You can only kill one. Who do you choose?

You can only kill one. Who do you choose?
Radical feminists
Superrich 1%
BPD People
Yourself (instant, painless)
Other (must be

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BPD People for sure. The world would become a much better place.

The top 3% of the entire world

>Superrich 1%
Easy choice

selfless answer: black people
selfish answer: myself

Either 19.99% of the population or myself ughhhhh I'm so undecided

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People who have authoritarian/totalitarian beliefs the would would be a much better place

the jews. it would solve a huge amount of problems, including my biggest one.

Virgins above the age of 20. This also kills me

based & ancompilled

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Incels, lol

>Eric would kill the 19.99%
>Dylan would kill himself
the duality of man

Other: Psychopaths/sociopaths

1% super rich of course that would include the worst part of the jews as well
Why kill immigrants or trannys or anyone who takes part in this clown world when you can kill the source as well?

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This is a based idea as well actually

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butthurt poorfag detected

Chads. My market value would skyrocket

I like to imagine myself as a mix of both lmfao I'm diagnosed with sociopathy but I have depression.
If I don't take pills I would top general Cho easily but I choose to not do it because I still have things to do before going to do a mass murder-suicide

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Myself then I don't have to care about the rest

Incels, hands down

myself painful and drawn outtttttttttttttttttttttttt please now

2 birds one stone. Smart man

Anyone who opposes me until that 20% is filled. No one has to know I can only kill


not even difficult

>Stfu and go back to sacrifise your life to make the jews even more strong and evil
you also get useless things for it and we also programmed women to chase man like you hard working "succesful" goyim! Pretty good deal eh?

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all of Jow Forums and the rest of the normalfaggots who somehow found their way to this website

>pick Other
>kill off 13% of the American population """randomly"""
>half of all violent crime stops for good