Why is there no "great minds" on Jow Forums? I want to read some inane 3...

Why is there no "great minds" on Jow Forums? I want to read some inane 3,000 characters posts from a poster that has an IQ of 150, but there's nothing like that here ever.

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Someone that smart would not waste thier time liek that.

Most people online boosting about their high I.Q are just average but with a somewhat inflated ego and picked a easy test

The board is pure trash and the only people who post on it hate themselves. Should be canned.

Newfag detected. There way too many pompous egotists like that here, actually.

>inane rambling will ever be intelligent
high iq doesn't make you immune to failed intuition. Newton et al. lived in libraries and read for years before producing anything of worth. Thought is useless without support.

Because "great minds" don't browse r9k ofc. If your goal was to read the works of great minds you wouldn't look for it on r9k. You only wish you could read them here because you want to believe the group you fit in with is smarter than the general population

we are low iq, if we were smart we would fix our lives

I guess this counts I posted this on my ig
>Teenagers,in their obsequious nature, strive to be akin to the online personalities that is pressed into their worldview whose delaberations and manticulate lallations insusserate into the ears of the public that it is a personality trait to cause drama and to invect their peers and that such activity should be praised. We are propagandized into beleiving that toxicity is righteous and that anyone who is not in agreement with them should be deextravaged and have the tight muzzle of admarginalization and cult like tactics to brainwash the individuals who fail to labefactate the lies of what the lamen call ..them.., or else face the vicious vocalizations of the vox populi. We are obliged to conform as a society to uphold vile vermin in the form of online personalities and their auras of toxicity. They try to persuade us into caring about what others think, their trap is flimsy and easily titubated, however their trap is inescapable. If you ask yourself who is asking you to deify these vermin, you will reveal that it is the vermin themselves delaberaitng unto you to abdicate them of their insecurity. If you look at the people you once knew when they try and defend the scum at the top of the digital world, you are going to be unken. Their arguments for conforming and admarginating is veterate, and the best defense is to nemn them and watch their constructs carbunculate as they finally evolve to the point that they can think their way out of the paper bag and realize that it was all an effort to escape the veracity of their bleak mundane lives.

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Just so happens I got exactly that amount of IQ.

And here is my post. Jordan Peterson is a fucking retard and so are you.

Krieksgard or whatever that tripfag calls himself.

I post my stories on /an/ because there's less edgy teens spamming fake and gay because they saw it on a greentext video from 2016

Put your name back on, Kierkegaard. No one thinks you're intelligent.

I do it all the time, but its all really out there stuff having to do with spirituality that most people here caught in reptile vibration land are completely incapable of being able to resonate with.

Jordan Peterson pretends to be full fledged member of my first nation the kwakwaka'wakw (stupid name I know but still fuck off) despite the fact none of our 5 chiefs ever inducted him.
Fucking arrogant asshole pretending to be an Indian to cover his ass.

im sure even the great bobby fischer would of posted his fair share of low quality smug shitposting. even for the sharpest genius, not everything that comes out of their mouth is some mona lisa tier shit. EVERYONE's shit stinks, even the greatest minds

if you want higher quality thoughts use desuarchive and filter for r9k and search for the topics and subjects that interest you. thats what i do all the time and its great too because it filters out the trannies, literally if i ever am interested in a subject like reincarnation, veganism, god, suffering, suicide, my virginity, etc etc i just use desu archive most of the time and scour the archive of depressed forsaken virgins

No one would read anything that long so it's pointless to write it.
Don't know my IQ, but I sometimes post some short stuff that I hide in the letter threads.

>talking about spirituality
>bring up "vibrations"

Most of you are mentally ill but the most powerful intellects and ideas are conveyed through few words, not pluralistic grandiosity.


no that doesn't count at all

>he fell for the "Jow Forums consists of geniuses" meme

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this goddamnit

IQ is shown through the ration, logic and intelligence of the comment not the amount of words or how pompous the words are.
Unless you are speaking about complex subjects or you are sharing a view on a controversial subject or etc.
Quality of words is more important than the quanitity of words regardless.

The most intelligent posters generally say the least unless provoked to explain further. A lot of them forego capitalization and punctuation as well, but a lot of trannyposters do too so you have to be careful.

Most of us don't care about smartposting. I've written 2,000 char greentext satire easily. Boredom will make you do that. Also if you seriously can't find the intelligent posters you should either lurk more or consider yourself too dumb to appraise intelligence.

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or /sci/. Sometimes people write interesting things there

dude delete that or you will cringe so fucking hard when you see it again in a year.

your prose is purple

before 2018 Jow Forums had some quality reads desu its the redditfags that came here and drove out posters to other spots

>obsequious means obedient
teenagers aren't obedient
>strive to be akin to the online personalities that is
should be that ARE. personalities is plural
>worldview whose delaberations
run-on sentence. delaberation isn't even a word. stopped reading. hang yourself

most of them are in the women hate threads

Nobody values the written word anymore. Everyone here is a NEET, low-skill wagie or, at best, a STEM major with a high school reading level. No one chooses to hone their craft at reading because nobody reads anymore. English majors all end up working at Starbucks.

>hone their craft at reading
I meant hone their craft at writing.

Bubbles is unironically the smartest character on that show.

there's probably some high IQ borderline superhuman tier intelligence anons browsing that never post ever

>run-on sentence. delaberation isn't even a word. stopped reading. hang yourself
>he didn't stop reading after "Teenagers,in"

lahey is more intelligent which you can notice when he's not shitfaced

As a lady once said, "Ain't nobody got time for that". Most want quick bursts of pleasure. This includes dumb, avg, and smart ppl. And I'd ask you to define intellectual conversation. I just want to connect with some people. Learning more about myself by learning about someone else. If you want academic conversation, join academia.

no it's green you retard

Yes. He and Ricky are opposites and Julian is the bridge between them.

Lahey is wiser and stronger, minus the whole alcoholism thing. He was the best officer on the force, the supreme shit vanquisher, you might say. But he's not smarter than Bubbles.

lahey has a pretty good vocabulary in some episodes and appears pretty well read. maybe that just comes with his age though.

julian is actually pretty fucking dumb but his confidence and demeanor make him seem smarter than Ricky. I love in some episodes they show that Ricky and julian are about equal in intelligence which is a nice touch

to pick pockets (legal definition)
infantile mispronunciatons of the letter L
not a word faggot
not a word faggot
not a word faggot
loosen, weaken, overthrow (latin)
vigorous nodding of the head; often caused by nerve disorder
district in the state of salzburg, austria
(not proper usage faggot)
to age; make old (latin)
name; give a name to

interesting words dweebus

meta shitposter

Reading this thread killed my brain cells and gave me cancer.

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3 hours with a thesaurus, and all you have to show for it is proof that you spent 3 hours with a thesaurus.
You must be over 18 to post here.

Yeah, Lahey is highly intelligent by any measure, no doubt. He's a statesman/general archetype. Very strategic, calculating, private.

I like the way Julian and Ricky play off each other too, and how the gang even relies on Ricky to get them out of trouble in quite a few episodes. Julian is the perfect example of someone trying to fight their nature while Ricky just doesn't give a fuck at the end of the day and eats pepperoni.

Cocks of pepperoni lol. Good show

Posted this on here the other day, and some user said it shows I have a high IQ. I'm no genius by any means, but the compliment gave me a little confidence boost anyways.

me think you stupid nigger

Hate to break to you bud, everybody here he either mediocre or below average intelligence, this is Jow Forums after all.

Iq 150 posters always post short sentences, never long paragraphs

One of the most embarrassing things I have ever read. I actually want to kill whoever made this and then kill myself after.

IQ doesnt matter retard.
I still got into Stanford med school despite having 86 IQ.

All the the intelligent people are on /sci, /lit/ and /his/...

quite the thought goes into every one of my concise and very original shit posts op.