What advice would you give to your younger self?

what advice would you give to your younger self?

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>don't waste your time on existential crisis
>just do things
>no one really gives a shit about you anyway
>have a better hygiene, for fuck's sake

>Girls are a waste of time
>Fucking study once in a while

>drop school
>make lyrics like guccigang
>be rich drugs all that shit
>die when I reach my age
Literally every ones dream right here but they keep denying it.

I would tell him to eat 4 meals a day, and do push-ups everyday.
I would also tell him a lot of other specific stuff.

seriously fucking focus in school. every assignment counts. it doesnt matter if youre incredibly depressed, you still need to get shit done or youre going to end up in even worse circumstances

>drink more water
>give STEM a chance
>don't be distant

Stay away from Jow Forums
>Been here since I was 13

invest in bitcoin as soon as possible and sell everything in January 2018 before it crashes

Stop being a bitch and go for your interests instead of laying in bed all day

>buy bitcoin
>you're not bad at math, you were just traumatized by that one teacher. You became pretty good at it later on.
>do Electrical Engineering as soon as you can

>learn spanish to communicate with maternal side of family
> Don't shut myself in a room after school
>join school jazz band since it is my favourite genre of music
> get more friends

Play sports you fucking lazy nerd piece of shit

Start lifting young and become chadlite early and stay away from this board rather than later and feeling angry cause they only gave u a chance cause youre fit and live in blissful ignorance

>dont be picky with females
>buy bitcoin at the start

Suck it up. Go to therapy. You don't need to give up on hatred. But you need to learn to control it young one. Do not let it destroy you before you bring it to ones that deserve to burn.

These answers are actually really helpgul to me. I'm a zoomer newfag (18 yo) and I'm ina pretty similar situation as you were before. Thanks for the advice guys!

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>Get to that girl quicker she like you from the beginning

>don't get arrested
>think more about yourself
>do less drugs
>take more walks
>play more instruments

Don't try
Nothing ever works
It only gets worse

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>buy bitcoin
Implies that you would've known for certain of its price increase, which is impossible.

your family is trying to kill you, RUN AWAY NOW WHILE YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE

>user buys bitcoin
>somehow this alters the timeline so it doesnt rise in value
>user ends up killing himself

>kill yourself before senior year.

"Kill yourself"
and hand him the gun so he can kill me

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