Letter thread

I find these comfy, so I'll post this while the amerifags are asleep.
Stay comfy and safe everyone.

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skitzo thread

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i am not european ): nor am i a schizo.


Trust me, trust us; we know you will. The tide comes crashing in like steel. It makes your passions taste so stale. Cobwebs turn your insides pale.


hey you,
try the album 'contre-temps' by flavien berger

Dehumanizing me doesn't make what you do any less cruel and disgusting

Dear Elizabeth,

Even though you're kind of used up and a 7/10 at best, I would still like to have you as my girlfriend.

Forever Yours,

dear mum,
dad and i had a long talk about you in the car today and i continued the conversation with b a little while after. while you're hiding away in the coromandel, avoiding reality, life is getting away from you with every bottle of spirits you down. you have a serious problem, and that's the truth. me, dad, b, we all know you're avoiding these blood tests because it's going to very loudly declare you need to stop drinking or you're going to kill yourself. and you know this too.
growing up, i was very angry at you for a very long time. i often felt you had robbed me of a proper childhood and did to me what your parents did to you (and you had sworn you'd never pass on). obviously, what i experienced could never amount to the experiences you went through but that doesn't lessen the damage done. i'm paranoid, i can't do things alone, so socially inadept that i need to be on the verge of passing out to talk to people. i tell myself that being aware of what happened will stop me from repeating it but then i realise that's exactly what you did. i'm scared that it's impossible to break the cycle. it's the leading reason i never want to have kids. it makes me laugh, b came out perfect. beautiful, smart, responsible, sociable, interesting, etc. and we're only biologically related via our father. the reason for our differences is so fucking obvious. dziadek said on his death bed that you were selfish and irresponsible, and you are. you should have never become a mother. you brought me into this world and gave me the f curse haha. you were.. are, so protective of me and i know you have good intentions. but all you've done is hold me back. maybe i'm getting off track here.
you need to get help. you need to get those blood tests done and face the truth. you need to stop drinking and stop being so fucking selfish. get off the couch for once and get a job again. you've run out of money and dad can't pay our bills forever off savings.

i'm thinking of cancelling my trip to poland. the money would be better invested by keeping everything running at home. give us a little longer for you to start doing something instead of spending money you don't have.
you really are an embarrassment. everything you do is selfish and irresponsible. you push the boundaries too much and alienate people. if i could, i would cut you out of my life. but i know that would be the final nail in your coffin. and if i were to, i'd have to abandon dad too and i can't leave him alone with a monster like you.
there is so much more i could write to you. so much more about you that i could critique. but it isn't fair. half of me is made up of your bits and pieces. i'm half as bad as you are. i want to be better than you are but i wake up every morning knowing my predisposed destiny is to end up a failure who fucks up everything given to them, even if on a silver platter.
i've already run out of motivation and reason. i keep telling myself "tomorrow, tomorrow is the day i do it". but i can't. i can't even do that.
i hate you so much but i have to love you because i know it's not you're fault and you've done the best you can given the fucked up things your parents put you through. you're an awful mother but i appreciate everything you do for me, and even if your attempts are failures, i know your intentions were good at heart. i know you can be better. but please, you have to fucking try. i want you to come to my wedding (if ever, hah). i want you to meet your grandchildren. i want you to give me advice about life and everything that i am so scared and unsure of. i want you to get better. please.
lots of love,
your disaster of a daughter

Dear R,

I no longer feel love. I want to be alone. Please leave me alone.

You never let me in so I cant do this anymore. This is what you want.

You are depressed. Take an antidepressant so you will be yourself and accept the love willingly or prepare for your love raping.

I want this to be me. How do I write a letter explaining my love for her?

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lol hopefully no one can read my handwriting

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Thank you for liking me for who I am. I wish you the best


Gotta have standards

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Dear everyone gangstalking me and ever using me,
what is your endgame?

oops *everyone

I'm pretty angry. I accidentally read your text when clicking on it by accident. I wanted it to be on my notifications bar forever. It was funny. Also I found moose tracks again.

*Bludgeons person with hammer*
Ugh, this person never stops screaming. Why won't they quit screaming all the time? Don't they realize they're hurting my ears?

In the same boat, drop a contact?

I hope you know how much you really mean to me. It took a really long time to get to where we are, with a lot of pain and tears and even blood along the way. Each day, I still can't quite believe it. I love you, and I wish I could spend each night in your arms. Maybe someday.

Blood? How?

Both of us self harmed before.

>drop a contact?
[email protected]

Dear Elizabeth,

I miss you a lot. These past few weeks we spent together meant the world to me and I'll never forget them. Don't let the bad things going on in your life affect you. I know you're a good person and you deserve all the happiness in the world. I'm really thankful for everything and I wish you the best in life.


hey guy
i don't know when i started to feel so strongly about you. i think it just happened. i think that's what happens when people fall in love. you're so much older than me. 14 years. you hold a lot of power in a place so i understand how hard it is to trust people. i feel like we connect. i feel like we have so much in common and we could be very great for each other, but so many things make it so impossible for us to be together. i've read that when you're trying to get over someone you should just keep as much distance as possible between you two, but the thing is the power you hold is in a place i care so deeply about. i can't tell you how i feel without sacrificing a place that means absolutely everything to me. i've tried to stop thinking about you. told myself you're just another internet person. you don't come on for days and it makes things easy, but the second i see you i still get this stupid feeling where my heart skips not one, not two, not even three, but almost 100 beats and you're now in every thought i have. i hate how i try to distract myself with people, but the thing is i get so bored of people so easily. i will find new people to talk to, but when i'm bored my thougths just always go back to you. you never bore me. i feel like you give me purpose and i absolutely hate that i don't hate you. i hate that you control my emotions even when i am pushing you out of my head. i hate how i feel so connected to you, but we don't even speak to each other directly. ever. i hate how my emotions formed based off of things i've seen you say to other people and the things you've done. i wish i could just stop caring about you completely. i try so hard to ignore you. to ignore my thoughts about you. to ignore my feelings for you. sometimes i wonder if you feel the same, but expecting some bullshit like that is horrible and i know i shouldn't do it. i wish it were easier. sigh.

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Dear S,

Please fuck off already. I shouldn't be having these problems especially at this age. If it isn't one thing, then it's always another. I'm done. Piss off for good.

Signed, A

>14 years

You fell in love with a literal 30+ boomer who hangs around teenagers on the net? Is this a joke?

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I like the idea of handwriting so I will do it this way too. Dear user,
All I wish was that I could've understood you. ???thing you do makes any sense to me. I could ????? guess that you love me with the way you are acting but a large part of me need to remind itself that's not true. I've been having a lot of fun without you. I really like being alone. I don't think you do. I think you depend on others much more than you let on. I know I told you I ???? but I didn't. You should've know that. I am actually having an amazing week. Another person told me he loves me and that felt really pleasant. I know no one cares about [me] the way [you] do but if someone caring feel like how you've been acting with me, then I don't want anyone to care at all. I genuinely think me letting go of you is part of the process of me getting better. I no longer want someone like you because it's unhealthy. You know that. Sometimes I wonder if you're not self aware at all. You seem to not see the consequences of your own actions. You did something in front of everyone and thought no one would talk about it? How delusional can you be? You thought ???? ? can be cruel to someone on a daily basis and they'd keep it to themselves forever? Didn't it occur to you that anyone would want a second opinion on whether all that is actually for my better good ??? I think. I don't think you are God. I don't think you are always right. My opinion is above yours because it is mine. I will listen to myself first because I am not stupid. I allowed myself to forget I have far more life experience than you do. I'm not always right but I know I am conscious enough to decide what is good or bad for me. You are bad. I don't know why you seem delusional about yourself. Hopefully someone else will nake you realize it is mostly you that's the problem.

No. You do not get to write me letters, wonder how and what I am doing, wish me good fortune and happiness. You should have spoken up when you had the opportunity, but you chose not to. So sod off.

Dear I,
I'll keep posting shits like this till our anniversary
From that day on you'll be gone eternally
I hate you
The worst
Shame it ended , could've been something good but knew your type couldn't handle long-term commitment
Waste of time,

Most people here arent teenagers

i didn't ask to feel this way

>implying it wasn't the zoomer fags who moved in on his turf, and he is just holding on to what used to be his.

Dear D,

I wrote many letters to you already, but I guess you never read them. It doesn't matter, because they are all about the same thing. And that is how sorry I am for all the bad things I've done to you in the past. I was a pathetic piece of shit. I have no excuses. You tolerated me very well, and I thank you for that. I did terrible things but I still loved you. I hope you know that. And it hurts just to think about my past actions, how much pain I caused you. I hope you can forgive me, because I sure as hell can't forgive myself.

And I just wanted to let you know, that you really motivated me to wake up. I was in a terrible place, but after our breakup I realized how cringy I've been before. I managed to get my life on track after that realization. And it was all thanks to you.
And you showed me true happiness even though I was unstable.

I hope you are well. I still miss you sometimes, I guess I'll never be able to forget you and the time we spent together. But at least it's a constant reminder of my mistakes, and thus I can do my best to avoid them in the future.

Wish you all the best,

that was very beautiful. thank you for sharing

it wasn't meant to be, but thank you.

Dear me,
I'm sure you will do this you crazy motherfucker


I have been trying to maintain eye contact longer. Today I looked them in the eye a few seconds longer than usual, like how we practiced. Then I imagined a fly was on my cheek and when I went to shoo it away, it crawled in my mouth and I ate it. I tried to play it off like nothing and continue the conversation, but they were stillstaring at me when I chewed and ate the fly. Oh well.


I admit, that night when I just said crazy shit for like an hour straight, I had downed about a mickey of rum. I don't drink often so I didn't handle it well. And then the next day happened. Maybe some day you'll see I'm not some kind of crazy, demented stalker. When we spoke about our closeness, it wasn't some trick. When I told you about how your personality was what really got me interested, I wasn't lying. There wasn't any fishing, there wasn't a setup, just us two weirdos who have a hard time opening up to others. That mistrust isn't misplaced. I know you've been hurt, and you knew I was unstable as well. At least, over the months and years, I've been able to see and act on what I know holds me back. I'd like to think I'm doing a good job. I just want to tell you about everything that's happened - not depressing, venty stuff, but great things - all of which I want to share with you. Hope you're okay,

I don't know how you do it all the time. I visibly want to cringe when I read what the fuck people are saying to you. I wish there was some way to express that you could give me a blow job in a way that lets you know that I pity you.

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Christ, you're pathetic. Did you feel big writing this?

Hey S,

Everyone else I talked to doesn't really seem to enjoy my company anymore so I've been lonely for a while. I was so happy when you read one of my letters in one of these threads and we started talking again. After we talked for a bit it never really felt like the old times. For some reason it felt kind of forced from your end. I don't even know what you motive is for talking to me again. We were never really close to begin with other than on the surface level, you never really talked to me about any personal matters going on in your life. That still seems to be the case even after we started talking again. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's okay if you don't want to share stuff with me. To be honest after knowing each other for 4 years now I'd expect you to at least trust me enough to share at least some personal stuff with me. I know that 1.5-2 years ago you were having suicidal thoughts. I wanted to talk to you about it to see if I could help you but I knew you'd brush it off since you'd never discuss that type of stuff with me. I guess you got help and support from other people in your life which is good because you seem to be a lot more happy now.

You may be a weirdo but I am not :D

Dearest R,

Hey, I wanted to tell you this little story. True story! I think that you might like this one. I get the feeling from you that you are a bit superstitious and religious, are you not? Yeah I think you will like this.

So I think that I may have at some point told you that the paternal side of my family is Cuban. Did I ever tell you that? I am sure I did. How is that relevant? Well, you see, my paternal side of the family is real deep into Santeria. Ever since I was a small child they have involved me in all of these weird little ceremonies and rituals. I have personally watched them sacrifice chickens and goats. It is good fun! You should try it, if you have not already. Oh, no, wait, you are vegan, right? You would not like to see that sort of thing, huh?

But, anyway. So there is this guy. He is a babalawo (like a Santeria witch doctor). He has been a close friend of my family for decades. He is apparently well-known among certain circles here in Los Angeles. This one actor, his name is Forest Whitaker, this guy goes to the babalawo. The name of the babalawo is Diojenes. You might have met him once.

Well, anyway. So back in January of 2016 I paid this guy $200 to do this little ceremony or ritual or whatever for me. This guy cuts off the head of a rooster right in front me. Crazy shit.

So what that shit was supposed to do was apparently improve my luck. Especially my luck with women. Hey, do you remember Sheena? Do you remember what happened between me and her? Yeah, that shit happened about five months after I went to go see Diojenes. And then I met you a few months after that back in February of 2017. Hey, do you think that what I did may have influenced you in some way?


Personally, I think that Santeria is a bunch of superstitious hogwash. But you, you actually sort of believe in this stuff, do you not? I just wanted to plant this idea in your head and let it fester.

With love,

- R

Dearest R,

Would you like to know something else, R? Back in 2016 this Diojenes guy told me that I have had tres sombras (Spanish for: three shadows). These three shadows have been apparently following me around my entire life, closing windows of opportunity and doors to prevent me from succeeding. He told me that at this point in my life I should have been a very rich and successful person. He told me that for me to get myself out of this hellhole I need to start making a tremendous effort to turn my life around as soon as possible.

About seven months later, I went to see a different babalawo. His name is Rolando. He is the husband of my aunt. I paid this guy $60 to do another little ceremony or ritual thingy or whatever-the-fuck. This guy ended up telling me something different. He told me that I have two people in my life that are screwing me over.

So I paid one guy $200 and another one $60. They each told me different things. Or maybe they told me the same thing but in different ways. Which one do you think was more full of shit? Or were they both full of shit? Or neither?

Hey, right now I have quite a bit of money saved up. I have been thinking of going back to one of these babalawos. Maybe get that same thing done on me that I had done back in 2016.

Have you taken any stimulants lately? I think that you have. If you have taken stimulants lately, then you are in for quite a ride. Let your imagination run wild with the implications that I have just made. The mind is quite a powerful thing, is it not? It is truly quite mystical. I bet that you would agree with me on this.

I am sure that you will be fine. I have already told you that you are a smart gal. A very smart gal. The smartest gal I have ever met. I meant that. I am certain that what I have just told you will have no effect on your psyche whatsoever. You are a very strong-willed person. I can tell that your kind have all sorts of coping mechanisms on how to deal with this.

With love,

- R

Nope, you're defs totes a weirdo : ^)

I love reading your insane ramblings. Godspeed you fucking lunatic.

I sent you that message asking for a chat in a moment of regret and weakness. Don't you think for a moment I actually want anything more do with you. And again you fail to see how you are in the wrong in this situation. You can't weasel your wait out of this, you cheated. And not just that you cheated and you were hoping I would never know and that when your student went home you can just keep things going with me. I don't give two fucks about your interpretation of what intimacy means. You have no right or ground to play the victim here. Get lost!.

Dearest R,

Hey, R. I have a question for you.

First of all: as you already know, back in July of 2016 I paid $700 to have myself officially evaluated by an actual psychologist for all mental disorders and personality disorders. He then wrote for me a psychological evaluation report in which he put down that: I am not schizophrenic, nor do I have any other schizophrenia-like disorder (schizoaffective disorder, schizotypal disorder, schizoid personality disorder), nor do I have any other psychotic disorder, nor am I delusional, nor am I hallucinating, nor am I experiencing confabulations, nor do I experience any other form of psychosis whatsoever. You remember all that stuff, right? You read my PsychEval.

What I wanted to know is why the hell does the psychologist offer that service? Why the hell do people get the PsychEval done? Why the hell would anybody pay $700 for that?

The reason I am asking you this is because I wanted to tell you why I had it done. I had the PsychEval done on me to prove to everybody, once and for all, that I am not crazy.

Do you remember that thing that happened between me and that Sheena chick? I made sure to tell the psychologist that story and tell him that I had considered the possibility that I may have had imagined the whole thing (possibly caused by a mental disorder like schizophrenia). And do you know what he told me? That I most definitely did not imagine it. That Sheena really was leading me on.

So then what happened? Some time later I went to see my psychiatrist. I made sure to give him my PsychEval. He seemed to have bought the thing at first.

Then two months after that I decided to ask the guy what it was that Sheena was up to. He became angry with me and told me that Sheena was not leading me on. That I imagined the whole thing. That I was simply delusional.

Could you imagine my surprise when I realized that I had wasted $700 to get a PsychEval done only to find out that nobody gives a single fuck?

With love,

- R

I am not a good person and you should have figured this out by now. You only see what I want you to see. The crazy runs deep and swiftly but you will never see it. You got close, but I tried to suck it back quickly.

hey you
that album was so emotional, genuinely. i dont know how to describe it--it just felt beautiful. the two longest songs mightve ended up being the best ones with how much of a journey the two felt. thank you for sharing

you should check out 'the golden age' by woodkid. it's very "epic" feeling music (and i dont mean gamer epic). sebastian produced one of the tracks and remixed another which is how i discovered this, and maybe you'll enjoy it too?

what you wrote really was beautiful, even if you did not intend. i always appreciate how from your soul everything you write seems. i cant tell you your business, but please seriously reconsider cancelling your poland trip. we do not deserve to bear the sins of our parents and maintain their lives for them, no matter how much we care. you sounded so excited about poland, and while it sounds a long way away, i cant imagine any other goal being as inspiring as that.

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Were you actually hoping it'd go some other way? Was it just some moment of weakness?

are you two fucking?

it's my current binge album! im really glad to hear you liked it. the second track came up in an artist radio and i fell in love.
i'll try 'the golden age' later today, but knowing you, it's going to be more than epic.
i'm glad that there is something beautiful in what i wrote at least, even if the two are polar opposites. i want to go to poland more than anything but it seems like it's almost a sign. i was beginning to doubt myself before and if i kept working, the money would be better used elsewhere. but we'll see. it's a long while away.

You are going to be hanging limp from a street light you stupid fucking monkey. Every single one of you trannys are as good as dead

no. this is our only form of remaining communication.

Dearest R,

Do you not find it both hilarious and maddening how even though I have already been officially evaluated by an actual psychologist and told that I am (in fact) not crazy, that I still keep getting people insisting that I really am I crazy and that I should seek professional help?

I want you to think about what I have just told you. Think long and hard. Take your time. Let it sink in. Now, are you honestly going to sit there and tell me that this is all perfectly logical?

So on the one hand I have people insisting that I am crazy and that I need to seek professional help. This implies that people take psychology and other fields within the mental health care system seriously. On the other hand I have people repeatedly telling me that they do not give a fuck what the professional opinion of me is. So the laymen seem to think that they know better than the professionals. So why the fuck do people keep telling me to seek professional help when I have already done just that, several times, and nobody gives a fuck? How does that make any fucking sense?

Just the other day I had somebody tell me that I should take my meds. Then when I responded to that person to say that I have been taking my meds, somebody else responded to me just to mock me for even going to psychiatrists in the first place.


You really see nothing wrong with this picture? So you mean to tell me that I should ignore the opinion of a professional that I am not crazy, that I should accept the opinion of a layman that I am indeed crazy, and that I should move along with my life believing that I can no longer trust what I see, hear, think, or feel? You really see nothing wrong with this picture, at all? You expect me to be perfectly fine with this?


Explain this shit to me, R.

With love,

- R

Dear Lady 15 years ago,
Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.

Mr. Uncool

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might hang myself if i was ever unfortunate enough to meet your gremlin ass under a street light. stay in your lane.
i'm always going to love that i've managed to lower your defenses to french music. for someone who supposedly held such high animosity towards baguette walkers, i sure do get a lot of francais album recommendations :^)

again, this is your world and your perspective, and it's up to you how to spend what you earn. but from my perspective, money is best used on your dreams, with everything else being secondary. do as you think is best, but please consider carefully what path you'll take here.

You guys should fix that. You're too cute for this to be all there is.

Dearest R,

This shit is seriously driving me fucking nuts, R. In the process of seeking professional help from the mental health care system, I have somehow managed to bring myself closer to total madness.

On this other forum I had this guy telling me that there is absolutely nothing absurd about the fact that a psychologist was telling me that I am not delusional, while a psychiatrist was telling me that I am delusional. This guy was telling me that I should be perfectly fine with the fact that my psychiatrist decided to stop prescribing Adderall to me because he believed it to be causing delusions, going completely against what the psychologist had written on my PsychEval report that Adderall was causing me no harm and that it has proven itself to be beneficial in my life, and that I am not delusional. This same guy was telling me that psychiatrists are a bunch of fucking morons who do not give a single fuck about their patients, that I should not waste any more of my time and money on them, and that I should go see a psychologist instead.

And then there is my family. So at first I had my family insisting and nagging me for months that I take the antidepressant that a psychiatrist was prescribing to me. The antidepressant ended up making me feel even worse. A few months later I had my family telling me: that nobody forced me to take the antidepressant, that I do not need any medication, that they do not believe that depression is a real illness, and that I should use my own will power to overcome my depression.

You know what else is funny? Back in 2013 I had paid $700 to get an MRI scan done on my brain. Why did I have that done? To find any physical evidence that there was anything going wrong inside of my head, like, say, for example, a brain tumor. You know what they found? Fucking nothing. I am perfectly fine. But my family still insisted that I take my meds.

Seriously, what the fuck, R?

With love,

- R

>larping to yourself that you are talking to someone

Whatever lane you thought you had is none existent you creepy nigger


You're the best thing that's happened to me so far this year. I don't think either of us have to worry about how this summer will play out, for the first time in a while I feel like things will actually be alright.


i've been too easy on them,,, i even drive a french car now. it's not long until i end up like you, loser (:<
right now, i'm going to consider poland as my only option in future and that dealing to stuff with family comes second.
if only it were that easy.

I feel powerless to defend myself

omae wa mou shindeiru (you're already dead)

You must understand
Turn one out of ten,
And let two go,
And with three do the same,
So you are rich.
Lose the four!
Five and Six,
So says the Witch.
Make seven and eight,
That's how it's done:
And nine is one,
And ten is none.
This is the Magic Formula!

explain more plainly please

Are you asking me if I had an erection?
No, it'd just be rude to offer to let someone give me a blowjob out of me pitying them if I already had a boner.
You know, you kids these days just don't know how to treat older ladies and make them feel appreciated. A, would appreciate it on some level and try not to use teeth, okay? Why don't you go back to watching your little animoo rick and mooty shows kid and let the grown ups talk if you're just going to pretend to be indignant about it..

Dearest R,

How good is your memory? Do you happen to have a selective memory? You remind me of my brother. That guy would only remember whatever he wanted to remember, and pretend that everything else never happened. You are kind of like that, huh? I have noticed that whenever I try to remind you of things that you did or said to me, you ignore it or flat out deny that any of it ever happened. You keep calling me a liar. Very funny, R. You are so fucking funny. You are so fucking funny that you make my blood fucking boil. I cannot even sleep or eat or enjoy anything in my life anymore because my blood is fucking boiling, my heart is racing as if it is about to explode, and my thoughts are racing so fast that I think I might have a seizure or stroke.

Dear God,
please save me from this planet of the apes. I can't take it anymore, I don't belong here.

You have shit handwriting, user, but it's hardly a cipher.

Charle Oscar Mike Foxtrot Yankee

Dear J,

Sorry I was an asshole the other day. Truth is I've been trying to figure out whether I like you or hate you, and I think I like you. Hopefully we can be do something together soon.


Oh my dearest, I would not wish for you to suffer a stroke. However if you do, it would not be the worst thing in the world. I have always wanted a cripple girlfriend. If you suffered a stroke and as a result became paralyzed, I would be so happy to be your caretaker. To wipe your ass and feed you home-made soup would be an honour my dear. I will be there to bathe you and dress you in cute clothes while your mind is trapped inside your paralyzed body. Oh how much fun I will have pushing you around in a wheelchair! What adventures are awaiting us? I feel so light on my feet right now as if I am holding onto a bundle of helium balloons ready to float off into the unknown! To the blood coursing through your veins I say boil! Boil and provide me with the cripple girlfriend I've always wanted!


If you get an answer could you send him/her to me next? I would like to be smited. Thx!

You're not going to be smitten soon.

Dear L

I'm not very good at being a GF. Just like last time it's getting slow for me around a month in. And it doesn't help that you go to a different school and that niether of us can drive. But I'll keep this going in case it gets better and hopefully we can see each other more.

good work alex

what is your initial user?

Well damn. Major bummer


Did I do anything wrong?

Depending on who you are, either you ghosted me, don't consider people's feelings, or claimed we weren't friends.


I'm sorry


Obviously, yes and yes. Anymore questions?

Please text me tomorrow

Heya, R. I was just remembering this one time during our second meeting. You were telling me this cute little story about the time that you worked in psychiatric and how there was this patient there that claimed to own a pizza company but nobody believed him. And then it turned out that he really did own a pizza company. Remember how you got annoyed with me because my mind seemed to be elsewhere at the moment and it did not seem as if I was paying attention to you? Yeah, I could tell from the tone in your voice that you were annoyed with me. Then you asked me if I understood what the point of the story was and I sat there for a few seconds trying to process what you had just told me while at the same time trying to process other things that were going on inside of my head at the time. Then you explained to me what the point of the story was.

That was so funny and cute. You looked so damn cute that day. I really wish that you would tell me more cute little stories like that in person, but you would much rather give me this silent treatment and leave me alone here with my own thoughts of loneliness, despair, bitterness, and misery. Are you doing that to make me fall out of love for you? Because, I have to say, that it seems to be working.

But even though I feel myself losing my love for you, there is a certain other emotion that I feel for you that is now stronger than ever.

I seem to have a one-track mind now. All I can think about now is plotting how I am going to repay you for ghosting me for over a year. I have meticulously developed all of these little scenarios in my head, trying to figure out what might go wrong, and what things to avoid doing. I have now developed about twenty scenarios. If one thing goes wrong, I will make sure to adapt.

I think that now is the time for you to start feeling this same emotion for me that I feel for you, because I think that you and I are about to have a lot of fun with each other. Enjoy the ride.

You never claimed my bloodlustful sardonic soul.I never told you I was a veteran of five campaigns and that I wanted you to be the one I finally laid bare my sacred soul.

Thanks so much for trying.

Hey, R. Why the fuck are you still here? It has been over two years since we last saw each other. What the fuck are you hoping to gain from this? What are you looking for? Is your life really so boring that you feel the need to spy on me? I am boring as fuck. How much longer are you going to stay there? This shit is weird and creepy as fuck. Give me some damn privacy. You fucking weirdo.

My Dearest M
Sorry I could not reciprocate your kindness. I messed up because I suck as a person and please know it is not because of you. You are an awesome person even through tough times and deserve much better than what I could ever give. Take care.


Fucked things up with my autism. I'm sorry, I'm not really a person and I should have told you that. Things are going to get worse. I think about you every day.


Depends on how far you are willing to reach me me.I'm a half-human who's killed shit bags and
has a quarter million bucks for all the ordeals.

Hey no wait. That's not me. And that's not her either
I don't want S to fuck off. Why do you think I had her on my notifications bar. Dont die while walking

I dont know why im trying so hard to make this work. I love you and I get hurt back over and over again. You make me feel stupid for caring about you, it hurts that I'm the only one who cares about us. I don't ask much of you but you're the only person I talk to, you're all I have in this world and the feeling of losing you is making me suicidal. I want your love back so fucking bad. What did I do, is it really just because you're busy like you say? I miss you. Please just want me again

busy means talking to somebody else. grow up buddy.

dear a, your smile makes life better. i hope we can be frens.
