Imagine being stupid enough to think that drinking some weird pills will make you a cute and hot like a real woman...

Imagine being stupid enough to think that drinking some weird pills will make you a cute and hot like a real woman. Well guess what? Does idiots are browsing here. Honest to God asylums need to be brought back.

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>asylums need to be brought back
As someone who has been a mental health patient in today's society, fuck you to the infinite power.

Why? Becomes tranny fucks need to be locked up and left to rot?

Heh this. I don't know if you meant it as fuck you for suggesting that or fuck you yes for that.

I don't know if old days were back I'd at least have some cute doctors giving me pussy massage everyday. But no. Modern day psych wards are not so different from asylums but they are not as mechanical as they used to be where patients are treated more like cattle.

Has nothing to do with trans women, you douchebag normie. Most of us robots have been through the ringer with the mental health system, and we wouldn't wish that shit on others.

I unironically wish society would just lock me away in a place like that. I hate having to pretend I'm functional.
But I like the fantasy : (

Reagan made the modern system better, but it's still fucking terrible. Trust me, the old days were worse.

>I'm a mental health patient

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sorry, but crazy people have to be isolated from the rest of society.

Define crazy. I dare ya.

For damn sure they were. I am not American and even in socialist Europe they are not so hooray.

I saw some old films about American asylums and it was not pretty. I think if you were not insane before you'd be after experiencing that.

>Trans women
You clearly need to be sent back there. You haven't learned your lesson.

yeah, this reaction is why I wish someone would just lock me away. It's viewed in such an all or nothing way. Either you're in a padded cell or you should just get over it and succeed like everyone else. I'll take the former desu.

Shit, the only European system which maybe has it alright is maybe Nordic countries, but I've never been there. The modern US system literally just attempts to turn you into a prescription drug addict. It's fueled a lot of the opioid crisis.

but why do you want me to do that?

Look here an insane person, how was your stay at those clean friendly institution.

So that you explain your comment and I, and others, understand what you're saying. Are you that scared you're gonna get gotcha'd on Jow Forums?

no, why would i worry about someone crazy guy on the internet freaking out because others dont want to pander to his mental illness

Define mental illness. I double dog dare ya.

but again why should i do it?

So that everyone knows what you're talking about. I have no idea what group of people you're referring to, neither does anyone else.

i think most people know crazy means. if you are confused about it, you can read up on your own diagnosis i guess

>everyone knows what crazy means which is why I can't define it
Nice cope in your 6 user thread that is only being kept alive by 1 person.