don't do anything but sit around and shitpost online.

Im 23 i felt like porn was like a kinda addicition. Like leading my life. i felt like i couldnt do a day without fapping. Some days i would do it 2-3 days. It just felt good being without it. I have some problems getting laid as Ive been single for some time I havent been lucky with the grills so fapping was like my having sex with my gf kinda.
See above
No porn/ little as possible
I workout and eat healthy. Fapping was one of my last bad habits.
I wqnt to do it but i just had to relapse the fucking rush and pressure was too much and got the best of me

This month I've only fapped with onaholes. Does that count as nofap?

Every emission ages you

As long as you're not jacking off multiple times a day, nofap is a load of shit.

Why torture yourself for no reason? When I finally got a GF I was jerking it 3 times a day in addition to the sex, and it didn't affect me it all.