Who else here /friendless/

Who else here /friendless/

I just want people to think "man user should come with us that would be great" and text me but nobody has ever even recognized my existence whether i was physically there or not. Life is cruel

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That's because you need to make friends user, they don't just suddenly appear and invite you out you have to chat to people man

>man user should come with us that would be great
Lmao I've been outed throught my life I can't even imagine that happening

I try really hard to do this and for a little bit I thought i was part of a friend group until i realized i was always the one asking people what they were up to. Nobody ever asks me if i want to do shit.

you're probably a massive buzzkill desu

You nees to befriend lonely autists and form a group yourself
I did that and i have great redpilled friends now

I would rather fucking die than hang around autists.

How do I do this? I have a bunch of friends on steam from csgo but none of them want to actually be friends

I used to be years ago and stopped that shit and I usually just stay quiet with the occasional chirp here and there and it felt like people liked me for once but once i stopped asking what people were up to I realized i was never the one being invited anymore

Stop being this fat

Yup. Definitely a buzzkill.

How so? Im genuinely trying to be a better person but even if I say nothing I just ruin everything apparently

People want to hang out with people who are "interesting" and do "fun stuff". Don't ask me what that means.

Whether im interesting isnt really something I can tell about myself, but I do fun stuff (hiking/outdoorsy shit, play an instrument, play games etc). I guess this just means im not very interesting but I dont know how I would change that

In a boat in the same vast ocean user. Eventually even a lonely leaf blowing around lands in a corner somewhere. Another leaf will come and join it eventually. I noticed that when I walk around alone a lot.

i can be your friend
but i live far away

That's pretty deep user. I'm not sure it applies to humans though.

It does fren. Why are we here? ;)

OP here

do want fren

You dont want that. I have niggad trying to get me outside everyday and it won't stop. Just want to live a quiet life with some vidya

okay, but i need to know if you are a virgin first

I haven't had a single friend for 10 years
Beat that pain

i am not a virgin. i hope this is ok

it's not
sorry, we can't be friends

I miss having friends so much. I'm not a lone wolf anymore. I hate this way of life

I miss them all and I wish they didnt have to move away but they did. I need to restart basically at this point

Loneliness destroyed your mind and your ability to trust others.
Why did they have to go

I always thought this was a meme thing that happens in movies etc

People can tell when you're trying too hard and they don't like it. If you like how you are, you just have to force yourself to socialize and through trial and error you'll get friends. If you don't like the way you are, work on correcting behaviors or habits you don't like while still being yourself:) this means stop trying to be a chad or a cool guy or a normie if you're not. Take what you can get and one day you may be happy with your life

I am a 23yo virgin who has been friendless for 10 years

okay do you want a friend?

Sure. How old are you and what country are you from?

22 argentina
fuck the robot

Are you a virgin? How long have you been friendless?
What do you mean fuck the robot?

i'm a kv but i believe i have 1 or 2 friends i see like once every 2 months
fuck the robot because it said my post wasn't original

>i have 1 or 2 friends i see like once every 2 months
How does that work out?

im involuntarily friendless in oregon

i dont have patience like i used to i get bored of people so fast that i ghost within hours

being schizo makes socializing feel like the hardest the hardest thing i put my energy into i just cant do it naturally like i used to anymore

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Schizotypal here. What kind of schizo are you?
Fuck off with the retarded teen "schizoid" meme

i know them since high school, one of them lives in another city, the other one has a life and other friends
they both know that i'm not an outgoing person and spending time together gets boring really fast, some times i just say no when i get invited to do something

schizoaffective i have full blown psychosis with depressive type when my depression is managed with medication nothing seems to get rid of my irritability unless im so medicated up that i cant feel anything

How long have you been friendless?

Everyone i know so fuckin cringe and stupid. I feel like there isnt anyone where i am that fits my interest. majority of the people here dont even know what Jow Forums is. Everyday i always stay inside being unproductive. I want to spend time with people such as going out for a drink or something like that but nobody would want to do that with me

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since like august of last year with time passing it just gets worse and worse i only ever talk to one person now and hes online

my irritability and lack of patience gets in the way of me befriending anyone there isnt an instant click with

i'm interested in this thread

>tfw lost all of my friends when school ended
>their true feelings about me became obvious
>for 6 years I thought we were as close as brothers
>1 year out of school and I essentially never existed as far as they're concerned
I almost wish I had never had any friends to begin with

>my irritability and lack of patience gets in the way of me befriending anyone there isnt an instant click with
That just means you're a spoiled brat. Stop living your life according to your retarded "diagnoses" and start striving to be a good person.

you have clearly never had to deal with childhood trauma where anger is used to cope to make someone feel safe literally everything sets of fun my irritability its part with my depression you know nothing about me and never will i have no urge to live to be a good person i dont even see the point in it because i cant empathize with others and are not interested in them

Sure I have, the only difference is that I'm not a lazy entitled immature piece of shit, so I still do good things regardless.

>have a single honest friend.
>he is an online friend
>I don't want to trouble him too often because I'm worried it might put a strain on our relationship



Start making friends online from vidya and discord just to find out they're autistic/trans/boring/poor and then not being able to do anything with them is worse than not having friends at all. Please trust me friends.

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should have been cooler bro, we're having lots of great times without you

i can be your internet friend

define poor

Since this thread is lookin like a "make some new buddies" thread I'd like to say that I am looking for some bros to play vidya with. I play mostly fighting games, but I also have Halo 2 Vista, Final Fantasy 11, and Phantasy Star Online. The last guy I got to hang out with me started ignoring me after a month so don't bother if you're gonna be a fag like that.
I'm also down to just hang out and talk if we don't have any games in common.

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Cannot afford video games, no job at 21 years old and has 3 pounds on steam to their name poor.

Do you play smash fren?

What's the thoughts on a comfy Internet friends discord. Or putting your discord out on r9k for people to add?

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Nah I don't play Smash, I'm confined to my shitty laptop for games since I don't wanna pay for console stuff anymore.

Eh, better to keep away from servers and just trade contacts.

i'm interested but only if the people there are total losers, real khv robots

Where are you from, my dude? I'd play some fightan with you.

bump for interesting interests

I'm Murican, I'll play with nearly anyone no matter how bad the lag.

nah, i won't play laggy-ass murricans lmao
russian here

I slowly lost my friends over the years due to shitty decision i made.
I didn't mind. I found a rock band guitar while cleaning that made me sad because of all the good times I had with people playing songs and singing and drinking and being social.
Then I wake up back to reality. I'm a 31 year old unemployed father of one. I don't deserve friends. I used to consider my drug dealer a friend until I stopped buying from him.

I have two friends.
One is (probably) autistic and a bit embarrassing to hang out with and I think he's getting sick of me.
My other friend is much more popular than I am and has many other friends. He really only hangs out with me when he has no one else to. He does a really shitty job of hiding this too, like he doesn't care. Same thing probably goes for the other guy, he doesn't have many other people to hang out with. Same with me about him, though.
Still, I made the popular friend laugh a couple times on Friday which was cool. That's what I strive for.
Even though I'm not completely friendless I understand the feels you're feeling. My friends don't really want to be around me unless they have nothing else to do. Neither of them wants to have those moments where they feel like they have no one, so they try to supplement that with me. I'm just there so they don't feel like they're friendless.
I still get that feeling of not being wanted that I imagine you feel OP. In terms of personality and being a fun guy to be around, we're pretty much worthless.

>Father of one
I feel there's more to this story. Care to tell it?

A lot of people like me and want to hang out but I work full time and have a living situation that makes me want to kill myself so I never reach out to hang out with any of them. I've ghosted a lot of nice people and it makes me feel guilty. I have a gf that I barely text. I want to move away and be alone forever.

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More to the story of not having friends? I mean I fucked a few a my friends ex's if that's what you mean. Being a dad was a separate issue as I married my wife like a decade ago and we had a baby girl.. I think the majority of my friends disappeared around 2009 maybe? One of the big ones from high school got a electrical installation job and I never saw him again. Most of the others just disowned me and after I left social media they pretty much only speak to my wife. If at all.

Find friends who are just as spegy and beta as you. Destroy dem expectations and enjoy the ride duddde

Ok OP, we can talk whenever you want to. I'm a normie but I don't have many friends actually, I can sure be a good distance friend and maybe we can can enjoy some chit chat if you are interested

I realized this when I tripped. I'm the guy who ALWAYS calls people asking if they wanna hang out. nobody ever called me. after realizing this I got a little scared so I decided I wouldn't call people and ask them to hang out ever again. and then after a couple weeks someone called me and asked if I wanted to hang out. it's been like 3 months and they still call every week.

Same boat user .

I wish I had somebody to talk too .

I wouldn't mind being your friend. Orginal .