Why is it so hard for women to find a good man...

Why is it so hard for women to find a good man? It's easy to get a man but few are worth maintenance because of how subpar men are.

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That depends on what you would consider a good man.

The honest answer is to stop doing the maintenance except for bare minimum hygenic stuff. Then just lower your standards and you'll find someone ok. Plenty of normal guys aren't looking for model tier gfs and just want someone with a good personality that they can love. I'm sure I'm not in the minority when I say I dislike things like makeup and fancy clothes and jewelry


The world is full of shitty people, were all just shuffling around, looking for people who we think are worth the effort.

Perhaps you are aiming too high.

I can confirm

all men are perverts and the weebs are the worst with their anime girls and stuff

Give up. I had some time to think and evaluate and here is an ordered list of male priorities.
>music and tv/movies
>automobiles and/or shoes
>friends & family
>video games
>everything else
This applies to 499 of every 500 males. That means you'd have to sift through around 250 to find a good match, so really just give up.

>tv/movies being a top priority
Pleb tier NPCs confirmed.

how is career, money, hustling or some variation of thereof not in the priority list? I don't mean big fish or anything excessive but most men do try to keep some income coming in, no?

im 24 and single. but i swear to God if you try to get me to watch any jew media its over.

because the good men when MGTOW after the sexual liberation so women are left with players. did you honestly believe good men want STD ridden whores as the mother of their children.

>car shit in 3rd

What kind of guys are you dating for your expectations to be so awful? Jesus christ, woman. Stop dating Chads.

just imagine having to take your baby son to a doctor appointment for his herpes because your wife needed to find herself

Unfortunately you are.
Most guys don't realize what bare minimum maintenance even looks like.

Oh shit I forgot about making money. Probably the least predictable but 95% of the time under cars/trucks/shoes.

Only girl I ever dated was irl tomoko who showered twice a week, never shaved and didn't know how to do makeup. Her only saving grace was that her genetics stopped her from getting fat. I know what girls look like if they don't try and it's not that bad honestly. I'm also lucky to have no sense of smell but I did try to pressure her to take care of her skin and stuff for her own health.

Man here, normally that goes without saying but it seems people in this thread might be women.

You're not in the minority. I dislike makeup too because it's a waste of money, especially considering you often have to buy other things to take it off. I'd enjoy being able to just pull a woman into bed for the night without having to wait for her to wash off make up. it's coincidentally why i stopped wearing contacts.

anyone this list matches are completely shitty people, but especially men.

Although I will give you sex is pretty high, but I'll counter it with sex is a great bonding thing, and we're (men and women) hormonal driven to seek it out to continue the species. Although this poster is correct as well who the hell watches tv or movies nowadays? There are better means of entertainment without paying hollywood to consume their propaganda.

I'm not the best person to explain this as I'm currently a NEET, but I think they mean as an enjoyment. A lot of men may be workaholics, but how much of that is because they don't know what else to do with themselves? I think most people work simply because they need to, to either do something with their time or because needing food and shelter. A lot of people don't actually like working, thus they do it without it being a priority.

>a woman knowing what makes a good man

"All men are pigs. All men but me."

Because most decent guys have a lot of reasons to just give up.

Unfortunately a majority of people don't have genetics stopping them from getting overweight on minimal effort, and an average or worse face doesn't help things.

You're right as I said she was truly blessed. There's girls that are the same but barely eat too so I feel like it's not as uncommon as you'd think. Either way not overeating is good for reasons that don't involve looks anyways so everyone should try not to gain weight. Same with how washing your face/brushing your teeth is good for your health and looks so you should do it anyways. Also while I would have to see a face as an example but desu I prefer average faces compared to "attractive" ones.

The thing is with "overeating" is that the standard amount of food and the standard types of food the average human eats is enough to gain weight on. We're not working fields or doing manual labor as much anymore, especially not women.
If you eat the normal amount, or even under the normal amount by a bit, but don't go to the gym/work out otherwise, you're going to be pudgy at best.

What would you prefer that list to be?

Being a bit pudgy isn't the end of the world. You really seem to overestimate my standards for looks, personality wins out every time. That said calories in calories out is a pretty good estimate and if you're never getting out of the house chances are you don't have a ton of money for food anyways. Or do what a lot of skellies do and legit forget to eat because you're doing other things lol

It's a decent estimate in most cases but if you're eating around 1600-1800 a day, which is still under average by a decent bit, while not doing anything, you're still over your basal metabolic rate assuming you're under 250lb or so (and you're not swole as hell).

I personally only eat 2 meals a day and an 800+ calorie meal is pretty big. You'd be surprised how easy it is if you try to eat mainly protein, avoid sweets and drink water instead of soda. Of course you do you user I'm not gonna judge you and honestly nobody should.

Yeah I personally do one meal a day and usually anywhere from 1000-1200 at most.
I'm doing the whole low carb life. Still not really losing much these days but almost 100lb down overall.
But I'm talking average low maintenance women here.

A pudgy girl who still tries to look good is as good as any.

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I guess I just think it's lower maintenance to not eat as often, really fits the "lazy" lifestyle imo

desu at this point I just want a gf that I can hug and cuddle with and won't hate me, looks are low on my priorities

we would solved this problem by taking womens rights and restoring the patriarchy but you guys are a bunch of pussies. I will not even stop you if you do. not sure why you guys let a weaker gender rule you.

Because everyone these days wants to fuck and chuck, or fell for the "open relationship" meme.

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>It's easy to get a man but few are worth maintenance because of how subpar men are.


where do i find the elusive 1 in 500

Put sex towards the bottom, rearrange some stuff, and that's somewhat accurate for me desu.

Yes. Nike, Air Jordans, maybe New Balance sometimes.
>who watches tv and movies these days
The ones giving the eyes to Game of Thrones and End Game, at the moment. Also John Wick.
The list shouldn't exist.

>The list shouldn't exist.
So you want a man with no priorities?

pretty sure finding a good woman is harder
i haven't met one that makes me stop in my path and play some love song in my head

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you date niggers and spics

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>i mean, i just want a maybe ~decent~ looking guy who's kinda tall, is kind, a little bit above average *down there* *wink*. is that too much to ask for?
>i mean, where have all the good men gone these days? why doesn't males im attracted too find my mental issues and used up roastie attractive?
>being a "fembot" is tough!

k. gl getting pic related out there fembot, it must be rough being you

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hey, don't forget sports! I love my Yanks

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>geez! i just want to find a guy who makes in the LOW 6 figures which isn't much, but im willing to settle
>is it too much to ask for that he's kinda tall, kinda hung, and doesn't make me want to vomit when i look at him?
>JEEZ all these men are just subpar, why doesn't any REAL man want my used loose roastie and my mental issues?
>wow how can men find younger girls attractive just WOW they are all pedophiles! =O

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Want the real answer? Men interested in dating nowadays fall into one of two groups: either hes a desperate beta simp overlord who will do anything just for a whiff of mlady's cooch, then theres Alpha Chad who plays women left and right like a fiddle and is always on the hunt for fresh snatch because he gets offers out the ass. The more balanced men who'd make good partners aren't up to par so they dont get noticed until they get their shit together, and by then most have given up since they realize their dating prospects are terrible. They make the decision that the juice isnt worth the squeeze, and men in the long run can handle being alone, so vidya and masturbation are enough to satisfy them. If they need interaction they have friends who share their interests and just want to have a good time. This is how things are now thanks to feminism and social media so no use in complaining.

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