Why do females want to look like this? It makes them look like a grandma...

Why do females want to look like this? It makes them look like a grandma. Any female that dresses like this is 99% guaranteed to act either edgy or quirky. Stupid looking glasses, stupid looking hair, and stupid looking makeup.

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Its because they are lesbian and wish to signal this to other lesbians.

Most of us dont. There is the girl I two to about anime sometimes that wears a crazy amount of makeup that includes like red eye shadow.

I have no idea. my childhood best friend ended up like this. I think its common for girls that were social outcasts growing up and are desperate for a community - social justice, musical theatre, lgbt etc are the easiest to get into

Your grandma has My Hero Academia hair?

Yeah I think this plays a big role in it. Girls who naturally sink to the bottom of the female pecking order think they'll have better luck if they join the freak community that is LQBTQIABDSM+++. Problem is that the rules here are like bizarro world so instead of rising to the top of the pecking order by being attractive and taking care of yourself, you get points for making yourself more freakish and sickly.

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It seems like a current fashion trend among asian girls and I hate it

my uni is predominately female (about 4 to 1 woman to man ration) and I've never seen this kind of girl or many girls wearing copious amounts of makeup, I've only seen about three girls with dyed hair, and honestly, the closest to the op pic I've seen was a couple of fags; so I ask, where the fuck do robots get this idea that all young women cake themselves in makeup and dress like arthoes?

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Heaven forbid others make fashion decisions without consulting you first. We should make a law decreeing that all women have to comply with your specific tastes.

Made me giggle tbqh lul

Back to r*ddit f@gasaurus

Heaven forbid I find certain styles unattractive and voice my opinion on a bhutanese mahjong playing forum. Sorry for toasting your roast

I knew a girl who ended up like this. Its been years and she still looks like this. Most of the people she interacts with are like this. Glad hat I got kicked out of art school so I did not have to deal with her kind.

I don't like men with tattoos, piercings, weird haircuts or wire rimmed glasses but I don't get frustrated at the ones I see. What is with males and their entitlement to the bodies of complete strangers? The misogyny is so innate, fascinating

I would buy this anyone in the thread had been talking about aesthetic preferences, but most are using the language of either moral condemnation or blanket hatred. It's totally reasonable to not like a style, it's kind of insane to hate someone as a person for wearing that style.

While you're larping if there's any toasty roasties that feel this way the correct answer is you're allowed to dislike men's bodies just as much as we're allowed to dislike yours. Don't get mad when we do something you think you're "too good" for

When certain groups with certain ideologies gravitate towards certain styles, you can't help but associate them together. It's why memes like problem glasses and warning hair exist

>well you have permission to be shitty as well!
What a funny response

Imagine tone policing anons on Jow Forums
What a boring and empty existence you must have to be here on a friday night. I bet you're an emcel lmao

>When certain groups with certain ideologies gravitate towards certain styles, you can't help but associate them together. It's why memes like problem glasses and warning hair exist

No, they exist because people here are too stupid to understand the distinction between looking a certain way and believing certain things. I blame the fact that they only ever experience most people second-hand, through memes and hate threads. In fact, most people here only hate "certain" ideologies because memes told them to do it. It's a problem that's epidemic on the internet right now.

What are you talking about? I meant exactly what I typed I thought that was a funny response. I don't care about your tone

I like how you say
>Problem is that the rules here are like bizarro being attractive and taking care of yourself doesn't pay off, only being a freak
As if that's not the point. They're at the bottom of the pecking order, clearly they're shit at doing what gets you somewhere with normal people, of course they would instead make being a freak pay off
Think about it, by everyone romanticizing being a disgusting freak to the point where they try to become more of a freak that means that they can imagine themselves as having others how accept them. This is clearly bullshit, they're all either autistic or manipulative, but they can fool each other and in turn they themselves get fooled, which benefits the group

They fucking wish. Boy would that make things trendy and easy. Maybe until they graduate university. The only thing bitches like this want is a big masc black metal guy to tell her he likes her regardless of every nauseating aesthetic they hold. I dont get the appeal whatsoever. Why make yourself a disgusting hairy roastie when you can just admit you want someone to accept you? Its literally self sabotage.

Lesbians dont have to signal to others with round glasses and a big green fucking bush on their heads. They just go on tinder. This is an effort to make themselves as repulsive as possible to men and thus as Cool and In with The Oppressed

Grow up. Everyone is laughing at you in your real life and they wish youd grow out of this autistic phase. You dont belong here.

>autistic phase
>doesn't belong here

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Most of the time they are just trying weird/edgy shit to look more like a cartoon character. They're mostly art hoes who do this, who have no clue that things that look good on cartoon characters don't look good in 3D. You don't see people out of high school or art school doing this shit, so it's mostly an under 25 problem.

Did you read my tarot cards or what? It's amazing how much you think you know about someone you've never met. Go on, tell me about myself as seen through your magic retard eyes.

Arthoes are cute and anyone who disagrees is a cuck who should kill themselves.

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>Tarot Cards

OP is right, roastie. Go back to tumblr.

I'm sure if you keep saying that, people will be returning to tumblr and reddit in droves any day now. There's no chance at all that people are laughing at you and this kind of thing further encourages them to post.

>guaranteed to act either edgy or quirky
Let us not forget that it's a loaded gun and if you don't act as their echo chamber has told them you should, you'll get a scolding from their "women studies" until you want to rip your ears off

My cousin is kinda a knock off art hoe. She wears a lot of vintage stuff/thrifts a lot, but i think that's only because that side of her family can't afford new shit all the time, has short hair (although not OP's pic short)), wears artsy glasses, but doesn't wear makeup and doesn't have any interest in art school, despite being good at art. She's super autistic but at least she has huge tits

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this sort of girl is usually a huge slut. We're talking 2019 liberated post-feminist levels of cock taking.

What exactly constitutes not "acting as their echo chamber?" I'm having a hard time imagining someone irl giving a long lecture to someone for just about any reason. If you need the lecture, you're probably not going to be friends anyway.

Post her pics you fucking mongoloid.

she doesn't have a phone or anything so i don't have any pics of her, sorry, plus she lives all the way across the fucking world

Seriously how did you even find this place I cant fathom this not being bait

You not existing
If you as much as sneeze into your arm it could set them off, they've been gathering hate all day and you just so happens to be at the wrong place and the wrong time and tip the scale and they'll go on a tagent how you're oppressing her because she could hear you sneeze into your arm
There were never any concept of friendship here, just a bottled up hate machine

Short hair means they don't want to breed.

they don't. they just want to complain about womyn and have a reason to blindly believe it because they never go outside.