If the eyes are the windows to the soul, does that mean Asians have no soul?
If the eyes are the windows to the soul, does that mean Asians have no soul?
No, it means their souls are closed off to all but those with the heart to peer into them.
Nobody has souls. Souls don't exist
You need the key
You need the white key.
Gingers have no eyes?
this. only those with radiant, porcelain skin carry the light which illuminates the dark, mysterious labyrinth that is the azn qts soul.
stay out of asia you fucking niggers.
>only those with radiant, porcelain skin
So Asians then?
asians and white people. no niggers
Based. Hapa ethnostate when
i dunno but i would like china to create an autonomous hapa region in east asia where we can rise together.
Russia already exists
I'm half-black/half-white and I'll get a qt Asian gf, I swear to God.
Maybe, I like other mulattos more/as much.
>he forgot central Asia exists
stay classy, Jow Forumscels
Based seething chink
>tfw hapa ching chang chong
flat-nosed asian is cute! CUTE!
chink males on suicide watch
Do white males really want to produce sterile hapa children? I think the white race has about 100 years left max because they make themselves go extinct.