What color eye do I have?

Some say brown, some say hazel, some say green.

What color is it? Am I a nigger?

Attached: 9FE30723-3841-4B1E-8C0F-4988047BCEC7.jpg (231x159, 12K)

it's blue



>Am I a nigger?

go back there

el colorido del goblinos que extingudos la luxos

Eye thread?

Attached: 4094E23D-7A52-4F2A-A62B-12085CEFB888.jpg (745x474, 114K)

I’m not BLaAAAackkkKK FUUCK

negro desalmado

You got the mutt eye color. Pic related.

Attached: NzRiYzRjNTU3MiMvUWdTdUxSTW91TU1qRko0eEU0V3ZRT1BaVTVJPS8weDI0Nzo1OTl4NjI1LzgwMHg0NTAvZmlsdGVyczpmb3Jt (800x450, 42K)

>más blanco que tú muhammad
absolument pas

That is a very rare quadroon. The only reason she is a model is because she is like1 of a million


Higher res

Attached: 51635A26-7E36-415B-BBD2-BAADBE418E69.jpg (1795x1093, 453K)

Mutt eye color would be like a shit brown. Not that.

I'd say amber

>Some say brown, some say hazel, some say green.

you lizard shapeshifter and now you have enemys xD

if you don't have blue eyes you are a sub-human i'm sorry to say

Attached: 1485315249331.png (500x618, 454K)

Am i white desu

Attached: 20180501_173130.jpg (1350x957, 741K)

if you have blue eyes your a eletric ired boot,
slave of inferior God.
sorry to tell the truth, stars clock.

Attached: TRINITY___JANUS1.jpg (960x1280, 271K)

Attached: TRINITY___JANUS2.jpg (960x1280, 367K)


what the hell
she literally looks like the el goblino meme

grey outer rim
and some hazel in the middle

Attached: thousandyardstare.png (414x116, 81K)


What color are mine?

Attached: IMG_20180526_101858.jpg (755x821, 145K)

sputum green


Those are hazel, more so green than brown though
>am I a nigger
Go back there

whiter than me
