Real Love is rare

Love is ordinarily not love, it is lust. Lust is bound to feel hurt because to desire somebody as an object is to offend. It is an insult, it is violent. When you move with lust toward somebody, how long can you pretend it is love? Something which is superficial will look like love, but scratch a little bit and hidden behind it is sheer lust. Lust is animalistic. To look at anybody with lust is to insult, humiliate, is to reduce the other person to a thing, to a commodity. No person ever likes to be used; that's the ugliest thing you can do to anybody. No person is a commodity; no person is a means toward any end.

This is the difference between lust and love. Lust uses the other person to fulfill some of your desires. The other is only used, and when the use is complete you can throw the other person away. It has no more use to you; its function is fulfilled. This is the greatest immoral act in existence: using the other as a means.

Love is just the opposite: it is respecting the other as an end unto himself or herself. Had you loved anybody as an end unto himself, then there would have been no feeling of hurt; you would have become more enriched through it. Love makes everybody rich.

Secondly, love can only be true if there is no ego hiding behind it; otherwise love becomes only an ego trip. It is a subtle way to dominate. One has to be very conscious because this desire to dominate is very deep rooted. It never comes naked; it always comes hidden behind beautiful garments, ornaments.

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No such thing as love. Fairy tale concept to make you buy and spend more. Lust is the closest thing to "love", but keep telling yourself all this Disney bs and maybe one day it'll be true.

I could never love someone eating a burrito in bed. Plus, you'd have trouble swallowing it!

the kind of autistic shit you could only come up with from spending all your life on the internet, in real life most people are fat and unattractive and don't exactly inspire lust in the first place and after about 6 months most people aren't that sexually attracted to their partner anymore even if they're a super model from getting to fuck them regularly

also an autistic thing you'd only come up with from spending all your life on the internet, love is just another emotion like any other, I could make you feel it by injecting you with oxytocin

you sound bitter. I know real love doesn't exist. Its all lust. Its sad. Also disney movies have attractive characters

You are simply looking for excuses for a love that you will not accept.
So you try to give it other names and denigrate it, since denying someone who loves you would make you feel like you are a bad person.

Split hairs all you want, but you know what I say is true.

Triggered feminists btfo

you're also spouting off a fairy tale: a nihilistic one, but still, just as utterly baseless

i can at least recall one instance of love being true: they married super quick, and he was utterly devoted to her, until she finally died of cancer.

but yeah, obviously love just has to do with spending money. grow up, robot.

No one mentioned feminism, who's triggered here?

im faggot that can't get laid aka incel

Facts before feelings libtard.

water is wet... see now i told you something everybody knows too

The guy was a desperate wimp and the girl had no options. But yeah its love or whatever.

again, no one brought up feminism, and you threw a shit-fit anyways. you do have a point: facts should come before feelings. what have you been prioritizing?

My nigga

Libtard absolutely unequivocally btfod to next galaxy

yeah, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night

ah; you should have just said you were retarded

Love isn't real. Women are incapable of loving men. The only love you will ever receive in this shitty world if from your parents (maybe not always the case). Not even your best buddies love you. Everyone just wants you for something.

Uno reverse on your ass. Now who's retarded.
Like a baby. You're an insomniac by comparison, I feel pity for you.

you call me a nigga and a triggered feminist?

Tfw you will never have this.. feels bad man

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That nigga who be a triggered feminist

In my experience in life, Love isn't real.

Parents never say that their children are their possessions; they never say that they want to dominate the children, but that's actually what they do. They say they want to help, they say they want them to be intelligent, to be healthy, to be blissful, but - and that "but" is a great but - it has to be according to their ideas. Even their happiness has to be decided by their ideas; they have to be happy according to their expectations. They have to be intelligent, but at the same time obedient too. This is asking for the impossible.

Why should your parents love you? Isn't it all just chemicals tricking them into kindness?

Love has to arise out of lust. If you avoid lust, you will be avoiding the whole possibility of love itself. Love is not lust, true; but love is not without lust - that too is true. Love is higher than lust, yes, but if you destroy lust completely, you destroy the very possibility of the flower arising out of the mud.

Love is the lotus, lust is the mud the lotus arises out of. Remember it; otherwise you will never attain to love. At the most, you can pretend that you have transcended lust. Because without love, nobody can transcend lust - you can repress it. Repressed, it becomes more poisonous. It spreads into your whole system, it becomes toxic, it destroys you. Lust transformed into love gives you a glow, a radiance. You start feeling light, as if you can fly. You start gaining wings. With lust repressed you become heavy, as if you are carrying a weight, as if a big rock is hanging around your neck. With lust repressed, you lose all opportunities to fly in the sky. With lust transformed into love, you have passed the test of existence. You have been given a raw material to work with, to be creative. Lust is the raw material.

what a surprise the one that is love is the one where the woman has to do nothing

>implying people can fall in love with people they aren't attracted too
>implying love and lust aren't connected
sounds like some one has spent too much time watching Disney movies

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aww, you feel pity? and here i thought you were a emotionless rock wall.

true love will find you in the end

Sleep is important, make sure you go to bed at the same time everyday and take melatonin if you're having trouble drifting off.

True sleep will find you

Looks like all that tv has filled your optimistic virgin brain with a diluted view of human interaction. You're a fucking idiot if you
think the two are separate concepts. Love is the same thing as lust.

>Love is the same thing as lust.
Pajeet wants to fuck your mom

Lust = male + female
Love = male + male





lust is definitely the foundation of modern relationships but its not needed. as this chart shows lust or eros is at the bottom and slightly overlaps with philia which is "brotherly love" or love a a close friend/family member and ludus which is a more general "fun" love like that of love for a favorite show, food item, or fond memory at an amusement park. both men and women experience these loves but at their respective highest tiers men and women's love split as you can see
the problem is women do love men but only in their own way. as shown the highest form of love a woman can feel is pragma, which is as it sounds pragmatic/transactional love. meaning a woman will only love a man as in so far what he does for her. the mans highest love on the other hand is agape, which is sacrificial/protective love. meaning he will give up even his very life for her. the problem is along the way modern society twisted love in the minds of men, not so much into a fairy tale concept as stated but they indoctrinated men into believing that men and women both love as agape in the highest form, when in reality only men do. that leads to men feeling depressed, angry, and distraught when a women "falls out of love" for them. she will only ever see you as a transaction when you can no longer deliver her expectations she stops loving you and moves on. that leaves men thinking women are evil, they aren't they just love you differently, but the state of the gynocentric modern courts dont help when they divorce rape men but even if the courts didnt exist and society at large treated men fairly, that wouldn't change women. once you accept women as they are you lose your anger toward them and even start feeling a bit of pity

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again, you have no cogent point. i appreciate that you have the intelligence to realize this; why else would you utilize a pitiful derail like this?

everyone sleeps, dumbass.

This guy gets it absolutely spot on . almost. It is true women do not love the same as men, and it is true men feel agape. However I would elaborate more by saying pragma is not actually dependent solely on what the man demonstrates he hasbeen capable of, or can provide.

There are many women for example who fall for prison inmates, men who still live with their parents, abusive men. One of the traits all of these (pussy slaying) men have in common, is a disregard for and perhaps even a lack of love for women. Today women are capable of providing for themselves, yet many women continue to fall in love with men who not only neglect them, but can't even provide for themselves. Clearly 'pragma' is not all there is to the picture.

I actually believe that women feel love on the basis of strength and vitality that a man displays, not simply his ability to earn, and that the love women feel is a way of incentivizing them to 'charm' these (seemingly strong and capable) men into servitude.

This would explain the phenomenon of women falling out of love with men who show them too much affection. The moment you love a woman, her love no longer has a purpose as you have already fulfilled it; you have become a servant dedicated to her happiness and survival.

tl;dr women are succubi.

Bepis lmao

is if that fat fucking pig eating the sandwich could ever be "beautiful" lmfao. so sick of these landwhales and the cucks and simps that validate them

I've had a loving wife for 8 years. Don't listen to anyone who thinks they're an expert. It's not simple or easy, but love definitely exists.

fake news

TLDR faggot

As said, a womans love is always conditional. That is the difference between the love a man and woman experience. A man due to his protective nature can experience unconditional love, women on the other hand can't.

I am incapable of feeling love for others. I love nobody. I despise all of you, but only slightly less than the people outside.

If I could sleep without waking up again, I would.

>Love has to arise out of love

Depends what type of 'love' you are talking about otherwise that would mean every parent is a pedophile, every Chad a closet homosexual.

Would your wife still love you if you had an accident and had to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life? What if you got some serious mental disorder like schizophrenia or bipolar? What about losing your arm in an accident?

>eating in bed

get the fuck out of here whore

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>What is Agape
>What is Philia
>What is Storge
>All love is Eros
Based retard

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I've fucked 20 girls and was the biggest redpill proponent of love being bullshit. But no, lads. When you find Her, you'll know, and you'll realize that the boomers telling you it's real were correct all along.